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MUGENlink Works

A member registered Oct 30, 2023 · View creator page →

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It will be a separate demo. The differences in the underlying code would be too large to simply update this demo.

According to the current plan, nudity may be present in events that require all hearts in the Ego screen to be unlocked. Also, when the middle heart is unlocked and certain conditions have been met, it may become possible for the player to remove all of Lily's clothes.

Note that plans may always change, but the main intention is that people who like full nudity will encounter it, while people who prefer to not have full nudity will be able to clear the game without encountering it.

We hope to release another public demo by the end of summer 2024.

There is another place where you can end up with a crotch rope: in the first escape sequence in the room with the shadows and the printer. Get caught and  keep choosing the dialogue option of trying to escape. The rope will get removed after completing the escape sequence though.

There are no plans to provide further updates for this demo.
Also, you mention you're playing on the web itself, which is not an officially supported way for playing this game. That might explain why you are experiencing bugs with save files.

To properly run the game, you need to download the file on this itchio page, unzip it (right-click on the file and choose "Extract all..."), and then in the extracted folder you can open "Game.exe".

This game will definitely not work with touch screen since I have overwritten all logic related to controls and menus. Currently a proper Android version is not planned since it would probably greatly increase design and implementation work, but I do note there is a lot of interest. If I have time I might at least try to estimate in more detail how much extra work it will require. 🤔

This is indeed a bug. I will write it down in my list of bugs to fix for future demos. Thanks for reporting! :D

Some people have succeeded in running the game on Android phones by using joiplay. However, this is not officially supported.

You're not really meant to beat it.
However, it can technically still be beaten (although it's extremely hard). There is a short scene where the difficulty increases even further and enemies will keep spawning endlessly until you're captured.

I cannot make any promises right now since plans may always change, but in the future there might be a replayable event that you might like. ;)

Since both items on the right table are gags, it's not possible to use both at the same time.

Have you extracted the zip file? In Windows you can just right-click the zip-file and then choose "Extract All..." to extract the game to a folder.

The music was composed specifically for this game by Arvin. (Twitter: , Youtube:

In the future, unlocking the hearts will unlock events and more escape scenarios. Also, the events that require more hearts are more lewd.

In the pre-alpha demo such events are not yet implemented. It is possible to slightly raise the value, but not enough to fill even the first heart. Events that will raise the value faster are planned for future parts of the game.

Thank you for your support! ^_^

For Patreon backers of the Crimson Moon tier, there are indeed plans to release a special demo early December. As mentioned in the Patreon post, this demo will show the escape sequence "XI: Justice".

We indeed hope to include the other languages besides English as well when we release this escape sequence.

Pressing CTRL opens the menu, which contains the functions of the Ego Terminal.

After acquiring the Ego Terminal (and when you are not in an area with purple gas), you’ll notice that the ‘equip’ and ‘ego’ menus are now selectable. In areas with a save point you will now also be able to adjust the difficulty in the ‘settings’ menu.

(In a later version of the game the menus will look different after acquiring the Ego Terminal to make this clearer.)

There will indeed be other ways to get tied up in the future (the final game will have much more events, restraints, enemies and traps than seen in this pre-alpha demo).

These paths are indeed inaccessible. In the full game they will be accessible by using certain abilities acquired later in the game (basically like the games in the Metroid and Zelda series).

Since the game is still heavily under development, we have not determined the exact stores yet where we will release the game. However, Steam is one of the stores that will be considered.

This is intended. That path has been locked after you escape from the cell. But there’s another path that is now open. ;)

(In the save room there is a hint: an arrow on the floor points to the right)

This room is found by going left before you reach the first purple button.

That store is indeed being considered. When development has progressed far enough, we will gradually announce the stores where we plan to offer the game.

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Correct. The Elite Shadow is extremely hard because you're not supposed to defeat it in the beginning of the demo. Actually, just reaching the Elite Shadow is quite difficult on purpose (and if you managed to reach it, a scene later in the demo will be very slightly different).

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That's unfortunate. My recommendation would be to lower the difficulty to easy.

This is possible in rooms with save points, after acquiring the 'Ego Terminal'. In easy mode, enemies can be defeated with 2 punches or 1 kick (and other subtle adjustments have been made to make the game easier, including changes in enemy placement and less hazards).

(Also note that in the part before the first escape scenario, you are expected to lose.)

A release date of the full version has not been decided yet since there is still a very large amount of work to be done.

Currently, no Korean version is planned, but the game is easily extendible with fan translations. Also, if there is a high demand and sufficient budget for a Korean translation, an official translation might be considered. in the future

Only two cards are available in this demo. (More cards will be available in the full game and possible future demos.)

Since the demo was relatively short, I did not include the map menu yet. But don't worry, this is indeed planned. ^_^

Not yet, but seeing these comments I will look into it! Thank you for your interest. ^_^

You can trigger this in two different places:

- during the first escape sequence, get caught by the shadows in the office room. Keep choosing the option of trying to escape.

- get yourself completely bound in the self-bondage room (except hands) with one rope left over, then try to use the last rope on the table.

This should now be fixed as of version 0.1.2.

Thanks for reporting this!

This seems to be some issue that occurs very rarely (the exact trigger of the issue is still unknown).  I will try to fix it together with some other bugs and release a patch later today.

(1 edit)

Currently investigating this issue, and it seems to be related PCs running a language that is not supported by the game. (So English is definitely fine. Japanese is probably okay as well, but I still need to receive confirmation.)

I will provide a fix as soon as possible.

It should hopefully be fixed now in v0.1.1. By default if language files cannot be found for the language of your PC, English will be displayed.