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A member registered Jun 10, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hi! Yes, this extension is meant to be used for testing & using normal maps. You can generate Normal Maps using the Normal Toolkit: 

Hey, thank you, and good luck with your project! 

I did a little more digging and found this video. It seems like they built the whole game as a 3d environment and placed everything precisely to make it look just right when looked at from the front through an orthographic camera :o

Hi, while I haven't played Eastward, looking at a few trailers I don't think the game uses Normal Maps. You may be able to achieve a similar look using just 2D lighting, there are plenty of tutorials for that, but one I used in the past was this tutorial by Brackeys for Unity. It essentially boils down to making the scene dark by default and only adding color where there is light, depending on the intensity and color of the light itself.

Normal Maps are not required for lighting in 2D, but if you want your textures to be affected by light based on its direction, you need normal maps. There is another Unity tutorial by Brackeys that goes into normal maps. 

If you do want to use Normal Maps, you can try out my Normal Shading extension. It adds basic lighting to Aseprite and allows you to get an idea of what your texture will look like with a normal map applied :) 

Well that's probably where the issue comes from. 1.3 adds alot of features to the aseprite api and I've potentially used some of them. I will look into this asap. 

I personally never had any issues with the 1.3 beta, so if you don't rely on plugins only compatible with 1.2.4, I'd recommend you give the beta a shot :) 

Thanks for bringing this to my attention!

Hey, are you using the v1.3 beta version of Aseprite?

Hey, thank you for your comment! Regarding your feedback:

1. This was actually already supposed to work but I somehow didn't notice it when releasing the extension. I've uploaded a fix just now

2. This is a feature I haven't even considered yet, thank you for the suggestion. I'm a little busy with other work right now but I'm going to look into this as soon as I can

If you notice any issues with the new version, please let me know :)

Hey, thank you for the kind words!

There is a script by @ruccho on Twitter that can automatically generate normal maps for you

Because said script does not feature any customizability I'm considering working on an advanced normal map creation tool next!