Absolutely great game. Really good job with it!!
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Hello Iam looking for a composer for upcoming wonderjam.
Current team members are: 2 programmers and 1 artist. (Iam programmer) We will be making 2D pixel art game, as for the exact type of game, we are still not sure and will be doing brainstorming before Jam starts.
So if you are feeling like joining us Dm me on discord MlekonCz#4233
Day 7
During last 2 days KnowledgeCat247 added second music track, made animation for player attacking, sprites for goblin, slime and spider. And also made animation for spider.
I didnt have time yesterday so I only worked on it today and correctly integrated attacking with attack animation that I have been provided with. Tweaked some numbers to make gameplay feel more natural. Made scriptable object for enemies to make adjusting them easier. Then I added behaviour for slime to make him wander around the map. Tomorrow I plan on working either on spider logic or implementing inheriting of abilities from enemies that killed player.
If you have any ideas about the abilities that could be added for different enemies I will be glad for any suggestions. For now It probably will be that slime will grant double jump and spider will grant wall climbing. But it can still change. Also thanks for reading it till the end.
Day 5
Today KnowledgeCat247 added character and also created Idle animation and running animation. I implemented animationHandler to control animations to make current work and make it easier for implementing new ones later. Then added logic for Attacking and Defending, only waiting for attack and defend animations now. And started on working first enemy (Slime).
Day 1
Me and KnowledgeCat247 have teamed up to create a platformer game where player will get ability from the last enemy that killed him. For example if hero will be killed by a spider he will be able to climb on walls (Just example). Player will then need to use different abilities to complete the level, while the death will change hero's approach.
Day 2
Created character controller for running around and jumping and flipping sprite. Also used new Unity input system so game will be playable with either keyboard or gamepad
Day 4
Today I added spawn point for player, for now when player dies he will revive there and finish to complete level and be teleported to different level. Also added mechanic for climbing on Ladder and some nature hazard (spikes) that will take health from player and knock him back. Tried to add some post processing to make it more eye appealing for now even when It is still in extremely early phase. KnowledgeCat247 did create tile map for ground and started working on character.
Hello, Iam Petr Hampl (21Yo) and Iam from Czech Republic (GMT +1) Iam actively programming in Unity for more than a year now. I also can make some simple 3D models. Also my friend will be participating with me, he will most likely do Audio or art if needed.
As for what game we will be creating. We are still not sure and will see if someone will come up with some interesting idea or until theme will be revealed. Only thing I know is that it will most likely be 3D game as I enjoy making 3D more than 2D.
In this Jam I mainly want to meet more people who are interested in game development so we could help each other out in the future. So we will be glad if you are willing to join us in this game Jam and hopefully we will be able to cooperate in future again.
Also dont worry about your skill level, even if you are a beginner we will gladly welcome you so we can enjoy this jam together. And if you are programmer or composer even though we have those 2 roles "filled" you can still join us.
So if you are willing to join us contact me on discord: FFZ MlekonCz#4233
1. Hi there! What's your name? Want to introduce yourself?
Hello! Iam Petr Hampl and Iam 21yo.
2. Did you participate in the last jam we held? If so, what do you plan on doing better this time? If not, what's your reason for joining?
Yes I did. I am really hoping to meet new people and help others accomplish something.
3. What games are your favorites? Did any of them inspire you, or made you want to make your own?
My favorite game is stellaris and then civilization and heroes of might and magic and now Project zomboid. I want to be able to create in future some nice strategy game. But what inspired me was fun when programming and solving problems and goal to get job in game company in future.
4. Do you have experience with game development? What did you do/with what engine?
I started sometime around november in 2020. As for game engine I use Unity.
5. Tell us about something you're passionate about!
Iam passionate about game development and I recently started 3D modeling as I find it very calmlming when I just want to chill after rough day. And I love trying to help others.
6. What are your goals for this game jam?
My main goal is to meet new people so in future we could help each other out.
7. Any advice to new participants?
As someone said before me in this thread go for small scope dont overestimate what you can make in 2 weeks.
But my main advice would be to join team. Even if you feel like you can make it alone easily it is better to do it in team, because you alone will notice a lot less mistakes than others and most importantly you will meet people who are interested in the same "hobby" as you are. Game development journey is a long road and it is always good to have some people you can count on when you will be lost and wont know what to do. It will also help you stay focused on game development if you will know someone you can share your progress with.
I decided that for now Iam going to postpone working on this project as I need to improve my programming knowledge. So for now I will be looking in multiple documentations and various tutorials to get hang of more advanced stuff and later when I will come back to this project I will be able to make more solid foundation so the game will be better.
I hope I will come back to this project soon, so until then have a great time!
Thanks you for your great feedback. I plan to later add function to reset mech construction so you can change added parts if you want to. As you said it would be too annoying to deal with some missclicks or user errors .
Also Iam sorry I forgot to add it to text window in the beginning to inform about it. But new parts can be bought in computer that is on the desk where customers comes to (with E-key) There you can also upgrade tier of usable parts and repay debt so you can "win" game.
Today Ends Mech II GameJam in which I participated with this game.
For what is new. I added attributes to each part and customers will want robots with specific attributes, for example Big and Safe.
Added unlockable Tier 2 of mech parts. There is also now limit of the game 7days. Until then you have to pay Loan to win the game.
I also tried to fix most of the bugs I found during testing, hopefully there wont be much left.
This is link for the game to download: https://itch.io/jam/mechjam2/rate/1225242
It is only prototype, as I said I will be working on this game even after gameJam so expect updates in future. In the next few weeks I will try mostly to refactor code, to make it possible for me to build on top of it. As in the last few days I was just putting randomly code together to make it work to be able to finish it before end of gameJam
Thanks for reading DevLog and enjoy the game.
Today Ends Mech II GameJam in which I participated with this game.
For what is new. I added attributes to each part and customers will want robots with specific attributes, for example Big and Safe.
Added unlockable Tier 2 of mech parts. There is also now limit of the game 7days. Until then you have to pay Loan to win the game.
I also tried to fix most of the bugs I found during testing, hopefully there wont be much left.
This is link for the game to download: https://itch.io/jam/mechjam2/rate/1225242
It is only prototype, as I said I will be working on this game even after gameJam so expect updates in future. In the next few weeks I will try mostly to refactor code, to make it possible for me to build on top of it. As in the last few days I was just putting randomly code together to make it work to be able to finish it before end of gameJam.
Also I will stop posting updates for DevLog here. So if you are interested in dev log I will be updating it here: https://itch.io/t/1661123/mecha-mechanic#post-4654970
Also big thanks for reading my DevLog and enjoy the game. And I wish luck to everyone who participated in this GameJam!
We got a new member to our team. Voxel light studios he is working on music for game. And we also decided on new name for game Mecha Mechanic.
For changes: Fixed more bugs that were bugging me. Added currency. Time and day/night cycle. Customers now pay for mechs.
Then added computer where player can buy new parts for mech. Customers now spawn randomly. Then added new skybox and few textures.
Next I plan to work on something to obstruct player like. Time limits payments for rent and stuff like that.
Next update will be in 3/4 days as next few days I wont have much time.
Also I added new video with changes, so go and take a loot:
And big thanks for reading DevLog.
We got a new member to our team. Voxel light studios he is working on music for game. And we also decided on new name for game Mecha Mechanic.
For changes: Fixed more bugs that were bugging me. Added currency. Time and day/night cycle. Customers now pay for mechs.
Then added computer where player can buy new parts for mech. Customers now spawn randomly. Then added new skybox and few textures.
Next I plan to work on something to obstruct player like. Time limits payments for rent and stuff like that.
Next update will be in 3/4 days as next few days I wont have much time.
Also I added new video with changes, so go and take a loot:
And big thanks for reading DevLog.
Thanks! Those new parts are still from same pack as those before. She now has a lot work on hand (IRL) so I hope she will have time to create some props later.
There will definitely be something to spice it up now it is just core.
Time limits for offers and industrial accidents sounds great definitely will use apply it later.
There will be later added mechanic to specify parameters of parts and you will have to match taste of customer else "reputation" will decrease and wont get that much money. And automatization will be added in lot later future as it would take too much time to implement.
Thank you very much for comment and for ideas.
After those 2 days. I mainly focused on refactoring MechFrame Pickables and Interaction. Fixed a lot of bugs in MechFrame, And overdid almost whole Interaction method.
Now Mech Parts doesnt snap to the cursor but instead just follow it, thanks to it it feels a lot better. Then added some more parts for the mech so there are more types of mech that could me created.
Then Added cursor types so player can now see where he is aiming and when he can install part into MechFrame.
Offer window where is description of what mech customer wants and if message will pop up if you try to sell uncomplete mech.
I uploaded small video of update so you can see yourself.
Also updates will be always after 2 or 3 days, so there is some more content to see.
And Thank you for reading and if you have anything to ask or recommend then I will be only happy.
After those 2 days. I mainly focused on refactoring MechFrame Pickables and Interaction. Fixed a lot of bugs in MechFrame, And overdid almost whole Interaction method.
Now Mech Parts doesnt snap to the cursor but instead just follow it, thanks to it it feels a lot better. Then added some more parts for the mech so there are more types of mech that could me created.
Then Added cursor types so player can now see where he is aiming and when he can install part into MechFrame.
Offer window where is description of what mech customer wants and if message will pop up if you try to sell uncomplete mech.
I uploaded small video of update so you can see yourself.
Also updates will be always after 2 or 3 days, so there is some more content to see.
And Thank you for reading and if you have anything to ask or recommend then I will be only happy.
Biggest change is that I found a 3D modeller Alex. She will be huge help in the project now she is working on adjusting assets of the mech that I downloaded from asset store and after that she will be creating on new ones.
As for programming part. Today I improved method to add parts of mech in to the frame as it had some problems. Then made basic logic for customer to the counter and wait for player to interact with him and then sell him mech or reject him. And made so the Mech that has been constructed will be "sold".
Also made a small video so you can better see how it now looks.
Biggest change is that I found a 3D modeller Alex. She will be huge help in the project now she is working on adjusting assets of the mech that I downloaded from asset store and after that she will be creating on new ones.
As for programming part. Today I improved method to add parts of mech in to the frame as it had some problems. Then made basic logic for customer to the counter and wait for player to interact with him and then sell him mech or reject him. And made so the Mech that has been constructed will be "sold".
Also made a small video so you can better see how it now looks.
Today was a bit hectic. Had a lot of trouble with refactoring interaction script so we can be adding there more stuff in future without much trouble.
Then worked on part to make items in hand being able to add into the MechFrame. Somehow managed to do it but as it is now we will have trouble with it in future so I will try to improve it later.
Today was a bit hectic. Had a lot of trouble with refactoring interaction script so we can be adding there more stuff in future without much trouble.
Then worked on part to make items in hand being able to add into the MechFrame. Somehow managed to do it but as it is now we will have trouble with it in future so I will try to improve it later.
This is my first DevLog. Iam in MechJam II createing game and decided to try doing DevLog. I have limited game making experience and Iam constantly learning. I have participated in 1 gameJam before and now I want to create a lot better game.
EDIT: Now we are 2 people that are working on this project, Alex has joined team and she is 3D Modeller. Voxel light studios is working on music.
For the first day I came up with a few ideas for the game. And finally settled that I will use theme mech tycoon. In the game the Player will be creating robots for customers to satisfy their needs.
The player will start in small buildings and later will be able to upgrade it and make constructing mech easier and attract more customers to earn more money and create better matches to help his country in dire times.
Today I imported assets for robots. Made scriptable logic for body parts and made them interactable(only Debug.Log).
Also added transparent version of robot and managed to make parts of body to be added on correct places(now only manually within Unity Editor with spawn button).
Tomorrow we will focus on movement and picking parts up and adding them with input to the robot.
PS: Also if anyone will have some advices how to write DevLog better way then I will appreciate it.
Today we imported assets for robots. Made scriptable logic for body parts and made them interactable(only Debug.Log).
Also added transparent version of robot and managed to make parts of body to be added on correct places(now only manually within Unity Editor with spawn button).
Tomorrow we will focus on movement and picking parts up and adding them with input to the robot.
This is my first DevLog. Iam in MechJam II createing game and decided to try doing DevLog. I have limited game making experience and Iam constantly learning. I have participated in 1 gameJam before and now I want to create a lot better game.
EDIT: Now we are 2 people that are working on this project. Iam doing all game programming and Voxel light studios is working on music.
For the first day we came up with a few ideas for the game. And finally settled that we will use theme mech tycoon. In the game the Player will be creating robots for customers to satisfy their needs.
The player will start in small buildings and later will be able to upgrade it and make constructing mech easier and attract more customers to earn more money and create better matches to help his country in dire times.
Game where you keep gating stronger after every run until you become invincible!
Bullet hell, rogue like game with awesome abilities and upgrades
Try it out now!
Dunes of Time
Everytime you die you go back in time keeping your upgrades and money and grow stronger to complete game.
Bullet Game
Rogue like