Thank you again! :) I'm glad the inspiration shines through. <3
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This is a challenging yet fun RPG with some very cool worldbuilding you encounter along the way. While it took me a playthrough to really get some mechanics, there is enough replayability to venture in for a second, third, fourth...adventure! I enjoyed the bleak mood of this game and although I'm not usually a glutton for punishment, this made me feel like I was accomplished at the end. Highly recommend!
Nothing is more fun than pretending to be a famous play author. The game is effective in giving you the tools to whip up a convincing cast of characters with fitting motives and kickstarting what can turn out to be either an interesting exercise or a fun way to pass the time. I can see myself playing this with friends and then voting on the best play afterwards, too! As a teacher, I also just appreciate the game as a way to playfully learn about the five-act structure. :)
That's a lovely way to frame it and absolutely true - there's still plenty of people who can just get into play but at least as many if not more who need a little help. :) I think your submission is absolutely wonderful and expresses this...childlike wonder of play that we sometimes forget about. I for one will be a dragon next weekend...
These are all very unique and highgly interactive - I especially think "The Goatman" is very creepy and uses the 12-word rule in an interesting way and format that invites the player to "try" again, no matter how inevitable their fate is. "Raze" is brutal, but reversing the prompt is a great idea to make a devastating game!
Who can resist a game that dabbles in tumblr lore AND is, against the funny nature of the original post, extremely terrifying? I adore the loose style of the illustration and the way the instructions flow through the page - it really fits the tone of the game, not too serious but also a little eerie and very recognizable. It just goes to show that good things come out of allowing some "flaws" in your work, at some point they might become your signature. :)
Using what you already have and gifting it a new context within a story, connecting items by giving them a shared history - that's such a lovely concept! Having the story on the jar as a little label would be so cute, people can pick them up and have a look themselves... I think this would also make a very thoughtful gift. Love it <3