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A member registered Sep 09, 2018

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Good concept very poor development. I get this is early so I am going to give basic advice here.

1.) Allow window mode, the game looks horrible when stretched to full screen. Also a huge amount of people prefer playing in windowed.

2.) Don't start with sound at full blast. It's a porn game, no idea why you would do that. Very least ask people their volume choice at the start.

3.) Most important! Skipping dialogue or making it faster is the same button as accepting a choice. So when ever I try to speed up the dialogue it chooses the first option instantly; before I even knew what it was.

most games use CTRL or numbers for dialogue options to prevent this. Proper mouse input would also solve this.

4.) The top choice is the worst choice. Combined with problem #3 this makes the game very unpleasant to play.

5.) Instead of asking the player 100 questions at the start to create a character, ask them only their background.

A fresh player has no idea what the other choices are or how they effect the game, instead ask them those choices at a relevant place in the game itself.

Interesting. I notice it is never mentioned what engine you are using. Is it Ren'Py? Or maybe one of the adventure game engines, maybe something custom made?

You definitely have a direct approach, that is nice; got to work fast. Been spending my fist 15 days just getting my engine ready.

Thanks again.

Because even after googling it I still don't get it?

Sephrit, sorry to bother you again. Is it necessary to make a blog or development notice, or can we just upload it without any when done?

Thanks for clearing it up.

I wonder if there is a general rule page? Like what engines are allowed, what platforms are aimed for and what would be considered cheating.