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A member registered Aug 18, 2018

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Make sure to check the size of each weapon. Most weapons take up 2 weapon slots while stronger ones take up 3

I didn't know you could use buildings like that! Having them within your island seems unintended and also a little overpowered? I assumed the top of the island could only be so wide to avoid shield stacking.

I'm sure you've gotten some or all of these suggestions before, but I've thought of a few things I'd really like to see in the game.

  • A softcore mode - I like the perma death style for this game. I think it really fits the theme and makes you try harder to avoid damage and play strategically. But a more "relaxed" game mode might be nice at times. I'm not much a fan of perma death games, so maybe it's just me, but after playing perma death for awhile I just get bored of starting over and whatnot
  • Farther progression - I assume you're already thinking about this one, because as of now the game feels quite short. When I reached the final boss I felt pretty under powered. Perhaps you wanted it to be this way? To Incite a feeling of challenge or fear into the player. Either way, I never got the feeling of owning a "powerful" island. I like to play games up until the point where I feel unstoppable, where I can beat pretty much anything with ease. Even if this was just in an 'after the final boss' free-play mode, I think it would be a satisfying addition. Additionally, when the player chooses a new game, perhaps they could choose between different game lengths (3 portals, 5 portals, 10 portals, etc.) with varying difficulty of final bosses. This could give players a quick game which is challenging with few resources, or a long game where they can heavily customize their island and improve its features.

Hope my suggestions give you some ideas!

Looking through your balances changes for v1.13 I would like to say I'm very happy with them and think they're all very good changes. You managed to fix the issue of feeling like you can't get enough thrust or firepower, while still holding back on the "I put every weapon on my ship and everything gets shot to death immediately." I did manage to beat the game on v1.12, but I am looking forward to playing through again after a few more updates. Once the game gets more fleshed out and polished up I would gladly pay some money to support the development!

When I shift click on a floatron (to replace blocks) It deletes the floatron instead of putting it back in my inventory. I've done this by accident a few times and it's very disheartening especially early in the game. This bug was on v1.12 so I don't know if it persists in your latest update. Thought I should let you know. I think it's a  100% reproduce rate but I can't promise that.

(1 edit)

I believe that adding a weapon cap was honestly the most detrimental thing you could've done. I watched someone play this game on youtube and it looked like a very fun game where I could expand my "ship" and get stronger. He played before weapon caps, and even he was struggling against the AI. My first play through I was lucky enough to get extra floatrons (I didn't realize how lucky I was. My second playthough is unplayable because I only have one and I am so immobile and small that anything is more powerful than me) However, on my first playthrough through the first wormhole I got to a normal enemy that had 6 shield, twice my size, and much stronger blocks. My weapons couldn't get through the shield let alone defend myself against an onslaught of the opponents weapons. I died on this level three times in a row because every enemy was far stronger than me through no fault of my own. I couldn't get more blocks, more weapons, or more defense. Remove the weapon cap. It's the only way for islands to fare against these random enemies.

I was heavily considering paying money for this game, since it looked like a flawless early iteration when I watched it on youtube. However, to download the game and immediately be hard caped on every single aspect I'd want to focus on, there's no enjoyment and I'm extremely disappointed :(