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Wow what well spent 14min, just wonderfull work!

The end of destruction is just so much, I felt the hairs in my arm start to spike (which always a good sign) probably my fav section, although your consumation was also one of the best interpretation I've hear in the jam, kudos mate! Desolation's middle part caught me a bit of guard, but I really enjoyed it and you manage to bring it down again jus perfectly

I have nothing to say about your mix, just on point one of the best in the jam too, if you ever wanna give some pointers i'm all ears :D

You ended up being my last one, thats what I call (as we say in my homeland) "acabar em grande"!

Great job, take care :3

Cool track! I think you captured the feeling for the painting

Mix and composition were really good, mostly that airy drone really gave it a feeling of desolation, one thing that seemed to be missing a bit was a bigger low end, other than that tops

Great job, take care :3

Hey there, really cool submission

Loved the Consumation and Destruction parts, and the passage itself, felt very alive, think you got the paintings feeling on point

Mix is pretty good and didn't feel midi'sh which is never easy to do!

Great job, take care :3

Thank you so much for taking the time to leave your feedback!

Rude? No, not at all! All feedback is good feedback, I want to grow as much as I can

I have yet to listen to it (ridiculous I know) and honestly now I'm just going to listen after I rated ail the entries (like4/5 last, no biggie) but I know what flute you are talking about, and I agree, was not very happy with the VST sound already when composing, but you know, not much time xD

Take care :3

Thank you so much for taking the time to give your feedback!

I'm very happy to read this, it was a challange I did love and I was  pretty happy overall when I was exporting it and been happier with the feedback

I think track 8 will always be my favorite too even after I revisit the project and properly finish it

Take care :3

Thank you for your feedback! 

 It was trully an effort to get this much done knowing I'd have so little time, I'm really happy the intertwining of the songs and their elements did their job with the story.

Still haven't heard yours as I didn't find a link for a streaming, will go over it tomorrow along side the last 4, I do have quite expectation :D

Take care!

Those chants on are awesome! gives extra soul to it

I really like the composition overall, but I felt the consumation piece to be too little, it is pretty no doubt, but I was expecting more grandeur on it,  I see its incomplete but it shows, didn't feel it so much on destruction (wanted more yes, does it feel incomplete, not really).

Desolation was my favorite, and one of my favorites in the whole jam tbh.

Good job, take care :)

Loved the orchestral / electronic mix, not an easy mix to pull and I think you did it flawlessly, only things I have to say would be, some times the midi'sh, its rare but there are a few horns that give that away and (this is more of a personal opinion) I was not a big fan of the piano timbre you chose

Composition was pretty good, I think you could had given a bit more grandure to the consumation section

Great job, take care :)

Really enjoyed the whole piece, but the mid section Consumation, transition and Destruction were my fav, mostly Destruction I really think it had the intensity that the painting required!

Mix sounds good, and I think you got some pretty cool dynamics.

Also an honorable mention to the begining of the piece, one of the most eerie of the jam (classical style)

Great job, take care :)

I love solo piano pieces, and I think they are really hard to pull off, good job man!

Also saw it was your 1st finished song, you should be proud, I wish I 1st finished song sounded this tight :D

You have some really cool dissonances at work in some sections and you really do bring out some intense parts even with a solo instrument.

Sounds good, maybe just widen it up a bit more 

Good Job, take care :3

Wow, the first 3 sections are just perfect man, the way they intertwine and pass to one another is wonderfull, and specifically the passage from Pastorial to Consumation is de-fuc(piiii)-lisious! Beautiful work!

Regarding the last part, still holds up for sure, but Destruction fill short and because its not super intense in kinda gets mixed too much with desolation, maybe that was what you were going for, but if you go back to the project i'd like to see that part extended before going to Desolation.

Mix is very good, also I forgot to mention above that those reverbed adlibs are just awesome detail!

Awesome job! Take care :3

Hey thre, really cool submission, my favorite song was Desolation, its just a beautiful peace.

I think the execution and composition are pretty pretty good, I have a thing though, I don't know if you noticed the Dynamics you gave to Ouverture, pretty awesome and not easy to achieve, but on the other hand, it made Busy Town and Warmonger feel kinda small in a way, and not dissing on the songs, actually Warmonger is my runner up for fav, loved the song, but I think they needed more dynamism due to the first songs one, unlike Peacefull life and Desolation which should (thematically) have more controlled dynamics. ( i hope I could pass the correct idea)

Pretty awesome, take care :)

Really enjoyed listening to this, although don't know why youtube had your songs list backwards..

Composition is tight, get some really cool vibes, like LOTR and GOT, mostly on Golden Age and War, which i believe were my favs, although I loved Horns of the hunt and how immersive it felt

I like the mix, sometimes I felt instruments fought a bit for space, but nothing too much, and some sections you could feel the plastic/midish sounds, but again nothing too much, few EQ's and Verbs should do the trick

Concept was on point, I can see a "god of war" game rolling with this fo sho!

Great job, take care :3

A bit more complex than I was expecting for an easy mode entry, thanks for that :)

Not within my fav genre spectre but I did enjoy it, mostly the first and 3rd songs

Good mix overall, and a good approach to the theme, but would like some more development, I honestly don't know what picture(s) you inspired on

Good job, take care :3

A liked this very much, and noice guitar playin!

I like the vibe, but I couldn't fit very well with the them, but I'm still glad that you gaves the pleasure to listen to that piece and that the jam inspired you to finish your work.

Sound design felt very fresh and easy to listn, to me personally it was a delight

Good job, take care :3

For sure one of my top 10 picks production wise, amazing job man, if you said you hired an orchestra to record id buy it for sure.

Also enjoyed the composition a lot, mainly the 1st sections of the work, your "intro" to the savage state gave the work something special, and the transition from Pastorial to Consumation is also masterful.

In my opinion I felt that Destruction was a bit underwhelming, I would like to have felt more tension in the piece.

Also a description always helps, since you might just might had something different in mind but if it was I could not reach it without a reference

Great job, take care  :3

Very good tracks, amazing executions, getting this variety of sounds so well balanced and such a sense of atmosphere is not for everyone!

Really liked the compositions overall, loved how you finished the EP, but didn not enjoy to much the beginning, I think it didn't give a faithfull sense of time / tech age in regards to the painting.

Not sure if i like track 2 or 4 the most, but I think 4, it has a kind of mysticism to it!

Good job, take care :)

Great tracks dude!

I'm divided on Teardown and Plan as my favorite.. on one hand I love the intensity and rockyness of Teardown, on the other hand, using the guitar as a drum in the begining of Plan and those really well placed dissonances at the end make it very special!

Compositionwise I just think you could had added a lil counter melody near the end in the piano, but the track still awesome!

Mix is very clear, I didn't feel any of the instruments battling for space and the timbre fits the paitings very well!

Great job,  take care :3

Wow dude that turtle's point of view take on the theme very original, loved it!

Good ompositions overall, felt very dark and dense, bit eerie too, with mention to "they tookour houses" and "they fall",  intense awesomeness!

Mix is great overall, theres an instrument which I cannot identify that kinda hurt my ears in one of the outputs, but lowered a bit the volume and all good!

Good job, take care :3

Nice track, it fits very well with the paiting, really enjoyed the eerieness of it!
I think you could have added a deep horn section doing a counter melody to the strings to really tense and spice things up, but its tense as it is! Loved the ending spicattos!

Mix is a bit overwhelming and loud, had to turn most of my outputs down to be confortable in realation to other songs I heard today.

Great work, take care :3

Wow, amazing sub man! def one of my favorites so far, also in my top 5 most creative approaches on the theme.

As a bass player  its hard for me to pass one a good bassline and I loved the one from Oath of Unbroken Soil, so probably my favorite track, but hard to pick one honestly, they're all very good!

The only thing that didn't sit quite well with me on the first playtrough was the begining of The Marrow (dope af name btw), although "airy" as I think the painting asked for, to me the start of the song felt too intense for what I wanted to hear after Begining of the End

The mix is just great, and I have ot give extra cred for being from different sources and styles in a way, s really big kudos.

Take care :3

Good submission, and best cover no doubt! xD

Its really nice that loopable, I had that in mind but failed :c

I like the composition overall, but that  Weathered Path rythmic section is tops!

Good job, take care :D

Great track!

The VO was a bit strange at the begining but I kinda got into it honestly, and the story itself was great!

I really liked the composition overall, but the passage from Consumation to Distruction felt very week, I don't know if it is just personal taste or if its because the passage from Pastoiral to Consumation was just SO WONDERFUL that my brain did not accept nothing less! xD

Executionwise, pretty tight, really do love the orchestra mix, regarding the voice, in some outputs (one in particular in my case) it seems a bit buried, even a bit hard to hear, I think maybe bringing it more upfront a bit

Great job, take care :)

Thank you for the feedback !

Ye mine too, i believe We are Warriors  feels it really came from the heart :3

Thank you for taking the time to give your feedback! Great that you did that i believe it should be the bezst way to experience it :3

I believe thats my gf fav too

Hey man, thank you for the feedback :D

Well, only one song kinda ends abruptly, so I have to assume I did poopoo when doing the time selection for the renders.. time was of the essence and all but I think I did a bad job organizing the work in this project, its like just one reaper file with the songs, the improvises and all in one, like 40+ tracks (buses incl) and like 2hour file with sometimes 10 min of silence between one track or pseudotrack and another, actually something I have to reflect about

Im very happy to know that you liked Time for Prosperity, due to the intensity of the next two tracks I felt like I may have lacked a bit on it, but its kind of a pretty important track to the story.

Thank you for taking the time to give some feedback :)

We Are Warriors is my favorite too, it was the first one, it probably got more atention.

I'm currently not remembering the guitars in track 4, it may have some dissonanced melodies from the conquered tribes but the InTras'Tes sound is always the same, I will have those points in mind when I listen (still didn't manage to do that xD) and for sure when I revisit the project!

Hey I think youe approach was pretty interesting, took a bit for me to get the feel for those drums but then they fit, favorite section no doubt around 3:40 i believe its destruction, a bit of double bass drum metal style really spices it.

I believe you could work some aspects of the mix, but its nice overall!

Good jog, take care :)

Well im a sucker for piano pieces so its not really fair to other subs xD

Enjoyed the whole song but the destruction section was what really stuck with me, around 5min onward is just purely orgasmic

I'd like to point two things out, one is regarding the pacing of Desolation, i think it should had been slower or slow down a bit more tward the end, didnt really get the right feeling for the painting,m and your descrption does not really indicate that you took a different approach, the other thing is the beggining of Consumation, those early dissonances, I couldnt fit them there, musically they don't sound very good and conceptualy, again there is no real indication of it, so i took it as a composition / playing error.

Piano sounds great!

Great sub, take care :)

Great sub, realy enjoyed the overall composition, I gotta stand out Consumation beggining, actually the whole transition, but that beggining was very epic deserving of a great empire taking root.

Mixing wise this is one of my favorites, very clean, and although its loud its not overwhelming, I think that orchestrations should have a smoother touch to it and I feel a lot of submissions (although with great mixes) overdone a bit on pushing them to unecessary limits, your is just on point (FIVE MINUTES ON LOWW!!) xD

Great job, take care :)

(1 edit)

Your image caught my eye on the first day I came to hear the songs and now again

Just what I expected from it, nice composition overall and nice continuity, although, I don't know how you managed it, but you have one of my most liked songs so far, and one of my most disliked xD (which honestly made me  give you more in the composition because of verstality / creativity)

Would have enjoyed a bigger description, I think the work deserved it

Mixing is very good, one thing, I don't know if just me (maybe i can get a better feel on a second play through) but there seemed to be some inconsistancy with some instruments, I mean, almost everything feels 16-bit'ish game era but there theres like 1 voicing outta there that felt more "real"

Great job, take care :)

I enjoyed the song, I always read the description before or when listening to the song, and I did not feel a painful ending, I did feel I needed to overcome something on that (awesome btw) shift around 1:30, but I don't think something wrong with the composition, actually the initial build up really feels like a new beggining, a birth of a settlement, but comes a bit short on the description.

I also think, although very fitting for the painting, the song feels lost, with no real place, and not only would have loved to hear more tracks but also I think it would have been beneficial to this ones overall feeling.

But I do understand well the hardships of little to no time...

Great job, take care :)

Pretty good! Would like to have seen other painting interpretations since I believe this one is on point

Great sub, take care :)

Really nice sub, I liked  Rebirth the most the take on the painting is good and the finishing arrangement really does get your hopes up, just like a rebirth :)

I think you did a very good job mixing, but there is something in the horn section that sometimes feels to much, and kinda gives that plastic MIDI'sh feeling, and to be clear this is not the whole horn section but 1/2 horns in particular

Great sub, take care :)

Only saw one of the vids because you didnt havce for all the songs, but I really dig that you make those!

I like the composition overall but I got give the shoutout for the dnb/jungle ish touch of destruction, just epic.

Its a refreshing listen for the jam, pretty unique but with your touch, I was looking forward to hearing your work because I knew it would be diferent for this theme.

One thing I think I should point is regarding the listenability, mix is pretty awesome and for whom enjoys ambient music all good, but for people who are not so fond of it it may be hard to pick this up, first songs are pretty long with subtle changes which might turn off some people.

Great job, take care :)

(1 edit)

I like the different approach you took, although I had the pleasure of hearing great orchestra pieces, it comes to a point that even if you love something you need a pause, you just gave me my pause with no need for silence, quite unique!

Composing wise, although I really like the main motif and the song overall (second section prob my fav) I have an issue with some dissonances, I'm not sure if they were on purpose, but I honestly don't think they fit well with the rest of the arrangement.

Good job, take care :)

(1 edit)

Really nice track, I'd see this as a great game trailer!

I enjoyed Pastoral and Consumation a lot, butI felt that itcame a bit short, I mean this in a sense that I liked them so much I'd like to see them explored to greater extents.

I think the mix in good in general, some parts of destruction are a bit overwhelming which should work well if you control some frequencies.

Good job, take care :)

Love the way you conceptualized this, you actually made me think of the organization of my own work, top!
I see it very fiting for an RTS game and I can construct a good narrative, which I always look a bit for in this jam, I'll go back to it for sure.

Loved the choirs ( thank you for leaving it in the description) and the mix in general, some parts did pull a bit of MIDI, but barely, pretty solid imo.

Great sub, take care :D

I think I know what you mean, but I believe that feeling you get on the boss section might be mix related

Awesome!! I went for RTS, and you can't write RTS wihtou AoE xD

Becuase I didn't make the loopables, I feared my focus on telling the story would take that essence away, very happy it didn't <3