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A member registered Aug 20, 2020 · View creator page →

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did you click run when the game is still in the zip file?

Just like RXTeej said ^^

And don't be scared! Feel free to interact with the peeps around!

There's no cheat yet as the 0.2 version is still a prototype~

Prepared to see the beta release xD

Thank you RXTeej for the donation and the support <3

Yeah, it's pretty hard to do all of that, but I'm doing my best for this 0.3 update as stable as possible so people don't have to restart their progress on the next update!
Every donation helps me develop the game even better ^^

Stay tuned for the next announcement =]

Still working~

The real treasure 😔☝

Yes, there'll be android version too =3

I'm glad you liked the ALPHA Version so far! ^^

and yes, she does, since I'm still experimenting with the system on this version, currently polishing the system out and drawing the scenes and sprites for the story~


I'm really happy to hear that! ^^
oh? mind telling me what you're hoping for? 

and thank you for your financial support, every penny helps the development going! =]

Hopefully! plan to release the Beta version around August
and if things go well, I hope the public version can be released on the second anniversary (December)

It is a coincidence xD

I literally have no idea if Lira is a Turkish currency XD

Just ignore the prologue on 0.2 version XD

i revamped the whole game in 0.3, so you guys didn't miss out on anything! =3


Mind telling me more about it?

0.3 public release will be this year, not sure of the exact month yet, but I've been working all day so the update can be released soon! (drawing is the hardest part!)


cuz why not XD

that can be abused you know? and that means player will most likely to lose the game instead of winning

that's the thing, I'm not sure yet, if you have a suggestion for that, feel free to drop it!

let me cook a lil longer =3

Shortie =3

Later this year, September+ (for public release hopefully)

Thank you for trying out the early access of the game! ^^

In fact, I was also inspired by Imouto ^^

I might also rework the 0.3 minigames to be less demanding, do you have any suggestions for that? feel free to drop it =3

No H-Scenes Yet since I'm still learning how to draw and making my art style, but you'll see once the 0.3 update dropped ;]


I'm currently working on the story as I'm envisioning it! if it aligns, then it might be added in a future update.

Oh yeah, I will update this game page once 0.3 is publicly released

Which file?

Still working on it~
You can check the progress in my Discord server, i post devlog and announcements for community polls or opinions there too, oh also dev stream sometimes =]

Please drop the error log on my discord server! so I can check the issue~

and as for the mod, just simply drop it on the game folder (its written on the notepad in the zip folder)

So in 0.3 Alpha, I didn't include the peeking yet, it'll be on beta test ;]

As for the mod, make sure it shows on the mod tab on the option menu
then once you finished the whole alpha story, there'll be a wardrobe button, you can click that to add and remove the clothing pack in the wardrobe

(keep in mind that is still experimental, it might cause another error and bugs, Thank you for trying the game! ^^)

Uuuu Interesting!

As for the economy, it's being rebalanced in this 0.3 =]

Thanks for the suggestion!

Only the character will be colored =]

I'm happy to hear that you liked the early access rekreator12e!
if you have any feedback or suggestions, feel free to tell me!


Glad you liked the early access Bruh372 ! ^^
I'm still working and polishing for the 0.3 update, if you have any feedback or suggestions, feel free to tell me!


The beta test will include Android version =]

i just need more time to work on the game while polishing it!

gex =3


head pat is always there =3
hand holding? omg... I might get banned by Patreon for that! but I'm actually breaking the rule ;]

You play as a male and no, its not your own character =]