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A member registered Oct 07, 2017

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Thanks for all the reassurance! I got really scared there for a moment. I'll try to get in contact with BitDefender support and inform them of this issue.

Like the title suggests, I got a trojan while trying to download the official program. I went to and pressed "Start Download" and it took me to a strange url which I will not mention because of safety reasons. BitDefender flagged the site as unsafe but I figured it was just a false alarm so I continued anyway. BitDefender thankfully deleted the file right away when the download started automatically.

The trojan was this one: Gen.Variant.Graftor.532430.

Guess I won't be trying to download the app ever again...

Don't know if this belongs here but I got a crash. I had zoomed out entirely and opened "buy land", looked around at the prices on the tiles and then this happened:

Hey! Found a new bug. I had 2 eggs and when I right clicked one of them, nothing happened but it made a sound like it did and it used it up. Then I tried the second egg and it gave me a NO_STRING_FOUND error and crashed the game. Like a dufus, I didn't screenprint the error log. I'll come back to paste it here once I manage to re-create the bug.