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A member registered May 13, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing! Which browser and OS were you using, so I can try to reproduce the focus issue?

Thanks for playing, watched you live doing it, was funny to watch another person play it :)

D is for an invulnerability power-up, which allows you to overcome these difficult spawns! You might have missed this info on the title screen. However, spawn checking would be even better, good idea!

The speed increases constantly, however the junping over rocks at initial speed needs to tuned to be less punishing, agreed!

Thank you! Jumping over boulders gets another look at, agreed!

(1 edit)

Thanks for the feedback and ideas for improvement! Yeah, my friend artist and I threw it together the last weekend, we kept the scope deliberately small. We already have some ideas for next version, some sort of collectibles on a harder path are definitely on the menu :)

Oh, about the theme: I understood it as a horror theme / setting, not necessarily that the game needs to be in the horror genre. It’s a auto runner in a horror setting. Not very scary though, agreed :)

Thank you for the kind words! Yeah, the boulders are a common issue, gonna increase the leeway. That’s what the power-up is for, to combat these difficult spawns :)

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing! Which OS and browser were you using?

Hey, thanks for the taking a look and the feedback! Yep, controls are very tight with little room for error, which is important later on as speed increases. You can’t crouch while jumping, I think it would help to pre-hold crouch while in the air, so it applies the input once you land. Definitely gonna tinker further with control scheme though so it’s more intuitive, thanks!

Thanks for the kind words! Yeah, definitely, added sounds right now, makes it much more lively :)