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A member registered Sep 11, 2023

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These are in v0.4.4 RC1 during winter (All temperatures were compared with the same scenario in v0.4.3):

-I was in an outside fully enclosed area with a campfire at night, but it said my body temp was only 5 degrees instead of 15. I got the message that it would be dangerous to sleep, but didn't lose any health when I did. The next morning, the temperature was correctly at 15 degrees.

-I was in a cave at night with a door (to enclose the area) and wooden floors I'd built and 1 torch placed on the ground. It said that my body temperature was 0 degrees instead of 15.  I got the message that it would be dangerous to sleep, but didn't lose any health when I did. The next morning, the temperature was still only 5 degrees instead of 15.

-I was in a cave around 3:30 PM with a door (to enclose the area) and wooden floors I'd built and 1 torch placed on the ground. It said that my body temperature was 10 degrees instead of 15. At 7:30 PM, the temperature went to 0. (It was always at 15 in v0.4.3.)

-Being outside at night in or out of range of a torch was the same in both versions.

No I didn't, that works.

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Here's a screenshot

I found a bedroll, but I always get the message "Cannot sleep there" no matter where I try to use it. Less importantly, the icon in the inventory is the old one. 


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Also just noticed that the intro text says "muscaria" with a C instead of "muskaria" with a K.

Glad I could help.

Emerald Woods community » Bug Reports · Created a new topic Typos
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I noticed a couple of typos/ grammatical errors while playing, and I also looked through the game files for more. I don't know if I found them all,  but here's what I did see:

  • Zuck and Veielevet descriptions say "feeds of" instead of "feeds on."
  • Foyle/ foyle seed descriptions say "an bittersweet berry" instead of "a bittersweet berry."
  • The crate menu says to press CTRL to transfer 1, but it only works if you click enter.
  • Suage/ sauge seed descriptions say "sick animals usually forage on them when sick," and one of the sicks can be deleted.
  • Office key description says "key to access the control station" instead of "central station." I also noticed the name of the item is still the office key, don't know if that's intentional or not.
  • Fried and scrambled egg descriptions says "cooken" instead of "cooked."
  • Brick window description says "bricks wall" instead of "brick wall."
  • Campfire description is out of order, should be something like "Provides light in darkness, safe rest and allows you to cook stuff."
  • Festive tree description says "addorned" instead of "adorned."
  • Clue 1 says "before the incineration was made; will be greatly rewarded," but there isn't supposed to be a semicolon.
  • In clue 10, Mutalite is called a pink crystal, but in-game it's blue.
  • Clue 15 says "Too late have I understood how precious you were to me. Too late did I realize," but both sentences should start with "Too late did I realize."
  • Clue 21 says "That is to say when" but there should be a comma to make it "That is to say, when."
  • Clue 31 says "Little more than a week ago we reported," but there should be a comma to make it "Little more than a week ago, we reported."
  • Clue 34 says "hurt the economy even more, after last year's crash", but there doesn't need to be a comma there.

I also saw clue 41 was written on Jan 1, 1940. (Presuming that "the war" is WWII and that the notes correspond to real history) this would be inaccurate, since America didn't join WWII until Dec 11, 1941.

I know these aren't actual bugs nor big deals, but probably something you'd like to know about anyway. Thank you for making such a great game.

I think a nice QoL feature for v0.7.0 would be the ability to use materials in adjacent crates when cooking, like how items on the ground next to the player can be used to cook. 

No problem.

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In v0.4.2, I rotated one of the gray wooden tables in a Genco station and it turned into a light brown one. This happened to 3 different tables in 2 different stations, along with one I crafted myself (placed outside a station). It also only happens for 1 position, the other 3 are normal. None of the other types of tables nor the gray edge ones were affected.


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I love this game, and will definitely buy it when it comes out. I do have a couple suggestions.

-I don't know if the current version of the game or the future one will require figuring out who people in photographs are by matching their faces, but I have a mild form of prosopagnosia (inability to remember faces). I think if there were a setting or some kind of clues to help with that, that would be great. 

-I could make notes in my journal linking names to jobs if I knew someone's job, but not where they were on the tree. It seems very useful if I could link names/ jobs with peoples' pictures too, like making a little note for someone's face saying "this is Diamond Laroux." 

-Just a little thing I noticed was that with all of the names in the game being available to see when selecting someone's name, I occasionally found myself looking up some of the names of people who were on the name list, but who I hadn't actually found yet. Maybe, kind of like with the pictures, you'd have to click on names in articles on Spidersearch and stuff to unlock them?

Again, this is a great game and I understand if these suggestions aren't implemented, as they're just suggestions. Keep up the great work!

I haven’t added a whole lot yet, but here’s the link.

Emerald Woods community » General · Created a new topic Fandom wiki
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First off, I just want to say that I really like this game. However, I can't find a wiki for it. I was wondering if I could get permission to make an Emerald Woods wiki on Fandom and use images etc. from the game without infringing on copyright.