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BlueMoon (Nebula Games)

A member registered Oct 27, 2017 · View creator page →

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Unfortunately, the plugin should be not compatible with Rpg Maker MZ. I was planning to release an MZ version but for the lack of time I have still not made it. 

Not sure if you can manage to make it work using FOSSIL.

Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for support!

Hey! Sorry for the late reply! 

If I understand your question you want just to show the content of player's prompt into the text of message or choice windows. 

You can just use escape codes with the variable ID used for registering the player's prompt. 


"Hey! This is the text you have typed: \v[variableId]" where "variableId" is the ID you've used for saving player's input. 

Good luck!

Buongiorno e ti ringrazio per aver scelto questo plugin! 

Purtroppo il plugin non è dotato di un sistema di personalizzazione dell'UI. Però dovrebbe comunque essere compatibile con tutti i plugin che direttamente intervengono sulla Windowskin ed in generale sulla classe Window dal punto di vista stilistico. Non so perché nello specifico Galv_MessageStyles non sia compatibile (forse questo dipende dall'utilizzo di notetag? Non saprei). Comunque ti consiglio di spulciare il web e sono sicuro che potresti trovare plugin che permettono personalizzazioni ad-hoc.


I'm sorry but currently there is not a feature that prevents the use of spaces :(
I know that is just a random suggestion but you can try to solve the problem in a design way like guiding your player in searching for keywords that are not separated by spaces. Or better you can use a trick but you have to be good with the organization of conditional branches.

Using the "Script" section of conditional branches you can check the variable used for registering player's inputs this way: 

$gameVariables.value(variableId).contains(" ")

This way you'll check if the prompt of the player contains at least a space. If it happens you can like retrieve a "system message" (a simple show text or what you want considering your game) that warns the player that "Spaces are not allowed!"

Good luck!

You can do this using the "Conditional Branch" event command. I usually suggest to use the "Script" section and check the variable used for registering the input. 

So you'll have:

$gameVariables.value(variable_id).toLowerCase() === "your word all lowercase". 

This way you'll make the check not case sensitive. If you need a case sensitive check remove the "toLowerCase()" function.

Cool! Thank you! keep up the good work!

Really curious about your graphic's choices. Have you created your color palette? What about your art style? You got inspired by any game in particular? :)

Hello! This software was developed for font generation for GB Studio prior to version 3.0. I got busy and I still haven't released the updated for the most recent versions. 

Hopefully, I'll get back on this as soon as I can, thank you for your interest!


Thank you very much for your kind support 🙏. For Android, this is not really plugin related since it's a known limit of HTML5 technologies that are the base of RPG Maker exports. Indeed, VirtualKeyboard API would be the starting point of making Rpg Maker applications compatible with Android keyboard - because it allows control over the keyboard itself -. However this API was not available at the time of the plugin and today is still an experimental feature. 

Unfortunately on my knowledge there is not too much that it's possible to do on the technical side. 

However, some time ago a friend of mine surpassed this problem using plugins that allows to bind pictures on screen forcing the execution of a common event on touch (like VisuStella common events if I remember correctly). 

In a few words, he created a board with key's pictures binding them to a common event that was adding a character (like result_string += "a") every time the pictures were pressed. This is a matter for expert eventers that has at least a little knowledge of JS too... but I think you can find your own way if you may be interested in this kind of systems :)

Thank you again!

(1 edit)

Hello! I'm sorry for the late reply, I lost your comment.

So, about your question. It's actually pretty simple because it's just a Conditional Branch using the Script field in the fourth page of branch configuration. 

So, if the variable where you set the typed value is the variable of ID 1 you will have this script: 

String($gameVariables.value(1)).toLowerCase() === "my secret word"


  • $gameVariables.value(variableId) is the variable where the typed text is stored;
  • The String(value) constructor is needed for being sure that the content is considered a string;
  • toLowerCase() is a method that is needed to lowercase all the typed text for avoiding that capitalized letters makes the check return false (if you need a case sensitive check, just remove .toLowerCase())

Finally, your secret word inside quotation marks :)


Heya! Thank you very much for using this plugin! 

Well, it's possible to remove unused commands. However, it's not dependent by Ring Menu plugin directly. I elaborate. I think you've noticed you can customize command symbol and personal command symbols inside plugin parameters - I assume that you're knowing of what we're talking about since you already managed removing icons -. 

However, Ring Menu command roster is taken by the reference window that is Window_MenuCommand itself. Take a look on this portion of code starting on line 302:

createMenuCommands() {             this._referenceWindow = new Window_MenuCommand(new PIXI.Rectangle(0,0,1,1));             this._referenceWindow.refresh();             for(let i = 0; i < this._referenceWindow._list.length; i++) {                 const comm = this._referenceWindow._list[i]                 this._symbols.push(comm.symbol)                 this._names[comm.symbol] =                 let sp = new Sprite();                 sp.alpha = this._globalAlpha                 let iconset = ImageManager.loadSystem("iconset");                 iconset.addLoadListener(() => {                     sp.bitmap = iconset;                     sp.anchor.set(0.5)                     const iconIndex = !!_ring_menu_icons[comm.symbol] ? _ring_menu_icons[comm.symbol] : 16;                     const pw = ImageManager.iconWidth;                     const ph = ImageManager.iconHeight;                     const sx = (iconIndex % 16) * pw;                     const sy = Math.floor(iconIndex / 16) * ph;                     sp.setFrame(sx,sy,pw,ph)                 })                 this.addChild(sp)             }             this._angleDistance = this.calculateAngleDistance()         }

As you can see referenceWindow is Window_MenuCommand

Said that, you have to apply your changes on Window_MenuCommand and then, eventually, mod the Ring Menu for your necessities. As far as I know this kind of interaction could be possible with some well-known plugins done by developers like VisuStella or if you're proficient in Javascript just editing the Window_MenuCommand class on your own in the part where commands are declared.

Hoping that this could help you at least a little,


Thank you for your feedback! 

I'm adding this to my todo since I'm planning to do some products update as soon as I get free from some life duties.  Thank you again for choosing my plugin! 

Hi there!
Mmm... That's quite strange. So, yes when you write the code $gameVariables.value(1) you print the current value set to Value having as ID 1. So, all variables have as default value 0, but assigning a value this should change - as you probably already know -. I've done a test on my end trying to set the value of Variable ID 1 by console to 24 and it seems to work properly: 

The same thing should be if you set the value through event commands. Not sure why it do not update on your end. Have you tried to use the plugin in a void project?

About your second question, you can show the money value just using this script call: $ assigning it to the proper plugin parameter. 

Furthermore you can change the Parameter Name from "Age" to what you prefer and you should have a similar result

Thank you for your support <3

Hello there!

Thank you so much for your feedback. About your question, currently, there Is not a feature of this sort. Actually, there could be a way if we try to combine eventing with Keyboard Windows inner methods (ex. Having an event in loop that checks for the Activity of the keyboard Window and then forces the "confirm" method of the Window After a Number of cycles).

However, it's a try and catch application and for a released game could not be as much as solid as needed. But, I take note of your idea and, when I'll get free from some job duties I Will push the update for this plugin including a system for interrupting typing :)

Thank you!

Hello there!

For now the plugin supports the leader mechanic only for troops. However, your suggestion is oretta interesting, when I'll have time i'll update the plugin with this feature!

Whops! Thank you for reporting, I've applied the correction 😉

Hey there! 
Sorry for the late reply, but I got mega-busy recently. 

So, If I have understood correctly your question... Yes. Global Switches and Variables are indexed by the name you assign them into the configuration and not by their "id". Moreover, for making them interactive with the changes you do in game, the property "SAVABLE" must be set to true.

This mean that if you create a Global Switch named "FOO" and set the property "SAVABLE" to true and maybe edit them in game through one of the methods (plugin command or script call) the edit you do will be saved and accessible with the new value you assigned when you re-open again the game.

However, if you have a more specific issue that I have not satisfied with my answer, feel free to let me know :)

Hello there! Thank you for your interest.
Actually, the update is still not available - due the lack of time I had recently - but it will be done for sure in the near future, since I will add some new content as well.

Stay tuned! <3

thank you! 🌟

Added to the To-Do list :)

Thank you for your suggestion!

hi! That's difficult to tell since self variables are not something that Is available as default by Rpg Maker. If this is something that could be eventually compatibile with the default variable system, It could be possible, but i can't tell for sure.

you're very welcome! Thank you for your support!

hello there! 

Thank you for your interest! The plugin aims to replicate the same experience of IB (and similar kind of games). So, outside of checking (and enabling a feature for assigning an item to a variable for making item-check events), it's not possible to add other menu commands by default. Obviously, if you have JS knowledge, you can mod the plugin for your personal use to reach the result you want.

Hello there! Sorry for the late reply and thank you for your kind support!! 

About your report, I've actually updated the plugin to a new version applying the fix for the bug you have reported :) 

The fix has been done around line 390 if you're interested.

Thank you!

Thank you for the highlight!! It's much appreciated!

hi there! Thank you for the feedback!

Actually, the plugin uses pixi js for Window rendering, so It should be compatibile. However, for next month I'm planning some Plugins update and, since there is request, I Will publish an update containing MZ compatibility for this One too :)

hi there!

What kind of issue you're experiencing?

Thank you very much! 🙏

Hello there!
I never tried using it on Wine. However, since the software has been developed in python and then used Freeze for the Exe compilation, I suppose that It could work on WINE, too.
However, I think your question is pretty valid and I'll try myself asap!

Hi there! 

No problem, It's clear what you're saying! Thank you for your appreciation about the plugin. Currently, the plugin does not support natively touch interaction. However, this is something I have put in my notes to add in the future. Not sure when It will be released the update to this plugin, but I'll do it for sure. Thank you for your support!

Hi there!
Thank you very much for your interest! Actually, for this specific plugin there will not be a MZ compatibility.
However, I'm working on a collection of 3D-like plugins for MZ (still a lot in wip) using a different technology. There will be a plugin that will have similar features to this one!

Stay tuned!

Hi there! About the notetag for excluding an enemy from the bestiary, this is a good idea! I'm going to put this in a plugin update. 

About the way of adding a description, can you show me how have you configured the whole thing? :)

Thank you for the support! To which plugin are you referring for MV? Did you write a report? :)

Hi there! If there Is enough interest for It, I Will Port to MV as well.

For real, you're the third One asking this, so it's highly possible ;)

Oooh! I see, I'll try to see what I can do. These days I'll try to find the old project containing that common event. Thank you for your patience and support <3

Thank you very much for the appreciation! About the problem with the Duck model, not sure if this is related to the fact that the model has been updated by the source to a new standard. However, for real, this plugin (after a long time) has a planned update around April/May since I want to try to update Babylon's library and the original code for a better compatibility.
About sending you the common event - out of topic, I would suggest you to remove your email from the message for security reasons if this is your personal email :) -, I would like to send it to you but this is an old project and I have to find it on my old hard disk before. Inside the project page, there are screenshots how to setup the common event. If you're having issues with them, do you mind sending me a screenshot of them as well to give it a look? :)

Hi there!

Sure, I'm going to give a look. Just for being 100% sure, can you show me a screenshot of the event?

Mmm... I see! That's strange, any chance you don't have set battlers inside the Actor's database entries as they're took from there.

However, thank you again for your feedback! I'll make a new update to the plugin soon :)

Hello there! Thank you very much for your feeback! 
What do you mean when you say "i can't see animated battlers"? Do you have a screenshot to be shared?
This way I could understand what's the problem of the font size as well and decide to add a parameter for handling with it.

And for last, i would like to suggest that command window and stats window would be bigger in high resolution, because it left a lot of empty space. I hope you can continue developing this plugin, thank you.

This is a good idea! I'm going definitely to add this in the next plugin update.

I see :)

I'll try to update and implement improvements as possible. However, hardware features are something definitely relevant in this kind of mechanics, considering that Rpg Maker is slower than most of the user-ready game engines.

However, thank you again for the feedback!