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Thank you! Tbh when we realized the bugs in the game it was too late haha

Thank you! glad you had fun :D

I am declaring war on the water droplets!!! 

Very simple game but very addicting, upgrades feels nicely paced and rewarding. Excellent job!

Super cute art style! The game is a bit lacking in mechanics but I feel if you had more time and expanded on this idea , it could be a really fun game!

Lovely pixel art style, very nice aesthetics but I feel like the game got a little bit confusing, not sure what Im supposed to do at a certain point maybe due to the small ingredients icon. I like the ゴゴゴゴon the npc's dialog, very menacing haha!

Nice 2D illustrations! The game play is interesting as the waves itself is the enemy, it feels a bit too simple at the moment but I feel it definitely have potential. Keep it up!

Fun gameplay loop, very well polished! Building and managing resources as the timer goes down definitely forces you to plan ahead. Excellent job!