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A member registered Mar 04, 2017

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I love the art style and visual effects! The mini-map is a nice addition, as well. I died early on (hit by an enemy) and the game seemed to lock up (still animating, but not proceeding) at a grey screen.

Thanks for the feedback! As to the bug reports, I'm currently working on the first one, but the second one isn't a bug--you need to collect all of the poisonous creatures, as well! (But only eat them once!) I admit that that wasn't very clear. I'm working on an Android port of the game right now and plan to make that easier to understand.

Oops, missed that!

This game is beautiful, simple, and very well-designed. It could easily be a solid mobile game. I'd be interested in playing it on a larger game board as well. I'm impressed that you managed to make this so quickly--18 hours ahead of the deadline, even!

Very nice look to the game! I love the detail that you put into the graphics for each room. I thought the game was a bit too difficult; the wrench is just too short!

Very nice art and fun concept! It was very easy to jump in and get "into the zone;" I think this would make a good mobile game. I think a slight control change for the keyboard would make things better; if the up arrow was jump and the shift arrow was duck it would be more intuitive.

Great writing! The concept was very cool and atmospheric--more so than I expected. I can tell you put a lot of work into this.

Beautiful game. Nice music and simple, pleasing graphics. I would love to play this if it were a larger, fleshed-out game.

I love the visuals and the procedural music. (Cool particle effect in the background--nice polish!) The concept is really fun. The game's timing difficulty ramps up a bit too quickly--it would be nice if I could use the keyboard so I could keep up with the speed.

I really like the plot of the game! The cute block characters are nice. I couldn't figure out what to do with the syringe--I managed to make an enemy white but I'm not sure what that accomplished. It would be useful to have an explanation of the controls, even in the Itch game description (no need to change the game).

In the future, I recommend making a Windows build and then recording the Windows build in "windowed mode." Should work pretty well!

That's a good idea! Hiding under bushes or behind the branches would be a great behavior to add to the creatures.

(3 edits)

Thanks for playing! Actually, we did put in code to ensure that creatures wouldn't look too much alike unless it's intentional.

Creatures have five traits that affect appearance (and many traits that don't): color, size, head shape (or lack of head), leg shape (or lack of legs), and body shape. We randomly generate creature species, and we check to see if a species is similar to (i.e., all traits are the same, or all traits but one are the same) any existing species. If it is, we don't create it.

However, that rule is broken for the poisonous species. All of the poisonous species actually look exactly like one of the edible species, except for one trait. So you'll have poisonous species which have the same head/body/legs/color as an edible species, but a different size (for instance). Or everything the same except for different colors, etc. We did this to make it more challenging to spot poisonous creatures, sort of inspired by the real-life case in nature where you have poisonous mushrooms which look similar to edible ones with a certain key feature which is different.

Fun concept! I wish the surfboard were a bit easier to control, but I guess that's part of the challenge/fun. It'd be nice to have a global leaderboard for scores!

I love the concept of this game! I've never played a tower defense-like game that's quite like this. So creative. Maybe my favorite game so far during this jam.

Beautiful art and music! Definitely felt like I was playing a GameBoy game. I'd love to play this when it's further along!

Oh, one more thing: "you're" means "you are," and "your" is possessive!

Hilarious theme and crunchy game combining shoot-em-up with bullet hell. Very slick!

I like the visuals and style of the game. I'm not sure what's going on with the pixel dude running at me--get away, little dude! Using a wrench to dig is unusual, but that's okay. I'd be interested in playing it again if you make more changes!

I love the concept. There aren't a lot of memorization-based puzzle games, and I really enjoy how this makes you think. It takes some getting used to (and it's a bit hard to play on a trackpad), but I think you did a nice job!

Hilarious concept! Nice graphics!

I love your art style!