what an incredibly convoluted way to play go you made here
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daaamn this was wild.
i also am fascinated about this idea of using a game to control another game, took me a while to understand what was going on, but after that i started getting the hang of it. its cool how this makes you look at the space in the other game with a complete new lens, it becomes this second order space of how can i keep the paddle on top, or move it to the middle, coverting the 2d space of the tanks into this kinda rhythm-finding game. very cool
this one is such a beautiful example of having a very simple premise but that really makes both the original game shine and show something completely new. made me notice the sound of the game more than ever before. it also shines the light on how the computer is cheating even in original pong, i have to understand how to convert the visuals of the game into my own movement, the computer doens’t think of that, its completely immune to the plunder. which is really cool. i really love that how as the game progresses, it seems to smooth out the problems, but still you are operating on a vibe of where the ball might be. i would loooove to see this represented auditorily as well, really beautiful work