exactamente :)
Nacho Sama
Creator of
Recent community posts
Yo hablo español jaja, dato curioso el 3312 solo es en el doblaje de Latinoamérica pero siempre fue mi intención hacer referencia a eso, luego me di cuenta que en otros lugares del mundo no es 3312, por ejemplo en inglés es 2319.
Y referente a si es diferente, sí.
El juego de steam es distinto, es una especie de reboot, tiene más modos de juego, mejores mecánicas y está más pulido en general. En la version de steam solo hará falta presionar el botón, ya no hay que llamar al 3312.
No, the wanted poster are for unique doppelgangers, the trypophobia doppels are not unique cause a couple of characters have them, but besides that the option to hide the trypophobia doppels is change for this version and now it shows a black square with the word "censured" in it when a doppel with holes shows up, on my instagram in the story named "TNMN Updates" there is a showcase of how it will be.
Hi, thank you!, it is going very well! The plan is to get it done for 2025 so yes, you can see a little bit of how the game is going on my ig story if you want: https://www.instagram.com/nachosamagames/
If you are referring to the steam version, then yes. The game that will be release on steam is not the same game that is here, it is like a remake/reboot.
If you are referring to the updates that are published here on itch then no, when you bought the game you have access to all the files that I uploaded here.
It won't be fair to give away the keys randomly to a few of you, everyone has the same right to get a key but since I can't give a key to everyone I will use the keys to promote the game aka youtbers/streamers.
I'm so sorry, believe me that I would give a key to everyone if I could, that was my first intention but I didn't know about the Steam policy about keys at that moment, I hope you can uderstand my position.
Yes, mainly because Steam doesn't allow me to give away more than 100 keys and those are not enough for everybody.
But, besides that, the steam game is not the same game that is on itch. I am doing almost everything from scratch and I added new stuff and improve the mechanics, the user interface, there will be more languages available and more.
The game on Steam will be launch with 40% discount for 7 days and it will have localize prices.
Hola, intenta lo que hay acá: https://nachogames.itch.io/thats-not-my-neighbor/devlog/708650/read-if-you-have-...
Si nada funciona puedes solicitar un reembolso enviando un correo a support@itch.io
Te recomiendo hacerlo en inglés y usa el mismo correo que usaste cuando compraste el juego.
Seguramemte es por la compatibilidad con Vulkan, mira en este post como intentar abrir el juego cuando no tienes compatibilidad con Vulkan: https://nachogames.itch.io/thats-not-my-neighbor/devlog/708650/read-if-you-have-problems-with-the-game
It is hard to tell, Idk, I am hopping to get it done in a couple of months but it could take more time or maybe less, I will take all the time I need to make my best to the game, thank you for your patience!
At some point I will make a beta test for the game on steam, to test all the steam features and find bugs, so there you will have a little taste of the game before it is complete it.
Hi, thank you for the warning, I will wait a couple of days to see if the page truly is taking down, If not I will talk with valve.
I once made a report to google for a game in the play store but they didn't resolve it at all because the other guys who stole my game there made fake documents to said that they owns the rights and a lot of lies, I just want to make my game, it is really time consuming and tiring to deal with those things, I know I should start a legal process and all that stuff, but it is to much overwhelming to me :c
I am very greatful to all you guys for the help, really! You are awesome, I am just sorry if I am not doing my part as I should be doing, as I said, I only want to make my game and entertain people with it. That's the most important thing to me.
Hi guys, about the stolen game on steam, the situation seems to be resolved, we just need to wait for steam to remove it because that takes time.
the people behind the stole game are regretful for what they done so Iwant to ask you guys to cease all the negative comments to them, I know you want to help and I am greatful for that but we all are humans and we make mistakes from time to time.
OOf all those who have stolen my game they are the only ones who be open to undo what they done, and I want to acknoeledge that.
Thank you to all the good intentions and support you give me!
That will depend because steam allow to do localization pricing
So if you want to get an approx this is the way I will do the pricing for every country steam let me localize the price:
Minimun wage per month of your country × 0.004
And I will launch the game with 40% discount for 7 days so take the last number you get and multiply it by 0.6 and that will be the price at launch