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A member registered May 21, 2019 · View creator page →

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Cool! I found the secret :)

Glad you liked it! :)

It’ll be ok, some update is coming soon enough

I really enjoyed the Gloogun in Prey, and this does a good job of recapturing the feel of that mechanic. Very cool!

Interesting game. Maybe there's some clunkiness sometimes, but overall it was quite fun!

Has a very cool aesthetic and I found it enjoyable.

Thanks so much! Glad you enjoyed it!

Fun and creative game! I like it

Well made! I thought maybe some of the jumps were a bit unforgiving, especially considering how the checkpoints are sometimes a bit too far back. But regardless, I thought it did a great job of translating 2D game mechanics to 3D!

Cool game! Enjoyed my time with it, even though I didn’t beat it...

Thanks! I did have fun making it!

Thanks for commenting! Unfortunately I noticed that the sound was too loud just a bit too late, as I usually have my volume turned down. I thought Worm Pass was neat as well. :)

Really cool game! I thought the level design and how you use the mechanic was really good.
My only criticism would be that the jumping doesn't feel that good, I think the short jumps are slightly too short.
With that aside, I think this game almost uses the capture mechanic better than Odyssey in some respects.

Thanks so much! It was quite fun to make.