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A member registered May 06, 2021

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Interesting concept! Probably one of the more unique entries in this jam. In my experience the level generation frequently generated levels that instantly veered off to the side, and I didn't have enough time to get my bearings before it was too late to escape. Once I got a level with a more forgiving start, it was pretty fun.

Cute little puzzle game! Levels were simple to understand and satisfying to solve.

So close! We made 17 levels in this game, so you came very close to the end (in my opinion, level 16 is the hardest). Did you play on the browser version? I experienced some dropped inputs that seemed to relate to frame rate issues on the web build, but the others on the team didn't have the same issues. If you think this might be your issue, I'd suggest trying to download the Windows standalone instead. I experienced better and more consistent performance in that build.

Thanks for checking out our game!

I myself experienced lower frame rate on the web build which led to some strange behaviour in the game, which is why I thought it might be a performance issue. This game is certainly unforgiving as is, so I don't blame anyone who has trouble with it. We made a total of 17 levels for this game, so if you thought level 4 was tough, you haven't seen anything yet ;)

Thanks for trying out the game and sharing your thoughts!

Strange that level 4 has been giving people problems... A small jump should definitely be short enough to avoid hitting the top. I know we don't have a visible frame rate counter so it might be hard to tell, but did you experience low frame rate? The game is slated to run at 60 FPS, so if it felt choppy I'd suggest downloading the Windows build instead. That build performed much better for me, at least, and it may help you get through some trickier sections.

Thanks for playing!

Cool take on a classic pipe puzzle game. I like how you introduced new challenges in each level. I wish it would take me straight to the next level instead of back to the level select first. Definitely a polished experience from start to finish.

Thanks for your comments! We created a total of 17 levels for this game, so I hope you'll come back to it to see some more of what we have to offer. What confused you about level 4? We tried to convey mechanics to the player through the level design without explicitly telling them, so I hope there wasn't anything too unclear.

Audio was definitely an oversight on our part. We put a lot of effort into making the gameplay solid and the levels interesting, and just didn't have time to think about the audio experience. Something to keep in mind for future projects for sure.

Thanks for checking out our game! I had fun seeing you play through it on stream :)

Thanks! Super Meat Boy was one of my major inspirations for the platforming in this game, so I'm glad to see someone else mention it.

(1 edit)

Ohhh, I didn't think about how it makes getting up onto the platform easier as well. That's a good point. I didn't like being able to slip off, since it made some of the 1 block wide platforms hard to land on for me. I wasn't sure if I would have to be ready to save myself in case I slipped off or not. 

If there was a zelda-like pause during screen transitions, I think that would be one way to solve the screen transition issue without having to change the level design.

Big fan of difficult platformers! The walljumping/wallsliding was very well done. I didn't like having spikes right after screen transitions, it made it easy to accidentally walk into a spike before I could really see anything. I felt the dash was hard to get used to but I think you guys made use of it well. Did you slip off of corners a lot during testing? How did you feel about that?

Thanks! I think there are some things I could have improved on to make levels feel less repetitive, but I worked hard on trying to make them interesting.

Thanks for commenting! I went back and forth a lot on whether or not death should restart the level from the very beginning. I drew a lot of inspiration for this game's platforming from Super Meat Boy, which I think is also ultimately what made me want the deaths to be more punishing as well. Even now I still think I probably could have gone either way with that idea, but you're right that it might have been more appealing if deaths maybe just took you back to the beginning of a loop.

10/10 never been more ready in my life