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A member registered Aug 01, 2020 · View creator page →

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Loved it! I was sad when I beat all the levels. I could have played this all day.

It needs to be made clear that you need to click on the shapes in order to move them in puzzle mode. Also, I don't understand the point of having a cooldown on switching modes when that is the point of the game.  One thing I would like is if the little blob could jump just a little bit higher.

The small alien is so slow. It also took me so long to figure out that the big guy can break walls. I like the concept and the art for the characters, but needs to be refined a bit more. 

Bugs: I fell out of the first level by the big vine to the left of the starting point.

(1 edit)

Hello, thank you for the comment!~
We spent a lot of time trying to get familiar with Lua and Love2D during this so we weren't able to get everything working the way we wanted. The branches and small ledges were intended to be as you described but we ran out of time. 
As for falling through the floor, that is no accident. It is there to basically make you upset. There were supposed to be visual changes on entering a hidden path such as that one, but again, we ran out of time. 

We are unsure why you had to download something else to play the game, but we added the missing file in case anyone else runs into a similar error. We  have since fixed the error preventing you from playing the rest of the game as well. So please go back and enjoy the rest of the game.

Thank you.

I uploaded my project, but when I went to submit it said I have no projects I can submit to the Jam. Poopy.

Welp. Give it a try if you want.