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Mohamed Motaz

A member registered Oct 11, 2020 · View creator page →

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I glad you liked it.

Glad you liked it.

Thanks. by the way think of the game more like a puzzle one where you have to find the pattern you need to follow more than a platformer with fast reactions

Thanks. it's nice to hear that.

Yeah I agree I already regret it just after testing it but I had no better idea and the time was ticking so I kept it.

Thanks that made my day.
I knew it won't have much reviews because it doesn't have a browser version.

Finally some one beat the game 🫡

I am glad you liked it. And don't worry I think I am the only person who finished it.

Sorry to here that.

I don't know if you know that but you can stop the jump by stopping pushing forward button

I am glad you liked it.

Glad you liked it.

I forgot to add pause screen and a timer till it was very late.

(1 edit)

True I just use it to learn algorithms and visualise them as there is no need to make a project and all the setup and I can do that from any device

I wanted to participate with it to be more creative and will be on web instead of a download

I usually use unreal but I am trying to better with game dev by making things without an engine so I am using p5.js web editor it's java script with graphics library that can be used on web and share all the files easily can I share that or I must upload it to Github?


زي الموسيقى و الشخصيات الخ

فيديو الديفلوج

Hallo there that was fun thanks for playing it

Thanks for your feedback i added that slippery movement to add some hardness to the game but i will change it 

thank you ❤️


sorry iam late

The fog is the secret

Thanks dude 😊

game play is good but try to make it lean r/L for the cam not the character

WSAD : to move

E : remove the gravity

F : dash

Space : jump/D jump

Left mouse button : shoot

middle mouse button : Launch rocket 

Right mouse button : Aim