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(1 edit)

I believe that adding a weapon cap was honestly the most detrimental thing you could've done. I watched someone play this game on youtube and it looked like a very fun game where I could expand my "ship" and get stronger. He played before weapon caps, and even he was struggling against the AI. My first play through I was lucky enough to get extra floatrons (I didn't realize how lucky I was. My second playthough is unplayable because I only have one and I am so immobile and small that anything is more powerful than me) However, on my first playthrough through the first wormhole I got to a normal enemy that had 6 shield, twice my size, and much stronger blocks. My weapons couldn't get through the shield let alone defend myself against an onslaught of the opponents weapons. I died on this level three times in a row because every enemy was far stronger than me through no fault of my own. I couldn't get more blocks, more weapons, or more defense. Remove the weapon cap. It's the only way for islands to fare against these random enemies.

I was heavily considering paying money for this game, since it looked like a flawless early iteration when I watched it on youtube. However, to download the game and immediately be hard caped on every single aspect I'd want to focus on, there's no enjoyment and I'm extremely disappointed :(


I see what he was going for when he added the weapon cap, but I agree it made the game MUCH harder. Maybe he could add difficulties with normal being no weapon cap, easy with no weapon cap and boosted stats for you, hard with weapon cap, and insane with weapon cap and boosted enemy stats. Thats my opinion, though im no game developer.

Hey, i have started playing today and i think that the weapon cap adds a lot more to it and makes it more of a challenge making it more rewarding as you win. I usually never die from the bosses as long as i try and dodge his attacks and use mine strategically. Also make sure to look around the map too see the best route for the most loot to proceed with ease.

Thanks man for the feedback! I really appreciate this.

With the floatrons, I am working on balancing it out. I have heard a lot of people saying that they don't have enough so I'm planning a couple of fixes to them so that you will see them more. Firstly, I'm thinking of always putting them in the shop. Secondly, I'm just increasing the chance of getting them. I think that with both of these put together, you will have an easier time getting them.

The weapon cap is something that many people have mixed feelings about. For one, I think that there should be more than one way of defeating an enemy. For example, just firing everything you've got at them one, but I don't want it to be the only way. I'm also still constantly tweaking enemy generation to make them better(easier but less bad).

I am updating this game on a daily basis it seems, so I will probably have another update out within the day. Sorry that you aren't enjoying yourself. If you want, you can join the discord so that you can be involved in what I'm working on and give even more great feedback. Hope to see you there.