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A member registered Jun 04, 2018 · View creator page →

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Boot best girl? 

Aww so sad :c thanks for the interest though ❤︎

Thanks for playing ❤︎

LMFAOOO best way to play tbh. Glad you got a fun jumpscare :3 I hope you had fun

Your entry was incredible!!! Thank you so much for joining our jam ~ <3

INCREDIBLE ENTRY!!! Thank you so much for participating in our jam!!!!!!

Thanks so much for submitting <3

Wonderful submission! :D

We are almost at the halfway point of the month and jam! If you've got any prototypes or stuff you'd like to share, don't be scared to post progress updates in our discord!


⁠ !!!! Remember feedback is very important and we'd love to hear about what you're working on ~

no worries ~ if you have any other questions let me know OwO)b

Cross-submissions are allowed!!! You're definitely allowed to submit to this Jam as well as long as the game has anime features/anime theme, and you follow the rules of this jam ^^

Of course! any mediums are allowed :3 just as long as u can make something anime themed!

I hope you enjoy it if you play <3

awww tysm for the kind comment <3 happy to hear you enjoyed it ~

thanks so much :) glad you enjoyed

thats a cute name! go ahead xD

❤️ thank you, glad you enjoyed the game ^^

Very wholesome indeed!!....

sorry i havent been able to reply to everyone! thanks so much for enjoying the game, it means so  much to us!! <3 <3 <3

(have a cute pixel art ocotopus by AlienMilkSoup!)

Thank you so much!! Glad you enjoyed!

also thanks so much for finding it!! I'll be fixing it in the next update x3

fish is love, fish is life!!!!

That would be such a precious extra ending <3 Thanks for the ideas!!! Maybe we'll add something like that for when we do a steam release? It'd be super cute ~!!!

I'm so glad you know who the true best girl is LOL

Thanks for playing~! <3

So glad you enjoyed it ;w;!! Thanks so much for playing <3 !!! I'll definitely check up on Orca for next update!!!!

ooohh! Good suggestions!! :D

LOL Glad you enjoyed it xD

(1 edit)

I'm so glad!! Thank you so much for enjoying it <3

Oh my, that must be because of funky save and load stuff, I'll take a look and see if I can replicate it and fix it! :DD

Hey there! Aww, thank you so much for playing our game and for your sweet message ><!!!!!

Sorry about the bug! Its on my radar to fix and I'll have it done for the next update ^^ Good find ~!

Thanks again for playing and for your kind words!!!

Hey there! Thank you so much for your kind words, I'm glad you're enjoying the game!

As for the music themes, I didn't have time in the game jam to give everyone a custom theme TT, so those ones got double ups. Once I release the game on steam I hope they can all have a unique song!!

Also thanks for the heads up about boots choices! I'll fix that in the next update!!

No worries! Let me know if you find any other problems, I'll do my best to fix them as soon as possible!

(1 edit)

OMG thank you so much! Turns out there was a code error I missed there, I will be re-uploading the files right now! Sorry for the inconvenience ;-;

(2 edits)

Sorry, could you explain what you mean? ;w;

There's a downloadable copy of the game, and a browser version. The downloadable copy shouldn't lose data between updates!

EDIT: Oh I see! My mistake, I forgot to upload the downloadable version! Thank you for pointing it out!

How could you hate salmon?! D:  (jk lol!)

Glad to hear you enjoyed it! Thank you so much for playing! I really appreciate it ^_^ <3

(1 edit)

There's supposed to be a button that says "Title" at the bottom of the screen to press to go back to the main menu.

Could you take a screenshot if possible so I can see which screen you get stuck on? I'm planning an update by the end of the week so it would be really useful if I need to fix anything up ^-^)/

Boot has done Boot-ifully :'D

Jks, but super glad to hear you enjoyed it!!!

Thank you so very much!! We had a lot of fun making it. I'm also really glad to hear the fishing minigame turned out okay! I was worried it was a bit too easy, but hearing that makes me really glad!

It's okay!! I just appreciate you taking the time to play my games ^-^ )/

Yeah we sort of made this game on an impulse,
We want to clean it up and make it better over the next month :) Maybe also do a steam release too?
Either way, thank you so much for your feedback !! ^w^)/

This game is really cute!!!

thank you so much! Im really glad you enjoyed it ;w; !!!