Yes sure thing, do not hesitate :-)
Take care!
Hi there mate! Hope you are doing good!
I've seen your game on one of your post on r/IndieGaming and I'm thrilled ! I love chill games like this, and I really want to try it out. What are the specs required to play A Game About Mowing Your Lawn? I only have my work laptop and I don't know if it could run it… I might have to try the demo to find out, but I'd be happy if you could tell me before I download it (limited connection here).
I have seen that your game was available in English but not in French. Would you be interested in a French translation and localization? It would allow you to broaden your audience and reach a new playerbase as many fellow French-speaking people would love to engage in such a game. I am waiting for my next contract so I have a bit of free time, so if you're interested, hit me up :-)
Hi there guys,
I've played the prologue on my potato laptop, and it worked better than what I expected!
Would you be interested in a French translation and localization for Backyard? It would allow you to broaden your audience and reach a new playerbase, as French-speaking people would love such a game!
Hit me up if you're interested, it wouldn't be too long to do so.
Until then, keep the good work!
Take care
You are completely right, I did not think enough about the "its", it was an easy way to avoid the his/her and I did not think it deep enough, but it was not a way at all to show less respect to the devs.
As far as the other mistakes are concerned, I corrected them, I wrote my post from my phone and the French auto correct did not help...
Thank you for your answer, I'll be sure to be more carefull in the future!
Hi there!
Let me introduce myself: name's Nathan, I am a 23 years old French guy, and I graduated last year from translation, literature, media studies and linguistics college.
I am an experienced translator in entertainment, and particularly in videogames, I am waiting for my next contract, and the meantime I would like to offer you my services to translate and localize from English to French, or of English proofreading and help. I can also translate from French to English if you happen to be a French developer wanting to export their game.
It has been proven that a game translated and localized into another language sells/gets downloaded much more as it can reach a new public. I know translation is not the thing you think about at first, but I assure you it is worth it once you give it a go. And the sooner the better, if your game is an alpha/beta/demo, it will be easier to keep translating it as updates come out!
I am mostly working in British English, it is the one I have been taught in school, but I'd be happy to go to American English if you prefer.
I am currently in Australia so our time slots may be different (I will probably be sleeping while you are doing your things during the day), but I can give you an ETA on the translations/proofreadings when I am available.
Please feel free to tell me if you are interested or have any question, I will be happy to answer and get to you as soon as possible. I can also give you examples of games I have worked on, which is not exactly a portfolio as I did not list the games I have been translating for my studies, but it can give you an idea. And finally if you know any other game developer that would be interested, you can give them notice of my offer.
Take care,
You're very welcome! Although I tend to think that even if it stays on Itch it could be translated, I understand it is not in your focus.
I have played the game since my message, I think you have a good potential and a very good beginning!
Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any question or if you change your mind ;)
Take care and keep doing great job
Hi Robba!
I am an experienced translator in the entertainment infustry, particularly in videogames, and I am offering you my services to translate your game into French while I am waiting for my next contract. It has be proven that a localized game reaches a better audience and therefore sells/gets downloaded more. I found your post on the Game Dev Tycoon reddit and as I am a big fan of the game I think your game deserves a correct translation. And if you think that it is too early, I can only certify you that the earlier you get a translation done, whether it is in alpha or not, the easier it gets for the future updates We could transform that in a long-lasting cooperation!
Think about it and let me know if you would be interested. We can discuss all the details together when you're ready.
Hey mate,
Great intro to the game, it's pleasant to play and the artstyle really makes it standing out from the crowd of games we can find here.
Would you be interested in a French translation? I know it's not something you think about in the first place when developping a game, but I'm sure it would allow more players to enjoy the game (the sooner the translation, the best you can get from it). Don't hesitate to answer me and we'll discuss this if you're interested.
As always with your games, it's very fun (and it can become very challenging ahah, especially in the last levels). Maybe the creeps could drop a little bit more paint? I don't know if it's a great idea to balance once more, and if it's the right way to do so though...
Adding a tutorial was a very good idea for what I can see! And the night mode also is a very appreciable addition.
I like it! Once again, congrats for this! Keep it up dude!