We're about half way through the Jam, with around three and a half weeks left. How are y'all doing?
It's been exciting to see the first several submissions, but there is a lot of time left to get your project in. Does anyone need help, encouragement, or a friendly place to kick around ideas? You're welcome to respond here, or chat folks up on the discord.
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Done and posted - A Pawful of Magic - Mouse Gold
I'll try to get to Another Pawful of Magic after I get some work done on other projects that are eyeing me jealously from my pile of unfinished stuff.
I meant the journaling about what happens during the event. While player actions don't change the weekend's outcome, players have absolute freedom to describe how individual calls play out. There are no rules/mechanics, but there is absolute freedom about what you want to focus on and how it works out.
As I said before, this all comes down to opinions about games, and differences in preference about kinds of games. If you'd rather call it a story telling framework, I won't argue.
You're right that a different game, with more expansive rules, could really dive into how a call works out, relationships with other engineers and/or customers, and ultimately let the player determine how the weekend turns out. That could be an interesting game to play.
I'm glad you enjoyed the game. I'm sorry to hear that it doesn't align with your interpretation of a TTRPG. To each their own, I guess.
I think the player/PC influence is in your response to the individual on-call events, and maybe the final result of the weekend. That's just another opinion though.
In any event, thanks for the feedback and happy gaming!
Giving this a spin tonight after watching a short actual play on youtube. You can read my online journal of the game. (I ended up taking two short sessions to play the full game)
It's an interesting game. Thanks for sharing!