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A member registered Nov 11, 2017 · View creator page →

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Confusing game, but great idea and really well implemented! Zhen bang a

Really like the loop-feeling of the gameplay, the slingshot feels great. With a bit more variety it would make a great mobile game!

Insanely clean game, brilliant job on the visuals & music swap feels incredible.

Reeeeaally cute game! Loved the idea, although the game could have done with some more obstacles, just walking straight up/down seems to be the strategy :D 

Reeeeaally cute game! Loved the idea, although the game could have done with some more obstacles, just walking straight up/down seems to be the strategy :D 

Great Game! Loved the sounds especially and the weapon system. Couldn't get past the first level that had enemies unfortunately, think I may have misunderstood what the fire was for...

I think you haven't included the Data file with your .exe, so its not playable :(

really cool looking game! Looks and feels great when you hit the beats. The only issue is I found it very un-intuitive when I was supposed to be pressing the button, could definitely do with a visual indicator somewhere. Nice job!

Awesome game. Awesome concept, awesome screen-shake, even more awesome music. 

Thank you very much! Yeah unfortunately I never accounted for that when my team-mate was building the levels, and ran out of time for fixing it. Thank you very much for playing though!

Awesome! Thanks for playing! :)

Thanks for playing! Yeah unfortunately a few bugs in there, the instructions screen and.... well much of the game were implemented just before midnight haha!

Thank you for playing! :) 

Hey! Really cool game, its so hard! Making a minimal button control game was a good idea with the limitation. Visuals are reeeeeally nice, I really like the pixel art!

Levels 1-6 were designed really nicely and felt really rewarding, they were smooth and really felt like they were designed around the change direction mechanic of the game.

I couldn't beat level 7, the jump and turn mechanic really felt like it was me vs the game controls instead of me vs the game, which was a little infuriating. 

Hey, really cool game, the lighting was a huge plus, that combined with the music made the game really surreal. Really great job!

The use of the button limitation was nice, although I kept forgetting the controls as I played (not much you could have done to improve that though to be honest). 

Very tiny note for improvement: make the music stick around between scenes, the immersion is jarring when you switch and the music restarts. (you can do this with Object.DontDestroyOnLoad in Unity).

Overall really nice!