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Georgi Tsaklev "Morwoen"

A member registered Jun 09, 2021 · View creator page →

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Hey, thanks for checking out our game :) Scott is stoked about all the good feedback on the sound and music! (It is on me that we are missing some pieces :D )

Hey, thanks for checking out our game :) I’m glad you liked it!

Hey, thanks for checking out our game and for your feedback! We’re bummed about this bug as well! It only appears on an HTML build and not in the editor so we only saw it after the deadline :D I will release the fixed version once the voting period has finished

Hey, thanks for checking out our game and your kind words :)

To complete the game you need to follow all 4 corrupted roots and cleanse the pools at their ends, you definitely need all 8 followers to achieve that :)

Thanks for the feedback and ideas :)

Haha, we had roombas falling through the floor but never out of the map :D Glad you enjoyed it!

Hey Krel, Thanks for checking out our game. Would you be able to expand on that? What was the problem you were facing? Would love to improve on the game :)

We got a fix for the bug 20m after the submission time :D Appreciate your feedback!