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A member registered May 31, 2017

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Is there a walkthrough for this game? I'd like to know all the secrets for unlocking all the lewd scenes. Furthermore, i'd like information on when i should use my powers and when not to. Dont want to mess something up for using my powers on something/someone too early.

Based on the teaser pics on this site, i want to find out how to unlock the milking scene. I'm assuming its Annie. I met annie and resolved her monster problem. Then worked on the farm for 1 day. But thats as far as i got with her.

Which game is that?

how do we unlock nudity? i read somewhere that we need to raise exhibitionism, but assuming i manage that, what do we click to go nude? Do we just click the clothing she's wearing to take it off? or does a new option in the clothing chest appear right after reaching the proper exhibitionism level?

Also, what's the exhibitionism level needed to reach it?

i was stuck here for a long time. You have to progress the storyline quite a bit. For now, i highly recommend you focus on relationships. I think everyone but Nel was at 100% by the time it opened up. One of Nel's final scenes i think is what opened it up. Just keep talking to the fortune teller to progress.

i think you need to defeat her as Celica (as in dont allow her to make you cum). You can go in wearing Violet, or you can go in wearing bra and panties to give you more turns. I would highly advise going in at level 80, and hit glacie with fire type attacks (i think its fire)

You need to defeat Mimics until you get all the cursed equipment they drop. Then they start dropping lust fruit, which is the ingredient needed for the lust potions.

I had that problem for a very long time. Most of the time i just needed to keep talking to the fortune teller to get advice on someone's relationship. The one i got stuck on was Nel. I had everyone capped out except Nel. The only 2 that were ??? was Glacie and vivi

You need the doll in the toy maker's shop. Level it up to 10.

Celica over here just casually befriending all these ghosts and demons. What if the biggest plot twist of them all would be if almost every resident in that town was a demon in disguise? Well, except the dwarf in the toy shop obviously. Barkeeper? Demon. How else is he getting all his rumors? Mordred? Demon obviously. Misdirection. The count? Demon. Bert? Demon. Edgar? Massive plot twist, demon. Every character. Lucan? Plot twist, his 'human' parent was a demon in disguise. Half Demon Half Elf. Biggest slap to the Elf King's face.

Anyone know where the save file is located at?

did that. nothing happening.

ok, so i finally got Glacie, and there's only one ??? left. I think its Vivi (based on other people's screenshots). I'm not sure what else i need to do now other then work on Glacie's relationship. Anyone know how to meet with Vivi? Or at the very least progress through the story? Actually, what's the last part of the storyline for version 0.65.011? As that's the version i have.

Yes! That's what i had to do. Had to get Glacie to appear and get her logged in my Character event log. Then talk to fortune teller to ask how to improve relationship with Glacie. Which then in turn triggered the hint from the barkeeper to go to the fire temple. I think asking the fortune teller for relationship advice on nel is what triggered the event with Evie and the Maid to run into Glacie.

oh wait, i think i've made progress.. i forgot i saved my game as Celica and Evie was taking the Count's maid to the forsaken keep while she was looking for some fabric. Then Celica got taken over by some living armor. I think this is Glacie. Maybe.

yeah, im not sure what triggers the appearance of mimic chests. Not sure if they only start appearing at certain levels (desert and beyond) or if its based on Celica's level. Right now, my Celica is level 80, but when those mimics first started appearing, i got a game over because they were slightly stronger then the desert level. I didnt have any health potions at the time, so i lost. 2nd battle on, i made sure to have 2 health potions on hand at all time, because Mimics hit hard. But i've been winning all my battles with them since then. So now i have multiple lust fruits.

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i've gone to that fire temple every time i get a new event. The problem is, nothing happens. I saw a comment a while back that i have to progress through the story in order to get the 2nd fire golem to spawn, but the problem is, i dont know what to do to progress the story. The only side quest open is the ghost ship, but i've already given Galiene to the captain, Faylen to the 2nd ghost, and Liam to the 3rd ghost. The problem is, no more ghosts showed up, and the Desert Prince's assistant thanked me for getting rid of the ghost ship. The only thing left unsolved is the Assistant and Liam discussing the absence of the sword, and the assistant saying the ghost captain having the sword in a cave. Which is how i got Liam to get possessed by the 3rd ghost. I guess i can try asking her to give back Liam, but i doubt that'll do any good.

Update: Everyone's relationship status is full, and i have everyone at 100% except Nel (21/22) and Demoness (8/9). I have 2 character events missing, and i'm pretty sure one of them is Glacie. The other i'm guessing is Vivi. Whoever that is. I dont know what else to do. Its also possible that i've reached the end of content based on the version i have, as i dont have patreon. But Fire Golem still isnt appearing, and Barkeeper still has no hints. No point talking to fortune teller, as everyone's status is full.

Nevermind. She took Liam. Apparantly the side quest for the Ghost ship is still going on, but no more ghosts are coming up wanting a body. Im still not getting the 2nd golem to spawn. The last time i got a mission from Bert was to go to the waterway, where i met Elith. I guess the only thing i can do now is to build up the last relationship bar with violet and demoness, and go on a battle date with Selena. Other then that, i have no idea what else to do. The Barkeeper has run dry on quests lately.

Someone said i have to progress the story far enough to get another fire golem to spawn there, but so far, nothing is happening when i go to the temple. The fortune teller tells me i cant do anything for Ceres anymore, the Bartender has no more rumors, and the only thing i can do now is find the next body for this next ghost (the one after Faylen). She said something about a tough person, but i dont know who that would be.

How'd you raise her level limit to 85? Mine is capped out at 80.

you talking about the Lust potions created by the ingredient that you get from Mimics?

Who do i bring for the Captain's 2nd ghost? I already brought Faylen to the first ghost and now that one is happy, but this next ghost wants a tough person, and i dont know who to bring.

would 'disable monster sex' before hand work on glacie for anyone having problems with her?

na, you need to fuse gems with the wallet. Which i explained.

i cant remember what i did, but i think you need nel to initiate it.

generally speaking, the barkeeper and fortune teller are who you need to talk to if you get stumped. Although, there was one point when the barkeeper ran out of advice. I had to rely on the fortune teller.

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Biggest tip of advice i can give you, is get the treasure finder asap. Equip it. Buy the light source thing from one of the shops. I think its the magic shop, i cant remember. Then get the pendant that increases your allure (dont remember where i got it). Wear it when you go to the plaza to get Mordred to talk to you. Then follow him to his place to unlock the fuse ability. He gives you a stone tablet which is for something else unrelated (give to fisherman on docks). Go to the beach (same screen as the docks; which is south of the slimes). Making sure you have the treasure finder equipped, keep battling the jellyfish until you get a silver chest. Which SHOULD be a lantern. 

At the bottom of the battle screen, you'll see the treasure chest icon with a meter next to it. Each time you battle an enemy (and win), the bar on the meter will rise a little. Once it reaches 100%, further battles will turn it to light orange, to orange, to red. The closer it is to red, the more likely a silver or gold chest will appear. Once you get the chest, the treasure chest meter will reset. If you escape from battle, it will also reset. If you leave the area, it will also reset. 

Anyway. Take the lantern and the light source to Mordred's place and fuse them together to get a lamp. Equip it. You should still have the treasure finder equipped. Go to the cave (same screen as the fairy tree and bee forest), and fight rockspitters until a gold chest and silver chest drops. Silver chest has a silver ore. Gold chest has a gold ore. Take the silver and gold ore to the Fuse shop and fuse the silver to the treasure finder, then fuse your newly acquired silver treasure finder with the gold to get gold treasure finder. Equip it. Then start running every stage you can until you get every silver and gold chest. You'll see how many you have left in the bottom right corner of the battle screen. it'll have a number next to them on how many you have left. The stages where you can find wallet upgrades are generally in the silver chests on stages. I want to say one is in the waterfall area (same screen as elf entrance and marshlands) and the desert area (screen south of fairy forest). 

If you get every silver chest from every area, you'll get quite a few empty bottles. i'm up to the snowy area (haven't managed to unlock the battle area yet), and i've already got 7 bottles.

just out of curiosity, was it the one where you teamed up with the blue haired lady hunter to fight in the marsh? or is it the one where you fight the squid disguised as a warden in the prison? The one with the blue haired lady felt random because of the confusion debuff. Drink an anti-confusion potion to prevent that.

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ok, i'm stumped af. Just got through using the time machine for the 2nd part of Nel's past, and now the Barkeeper is telling me there's no new rumors. The lady at the hot springs is still making excuses, and the Glacial Grotto Entrance needs some sort of item. Similar to the item needed to unfreeze the gate. But i dont know how to get the orb out of the gate entrance.

If its added, i would request its given a toggle option for people like me who dont like seeing it.

Anyone know how to progress through the hot springs quest arc? The lady keeps coming up with excuses, and the glacial caves are sealed off. I've gone back to use the dwarf's machine a number of times, so i'm assuming that's a prequisite, but i just cant seem to make any progress in the snowy area.

if you need relationship advice, get the crystal ball (cant remember where i got it), and go to the fortune teller. She gives you advice on where to find treasure as well as relationship advice. There's also the merchant at the ruins who sells relationship boosts too. (the ruins where you find Liam)

take Galiene back to the ghost ship and let her get possessed again. As for the fisherman, use the tablet you got from mordred (the guy who let you fuse items). For the Demoness, i think you gotta let her play with you, as for the ghost, let her use your body. Of all the characters in this game, the ghost (Nel) is the real MVP. She can powerlevel you AND Evie. After a while, you can tell her where to go when she power levels you.

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i just use Galiene. She was doing more damage then Celica was. Celica was max level, and Galiene was like lv 72 or something. Celica was doing like 650 dmg with Light or Wind. But Galiene was doing like 700 damage at like 72 or 73. By the time i got all the chests, Galiene was probably 76 or 77, and she was doing 1200 dmg, while celica was still doing 650 or so. Meanwhile, Evie, who was max level, was doing less damage then Celica. I think those Golems had magic resistance.

I guess i didnt know how lewdness affected battles. I did notice that lust was rising a bit more then usual, but i guess that's because my lewdness has gotten to 44. I'm lv 80 atm, which is apparantly level cap. Despite that, the Golems near the dwarves seem to take too long to take down. I cant seem to find any spells that work well on them. So far the light spell is the only one that doesnt have a disadvantage on them. Every other spell is a disadvantage. I ended up having Nel autobattle it, because she seems to do more damage with Celica's spells then if Celica went alone. But i'd imagine it'd be better to keep lewdness low. Not that it matters, as you can just turn off monster sex, and lust wont be a problem. That and you can make sedatives EASILY to lower your lust level.

Ok, so i managed to clear the ghost ship arc.. sorta. But now Galiene is controlled by the ghost and she's charging me money to recruit her to my party. So how do i get rid of the ghost? I refuse to pay her money. I may be rolling in dough, but i refuse to pay.

give it a fish, which you find from the docks on the beach. There's a fisherman on the docks. If you give the fisherman the tablet you got from mordred, he'll use it as a chair leg.

I have 3 questions:

1: Where do i get the recipe for the Greatest Alchemite?

2: What item do i need to get into the Dwarven Town, and where to get it?

3: How do i clear the Ghost Ship? Galiene, got captured, and i rescued her from the Ghost Ship, but the Barkeeper hint keeps telling me how to get onto the Ghost Ship, so i'm guessing there's more to the Ghost Ship stage that i cant figure out.

I have a request. When suggesting a place for Nel to take your body to grind for you, can we use an option to tell Nel not to mess with our equipped gear? I want to keep the treasure finder equipped, but Nel wont leave it alone. She keeps unequipping it when grinding.

Suggestion: Can we get a SFW option that locks ALL NSFW cut-scenes until we turn it back on? Or at the very least, turn off the random Nel scenes after sleeping. I like to level up or farm materials during the day when family are up and about, so its risky when Nel does her thing each time Celica wakes up.