Ok quick question, I'm working on my own tg hack, and im looking for some clarification. How do enemies attack a pc, or is the various combat rolls completely player facing.
Just want to make sure as i work on my own hack
An analog adventure game for nice people · By
It's all player facing. The roll players make covers an entire combat interaction and not necessarily a single strike from one character. if the result is lower than the enemy's score, the difference is the damage the player takes.
For example, if a DS 10 monster attacks my character, I roll a 5 plus 2 Brute, plus 1 from my sword. 8 total. 10-8=2 so I take 2 damage. If I had rolled an 8 or higher, putting the total over the DS 10, the monster would have taken damage.
Ah i think i get it now
In my head I kept processing the dangerous action rolls as attacks but they also cover defending. So during the npc/enemy initiative i as a gm simply state what the enemy is doing attacking with claws or breathing fire and the player rolls to see how well the respond to such an attack