How about an EasyFlash version ? Also 1mb too (16kb banks instead of 8kb) This will cover users of MiST, MiSTer, TheC64, TheC64 mini, TC64, U64 & U1541II as well as real EasyFlash hardware. Ping me if you need assistance doing this. Find me on discord or
Recent community posts
I found a small bug in SP3.52. It's when you import a sprite set binary (which just so happens to have something in the 64th byte)
Pics and binaries here
A few tiny niggles already. Startup resetting the VIC-II and displaying version number means that the default colours for border and backround are set. Better keep as black to prevent the blue flash.
In game holding F1 to cycle the colours causes the screen to glitch as $DC01 is not checked against being equal to the previous value before changing colour.
Yellow screen means that the score is not visible.

You should pad the CRT (ie unused space) with $FF and not $00.
There is some issue with the keyboard routine..... pressing runstop on the menu and then space will lead to some screen corruption, or even worse alot or even a full crash. I am also not 100% sure that the continuing works correctly, one time when expected to get a gane over i could continue playing and the lives went back to x9 and the 1st digit was corrupted
There are some cosmetic bugs in this. Especially in the intro, you need to wait for the vblank before updating screen or colour ram. Ingame the rising water raster is not stable on PAL and flickers in various locations, probably due to jitter. The worst bug i saw so far is on the 3rd screen, when you try to jump from left to right to the platform with the mummy. You fall down, but never reach the bottom and die. Essentially the game freezer. You cmp $d012 against #$fe that never happens.