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A member registered Feb 12, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thank you for the video! Great insights, I'll work on improving the game based on all that feedback.

Did you playtest 0.0.7 ?

Yeah, directing the whip takes a bit getting used to. And I'll probably clamp the allowed whip angle between in the next version, but also make the difficulty progression a bit smoother. Thanks for playing!

There are only 6 levels in the game, so you were almost done!

And yeah, those last two levels are pretty difficult; I actually use them as a reference when making new ones.

Thanks for the feedback! Did you try the online version or the downloadable exe? It's a good idea regarding the triggers, it should make the game easier to control. And I agree regarding the spikes, I actually made them more forgiving in their points, but not on their sides.

Not sure if this is a common thing with gamemaker games, but the windows antivirus prevents it from running.

I'm suspecting the addition of the timer might have made the online version a bit more sluggish, impacting the controls. Thanks for the feedback, I'll look into improving the reliability of the whip.

All airborne abilities are limited (one airjump, one dash, and two whips) and recharged on hitting the ground, that's that the UI on the bottom shows. The right button also activating on release is definitely a bug tho.

The music is still from opengameart, I started learning to use famitracker but haven't made anything presentable yet.

Thanks for playing!

The idea was to use the click and drag to set the inverse direction of the whip (similar in feel to what the right joystick does in the gamepad). Try holding the left mouse and moving it to see what I mean. I'm thinking of just using the mouse position - player position vector on click instead.

Thanks for playing, pomaodev!

Thanks for playing! Did you try it in the browser or the exe?

I like the map, add some music!

  • Seems gamepad is only halfway supported: i could move with it, but couldn't aim with the right stick.
  • Way too much screenshake.
  • Score at death seems to be broken.

I like how the music and the art fits together.

Cool music and transition effects. Feels like there might be potential for more depth if there were a tell for when pulls/reels are more effective for each type of fish.

Quite neat, controls can be frustrating at times. Got stuck in a level since I couldn't jump on some blocks that were needed to get up.