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A member registered Oct 28, 2021

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(1 edit)

Hey, thanks for the fast reply, I followed the instructions and it seemed that it's working at the moment.

Edit: Update, no, still the same. Both are stuck at their previous levels just with a higher grade now. I wonder if it's maybe I am the one who needs to grade-up (I'm still Journeyman in this playthrough)

Hey, I just newly played S4P and found out this mod, was interested, and tried it out. It was great, but now for some reason I got both my starting slave and Emily kind of stuck at leveling up, the game's instructions mentioned that they need to raise their grade to level up (both are level 6 and 5 respectively), but AFAIK you need only grade-up them once to level them up. Yet I've been grade-upping them multiple times (I even got my starting slave to Noble) and she's still stuck at that level, with 100% exp and the instruction that she needs to grade-up to level up. Anyone knows if this is an actual problem or am I just stupid and wasted my money for nothing?
Thanks in advance.