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A member registered Jan 10, 2021 · View creator page →

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Totally,, omg the nostagliaaa :")

Stoppp, this reminds me so much of anholly by batensan minus the parents.

Thank you for reading TLS and giving feedback TwoFish!

I'm really greatful for your constructive critisism and suggestions, I will make sure to apply the necessary changes to make this a better VN.

I'm glad you enjoyed certain aspects of the novel, your feedback will be taken into consideration and applied. Seeing as I'm still fairly new to the vn stuff I wasn't aware of copyrights and so on (I had gone solo on all of this :) ) thanks a bunch for letting me know, I will also make sure to change that!

Thank you so much <3

Ahhh thank you so much for your feedback HydriaSensus!!

I can see you really put in effort into reading the vn and much is really appreciated! Of course I will go back and make the neccessary changes for it to be as good as possible; applying all the feeback I have received so far. Your explanation and well constructed critisism has helped a lot and I will be taking it to heart.

Thank you for playing TLS and taking the time out of your day to speak about your experience~

Oh thank you very much for taking your time in giving me feedback! 

Oh I wish too that I could incorporate the flowers into the character designs, but I currently cannot produce any sprites myself seeing as it's really hard to draw on a laptop :")

Thank you for letting me know about the confusion, I will make sure to make some changes in the future!

Thanks a bunch Reyna_uwu ~

Thank you for your feedback, it's really appreciated K4ution! 

I've had similar comments made by some friends and tried to work on it more, i'm greatful for your pointing out and explanation! I will go into the story later on and make improved changes :)

Thank you for your time! 

A striking idea that needs to be developed a bit more, some controls don't work as well or need to be adjusted. other than that, the concept and idea are stunning and this is really original

alright, well the vn is temporarily down for some editing but ill put it back up shortly.

also again, your sprites are sooo prettyyyy

They were so pretty, I couldn't resist! I hope I didn't credit you incorrectly, please let me know if I did <3

Heyo, I just used a few of your sprites for my latest VN, and have credited you :)

They're so pretty, thanks a bunch for such lovely creations


also love ur username pff

we reached the full goal and surpassed it just in time! we're getting a chain, roya and hidden route :))

thats because you're supposed to delete the name and type in your preferred name then click enter.


You're so creative!! I admit I was a bit confused at first when i saw puzzle pieces and a black background, but that's actually a great idea! Keep up the good work!


Haha, you sound really passionate about gaming, but I agree, there's no such things as growing up from gaming, its all about balance, lmao

Haha that explains why you're a dog person! And you're very nice about it! :D there are some people that REALLY hate cat people, lol

As for discord....i can't add you lol, i have your username, but i need the # and the numbers that come after it, i provided mine in case you want to send a request \0w0/

we can always email (im afraid we're probably bombarding SweetChiel's notifs? idk) but we can chat here, its fun! :D

lol, i was thinking about how i almost never talk to people irl because im too shy, but when its online, booooy i love to chat~~ Have you ever felt that? Where the introvert gang at? :>

Oh yeah, don't forget to eat and sleep well! That's really important for you to do :)


Aye, I've had this teacher before and we had problems. No one likes him! Litteraly. No. One.

I remember when everyone was having parent teacher conference and my mom was like "Who even likes him?" and 4 people proceeded to say out loud "No one". LMFAO Man, that mf was a perv, there were lots of much....omg.....with...every...damn....student...he....had.... Can't really do the staring thing, both my parents did it the moment they saw his crusty ass face! :D

Man, I understand why you're a dog person! I mean, my cat doesn't like to get a lot of affection (she loves to purr alot around me and sleep on my bed :0) yet, stray cats just LOVE any form of affection OwO there are SO many stray cats here, its like an apocalypse--

But gotta warn you, dogs are a lot oto take care of, wether small or big, big dogs....well, for the high price of scooping up turds and washing piss from furniture, they are soooooo affectionate! dont. i repeat. do. not. choose a german shepard or malinois, those mfs will take your ankles for a chew toy :) buuuuut, their food is quite expensive ngl, and so are their toys and houses and vet....don't get me started, my neighbor threw some poison to my dog yesterday because he barks, the vet....sheesh, those laxatives are- uh- quite smelly.

Man, if you have a discord we can friend each other! You're so fun to talk to! :D here's my, idk what to call it, username? (Sesame_Seed_Novels#4870)

Dayuuum, what a disguise! XD

I don't know their address haha, or else I would have showed up to their house and grilled them in front of their spouse! ;D 

Dang, when I read 'detective' I have absolutely no idea why, but I remembered the Netflix series "Lucifer" LOL, but I unsubcribed to Netflix since...haha....they support israel, and I stan for Palestine! :)


Wha- dump them somewhere?! based on my love for animals, I would have adopted them in a heartbeat! That's unrealistic, haha but I would have left them there and fed them everyday, man, did you get attached? Man, even if my parents had told our workers to dump them some place, they would never, lololol, they feel like that's cruel and they just love animals too much! Gotta make sure we hire people who love animals! I have a dog and a cat, and boooooy, its a handful! :D 

Where the kittens cute?! :D scratch that, of course they were! How did they look?! I just get excited! :0

Aww, thank you! I'm feeling much better now! Turns out that it was started since May 6, but someone was in my email so they sent it to spam for me not to see! :0

Hehe, I'm suddenly a detective~~ I even have an idea as to who it is, since my shaaaady school refuses to investigate! :D 

so much for a "prestigious" school (prestigious my ass, they just love money :/) they don't want to taint their reputation, but hey! At least I'll get to the end of it!! :D ....It's one of my male teachers....

We can definitely chat, I'd be happy to lend you an ear if you're having trouble, or give you advice! I don't have facebook yet, but I have a discord OwO

Man, have stray cats ever been attracted to you? (I- don't know if that sounds...right) This one decided to give birth on my balcony---- !!

Hmm, as for the shoes, since there are several shades of red, it might be hard trying to find the perfect shoes, especially if you're choosing comfort over fashion (don't worry a lot of ppl would too), I'd suggest getting customized ones, it may be overpriced, but it would be worth it, since you would know what you're getting (I'd suggest trying to go a little on the simpler side, in case you want to wear it in the future for an event) 

Anyways, stay safe! Eat well, try to sleep on time~~


(1 edit)

Your comment made me feel better TwT

But I'm scared because random p*ornstars now know where I live, go to school, my full name, who my parents are and some other things--- I even have to cover my camera and man, this took a toll on me because I broke down yesterday, I-- I even found out something suspicious about my school, the fact that they can control my own personal laptop, outside of chrome, I never gave them access...

*sigh* The school doesn't want to admit that there is a fault on their part and are saying that its my fault, because my email is logged into some personal websites (excuuuuuse me, but I don't log into anything but schoolwork with my school email, wtf, haven't they considered my email is....HACKED?!) now my parents are mad at the school and are on their way to schedule a meeting.

its also weird, how the principals are dismissing this and don't want to schedule a meeting, they are refusing.....Weird....huh. I really wanna find this sicko cause now I have pedos emailing me and sending me unsolicited pics.... :(  

thanks for the suggestion, I will definitely watch some funny videos and play videogames :)

edit: a few hours later, my parents got them to give me a new email, hooray! I didn't lose any data, they just wired it to my new acc!


Oooooof, so you're also having a rough week TwT

It's not normal for your laptop to do that, especially since you just bought it, I'm guessing they are selling you second goods :(

Man, something very bad happened to me, someone decided to sign up on a porn website using my school email, and now a lot of random people have my personal information and I'm getting lots of nudes and that stuff from older girls......*sigh* They're going to delete my school email and give me a new one, and there's a lot of info I'm going to lose......and I have this one messed up gosh-- it was all well until yesterday D:

I hope they find that sicko of a classmate that decided to do this and think it was funny, they even know where I live-- sheesh.

I hope you fix your pc and get a new adapter, ones that overheat are at risk of causing a fire :0

We don't want that happening! TwT

Also, how are your wedding preparations going? I hope they are going well, you deserve to have the best wedding! OwO

Don' forget to eat, sleep and relax~~


Thanks! I really needed this TwT


So far, It's SOOOOO good! 

Man,  I was so excited to see the game was released!

It's best for you to get some rest, and don't forget to eat


Honestly.....I'm so glad I came across this!!

I download a lot of romance visual novels, so there aren't much options for me, but then, BAM! I see this! Its long and well developed!

I really enjoyed the storyline and the characters, and so far i got half of the endings, still playing! :D 

Oh, and the art is really beautiful! c:

Anyways, stay safe and don't forget to sleep well! I stayed up for this TwT but it was worth it


They might finish around the end of the year, I'm not sure, but stay tuned for november, they will post an update.

IKR!? If she weren't taking pain meds, i would fear her for being able to withstand all that pain! 0-0

like, ohhhhhh noooo, i ain't messin with her!

Good luck on this game~~

It looks so promising, and i believe this one would be just as good as your previous game! Stay safe, and dont forget to sleep well!


ye, them cramps be hitting different

ive never met someone who had cramps that sever--

(1 edit)

Wow, that's a lot of programming! :) You're doing well~~

I have one question for you (not the boys):

Is this game going to be a paid game? meaning I'll have to purchase it? if it is, ill see if I can beg my mom to let me set up a PayPal acc TwT

The BGM sounds really cool tho, kinda gives me an ominous vibe! 'w'

Darn it, Grammarly is trying to correct my 'see' into 'sees' D:

Stay safe! Don't forget to eat, we need you healthy! TwT


Ahh, yes, Arya and his temper XD that famous temper will never fail to make me laugh!

I'm glad you managed to find a solution to your dispute with your MIL (mother in law), sometimes people gotta make some compromises O-O

Anyways, don't be too nervous, and sleep well! Don't be as sleep-deprived as me, you won't be able to think well! (I suddenly feel sorry for my little insomniac ass XD) And don't skip your meals, we don't want you to get sick TwT now I sound like your mom or something-- wat.

I hope your day is as pleasant as you are~ (wait, don't take that offensively, that was a compliment!)


OOF! I know how painful it is to plan a wedding! T-T I had to help my best friend with hers and was chosen as maid of yeah.....OwO

Plus, it's so easy to lose documents, so I recommend you put them in a colored folder! :D There might be some things i don't understand because I'm Muslim, so the church isn't a thing for me O-O 

I can't believe you still programmed 19 pages! You should be planning your wedding or enjoying your time! :0

Welp! Take care of yourself and make sure to sanitize your surroundings thoroughly! :D


Happy birthday! :D

I'm so glad the game is out too!

I see you're taking care of yourself! :D

actually, I can relate, I never really put much effort into my skincare and that stuff until a month ago. haha, I thought my mom would finally stop dropping rude comments here and there like "omg, when are you going to fix that face of yours!" BOI I WAS WRONG! XD LMAO

she legit say things like "I see you're finally taking care of yourself, you were so ugly before" ROFL

I hope you don't feel too pressured or stressed from preparing for the wedding, and oh-

you're not getting ahead of yourself thinking about kids, eyyyy *insert smirk*

But if you think about it, it's an opportunity to bond with your mother-in-law! and you will feel better about yourself after you do skincare or take care of yourself, it's just a nice feeling! also, I have a quick question for you! Do you also use these rough scrubbers to scrub your skin? it takes off the dead skin and kinda hurts (for me) tbh. *sigh* Grammarly correcting my mistakes.

If the truth makes you feel better then:

It wouldn't hurt to take a break this way you don't get stressed and overwhelmed! :D

Take care, and I hope your fiancé is taking good care of you! live life to the fullest!


(2 edits)

:D Ooooooooh, someone's eager to get married~~ ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

And, you're Chinese! :D I get so happy for some reason when I find out someone is Asian...? I'm weird, haha, I understand how stressful it can be to prepare for marriage (2 weeks ago, I was made maid of honor for my BFF's wedding, haha) but in the end, you won't regret it! your life will be full of smiles, giggles, and...uh.....being goofy.....IF YOU'RE A GOOFY PERSON! :D

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Haha, I wish I could have commented on time for last week's post, but I got the scalp ripped open....whoopsie! And the audacity of my school to say that surgery wasn't an excuse to miss 1 online I had to get it stitched while I was awake and attending...D:

Question for the boys~~

does surgery scare you?

are you a floor person (meaning you like to stay on the floor)?

Dayummm, Kahlil looks hot ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Anyways, I congratulate you again and wish you good luck!!


I hope you get better!

Today morning had been the worst day of my life, then I read your post and felt better~~

Question for the boys:

Which one of you draws better?


What would you do if your worst nightmare appeared in front of your face? would you scream? :P

Have a wonderful day~~


Ahhhhh! Thank you!! I needed that website! :D

Also, your explanation made things soooo much easier for me, I understand now! UwU

*snoopy dance*

Now I don't feel like I'm stuck in a black hole! Again, thank you~~


hmm, so I need to crop my character's body from chest-up? 

and it shouldn't be taller than 599....? I use ibis paint, so I should use a frame that's 599 in width this way I don't overdo it?

sorry, I'm kinda confused because this is my first time, and I don't understand the tutorials T-T

So I should draw her full body, then crop it in ren'py with the.....coordinates(?) that you provided me with? I never really understood what yalign and xalign, xpos, ypos is 0w0

but I think I have an idea of what you're explaining to me, thanks! I was going to post the demo, but I didn't find my side characters when I launched the game, so I just posted the 'project' without the game itself. oops--

again, thanks for the explanation, I understand more now!



I tried, but how big should you draw the full body for it to be cropped into a side image? so confused TwT

Sowy for da disturbance, but so far, you're my last hope. TwT


I'm excited! Can't wait for March 19, I'll make sure to wish you a happy B-day! :D

After trying to create a visual novel myself, I saw that it's pretty hard to do, especially with the coding, and then...I get lazy. That makes me appreciate visual novel creators more!

I'll make sure to thoroughly enjoy this otoge when it's released~~

*Hands cookies with milk*
