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A member registered Feb 02, 2017

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I like Isolde!

Marshall, Hunter, Forrest



I like Nathanial!

I like Sebastian!


None of the romance endings unlock in the gallery. Basil unlocked ok though. Lacey's "either" ending unlocked when I should have gotten her romance  - I had full stats with her and ignored her brother. Overall this was a cute little story, I am saddened that you went back to the high school first kiss style story but it was cute none the less.

I think I figured out the food issue I was having, there seems to be some sort of priority on the food you start with. So if you move far away from spawn you have to make sure to make hauling the start food is the top priority because the people "think" they need to eat those first and will starve before they will eat freshly crafted food? Anyway not sure why I keep losing my menus but none of the buttons will pull them up and I can't get the exit menu as the escape button just pauses the game to I have to kill it manually making me have to start a new world.

Ok I tried to fire up another game and I seem to have lost all my menus, I had this issue earlier and restarted my computer and it fixed it. But thats not working now, I can't even exit the game without force killing the process. So no actual saves but I can send you was in the world files and the error log from the main folder. just need to know where to send it.

(1 edit)

I have tried changing the rations and the food is in simple meals, don't live long enough to research anything better. I have not had any real saves as all of my games have been very short, but I'll fire up a quick one and send you a save after the first death.

I really love the game, but in it's current state I can only play for a few days because my people refuse to eat even when there is ample food available. This results in a game over because they all die after a few days, making the game virtually unplayable...

Ok one more, decided to keep replying here so i don't spam your post. this one is when you pull Duliae aside and when he says he is on your side you say "We'll see..."

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:
  File "game/script2.rpy", line 4227, in script
    $ Duliaerepsect += 4
  File "game/script2.rpy", line 4227, in <module>
    $ Duliaerepsect += 4
NameError: name 'Duliaerepsect' is not defined

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:
  File "game/script2.rpy", line 4227, in script
    $ Duliaerepsect += 4
  File "C:\Users\Nancie\Desktop\ReverieEbonLight-1.0-win\ReverieEbonLight-1.0-win\renpy\", line 848, in execute
    renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide,
  File "C:\Users\Nancie\Desktop\ReverieEbonLight-1.0-win\ReverieEbonLight-1.0-win\renpy\", line 1804, in py_exec_bytecode
    exec bytecode in globals, locals
  File "game/script2.rpy", line 4227, in <module>
    $ Duliaerepsect += 4
NameError: name 'Duliaerepsect' is not defined

Reverie: Ebon Light 0.0

Found a small bug, in the cabin if you tell Duliae that he will get eaten bu flesh eating elves you get this error:

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While loading <'Image' u'mc/idle/peach/head/slightsurprise.png'>:
  File "game/script2.rpy", line 3415, in script
    a "And--there is?"
IOError: Couldn't find file 'mc/idle/peach/head/slightsurprise.png'.

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:
  File "game/script2.rpy", line 3415, in script
    a "And--there is?"
  File "C:\Users\Nancie\Desktop\ReverieEbonLight-1.0-win\ReverieEbonLight-1.0-win\renpy\", line 643, in execute
    renpy.exports.say(who, what, interact=self.interact, *args, **kwargs)
  File "C:\Users\Nancie\Desktop\ReverieEbonLight-1.0-win\ReverieEbonLight-1.0-win\renpy\", line 1175, in say
    who(what, *args, **kwargs)
  File "C:\Users\Nancie\Desktop\ReverieEbonLight-1.0-win\ReverieEbonLight-1.0-win\renpy\", line 1013, in __call__
    self.do_display(who, what, cb_args=self.cb_args, **display_args)
  File "C:\Users\Nancie\Desktop\ReverieEbonLight-1.0-win\ReverieEbonLight-1.0-win\renpy\", line 817, in do_display
  File "C:\Users\Nancie\Desktop\ReverieEbonLight-1.0-win\ReverieEbonLight-1.0-win\renpy\", line 566, in display_say
    rv = renpy.ui.interact(mouse='say', type=type, roll_forward=roll_forward)
  File "C:\Users\Nancie\Desktop\ReverieEbonLight-1.0-win\ReverieEbonLight-1.0-win\renpy\", line 287, in interact
    rv =, **kwargs)
  File "C:\Users\Nancie\Desktop\ReverieEbonLight-1.0-win\ReverieEbonLight-1.0-win\renpy\display\", line 2620, in interact
    repeat, rv = self.interact_core(preloads=preloads, trans_pause=trans_pause, **kwargs)
  File "C:\Users\Nancie\Desktop\ReverieEbonLight-1.0-win\ReverieEbonLight-1.0-win\renpy\display\", line 3022, in interact_core
    self.draw_screen(root_widget, fullscreen_video, (not fullscreen_video) or video_frame_drawn)
  File "C:\Users\Nancie\Desktop\ReverieEbonLight-1.0-win\ReverieEbonLight-1.0-win\renpy\display\", line 2034, in draw_screen
  File "render.pyx", line 475, in renpy.display.render.render_screen
  File "render.pyx", line 231, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "C:\Users\Nancie\Desktop\ReverieEbonLight-1.0-win\ReverieEbonLight-1.0-win\renpy\display\", line 711, in render
    surf = render(child, width, height, cst, cat)
  File "render.pyx", line 143, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "render.pyx", line 231, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "C:\Users\Nancie\Desktop\ReverieEbonLight-1.0-win\ReverieEbonLight-1.0-win\renpy\display\", line 711, in render
    surf = render(child, width, height, cst, cat)
  File "render.pyx", line 143, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "render.pyx", line 231, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "C:\Users\Nancie\Desktop\ReverieEbonLight-1.0-win\ReverieEbonLight-1.0-win\renpy\display\", line 711, in render
    surf = render(child, width, height, cst, cat)
  File "render.pyx", line 143, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "render.pyx", line 231, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "accelerator.pyx", line 108, in renpy.display.accelerator.transform_render
  File "render.pyx", line 231, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "C:\Users\Nancie\Desktop\ReverieEbonLight-1.0-win\ReverieEbonLight-1.0-win\renpy\display\", line 325, in render
    surf = render(self.child, width, height, st, at)
  File "render.pyx", line 143, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "render.pyx", line 231, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "C:\Users\Nancie\Desktop\ReverieEbonLight-1.0-win\ReverieEbonLight-1.0-win\renpy\display\", line 398, in render
    return wrap_render(, width, height, st, at)
  File "C:\Users\Nancie\Desktop\ReverieEbonLight-1.0-win\ReverieEbonLight-1.0-win\renpy\display\", line 213, in wrap_render
    rend = render(child, w, h, st, at)
  File "render.pyx", line 143, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "render.pyx", line 231, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "C:\Users\Nancie\Desktop\ReverieEbonLight-1.0-win\ReverieEbonLight-1.0-win\renpy\display\", line 1253, in render
    return renpy.display.render.render(self.child, w, h, st, at)
  File "render.pyx", line 143, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "render.pyx", line 231, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "C:\Users\Nancie\Desktop\ReverieEbonLight-1.0-win\ReverieEbonLight-1.0-win\renpy\display\", line 711, in render
    surf = render(child, width, height, cst, cat)
  File "render.pyx", line 143, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "render.pyx", line 231, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "C:\Users\Nancie\Desktop\ReverieEbonLight-1.0-win\ReverieEbonLight-1.0-win\renpy\display\", line 325, in render
    surf = render(self.child, width, height, st, at)
  File "render.pyx", line 143, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "render.pyx", line 231, in renpy.display.render.render
  File "C:\Users\Nancie\Desktop\ReverieEbonLight-1.0-win\ReverieEbonLight-1.0-win\renpy\display\", line 504, in render
    texture = cache.get(self, texture=True)
  File "C:\Users\Nancie\Desktop\ReverieEbonLight-1.0-win\ReverieEbonLight-1.0-win\renpy\display\", line 213, in get
    surf = image.load()
  File "C:\Users\Nancie\Desktop\ReverieEbonLight-1.0-win\ReverieEbonLight-1.0-win\renpy\display\", line 554, in load
    surf = renpy.display.pgrender.load_image(renpy.loader.load(self.filename), self.filename)
  File "C:\Users\Nancie\Desktop\ReverieEbonLight-1.0-win\ReverieEbonLight-1.0-win\renpy\", line 548, in load
    raise IOError("Couldn't find file '%s'." % name)
IOError: Couldn't find file 'mc/idle/peach/head/slightsurprise.png'.

Reverie: Ebon Light 0.0

Hey just dropped in to say I love the new updates to the farms and animals. The cotton upgrade was not very clear. I read it as I had to go to the dock and buy cotton seeds to do the upgrade, but I did eventually figure it out when none of the merchants had cotton. I like the little dragons too. I did not discover them last time I played (if they were already in). Are you planning to make them stay as part of the far or to grow up for other uses? a pet baby dragon would be cool :)

Anyway had lots of fun thanks for the update.

It does indeed work now. I was surprised with the amount of content you had for just the start island being available. I can't wait to see what you've got planned for the next update.

Launching  just gives a 'Shader Compile Error' both through the itch launcher and with a direct download.