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A very nice discussion of Tunnel Goons
Maxwell Lander is an educator and photographer in eastern Canada. Aaron King is an editor and collage artist in the Midwestern US. They're both game designers, and together, they read RPG books, find the good bits, and discuss them critically. Welcome to RTFM.
Goons and Ghosts is a tabletop role-playing game about busting ghosts! A GM (Ghost Master) describes the world while 2 to 5 players take on the roles of paranormal exterminators hired to investigate and capture unruly ghosts.
Yochai & Brad review Dogtooth Valley by Nate Treme (aka Highland Paranormal Society) and answer THREE questions from the mailbag.
I based this off old fairy stories like Rumplestilskin and Changeling legends. Fae have always been interested in obtaining people's children for unknown reasons. Perhaps having a mortal child is seen as a valuable link to the mortal world or a tool for future trickery. Maybe it's just in vogue for fae to have mortal pets. But they definitely are bound to follow through with any deal they have made. They are ruled by traditions and rules. Many Fairy stories have fae making bargains and then using the language of the bargain or technicalities to trick the mortal. Fae have little else to do that is more important than tricking mortals. at least that's the impression I get from folklore
I use the tables, which are in this generator to determine what's in a square. But once the players start interacting with encounters and things start building organically through play I rely less on the random tables.
Podcast discussion about this adventure:
It's all player facing. The roll players make covers an entire combat interaction and not necessarily a single strike from one character. if the result is lower than the enemy's score, the difference is the damage the player takes.
For example, if a DS 10 monster attacks my character, I roll a 5 plus 2 Brute, plus 1 from my sword. 8 total. 10-8=2 so I take 2 damage. If I had rolled an 8 or higher, putting the total over the DS 10, the monster would have taken damage.