Great game! Loved the defend the train while trying to reach your destination idea. Plenty of upgrades choices.
Vasilis Chonianakis
Creator of
Recent community posts
Nice puzzle game. Love the new minesweeper ideas. It took me a few runs to understand the game's strategy especially the character level up and how to better use the character's health (since you get a free heal when leveling up).
The game could really use a simple ingame tutorial. The text in the book about leveling up can be easily missed at the bottom (maybe move it at the top and make it BOLD?)
Κανοντας left click στις καρτες στο χερι τις παιζεις (σε post jam version - μετα την rating περιοδο - θα μπουν και μια σειρα απο εφε που θα κανουν πιο ορατο το "παιξιμο καρτας").
Οταν παιζεις μια καρτα απο το χερι αυτη σου δινει resources (explore ή/και attack) ενω πιο advanced καρτες που αποκτα κατα την διαρκεια του παιχνιδιου εχουν και αλλα abilities. Τα resources φαινονται στην καρτα του παικτη πανω αριστερα (κοκκινο - attack, πρασινο - explore).
Υπαρχει ingame help που μπορεις να το δεις οποιασδηποτε στιγμη πατωντας το αντιστοιχο κουμπι.
Τα resources τα ξοδευεις (αυτοματα) οταν κανεις click σε καρτες εντος του παιχνιδιου για να τις κανεις explore ή defeat (αναλογα την καρτα) αρκει να εχεις αρκετα resources (τα resources που απαιτουνται φαινονται στο κατω δεξια μερος της καθε καρτας).
Οτι resources περισευουν χανονται στο τελος του γυρου ενω ο παικτης τραβα 5 νεες καρτες απο το deck του.
Δεδομενου οτι το βασικο deck ειναι αδυναμο στην παραγωγη resources (ειδικα σε attack) πρεπει ο παικτης να αποκτησει καλυτερες. Αρχικα μπορει να αποκτησει μερικες adv.explore καρτες (μεση δεξια) που κοστιζουν 3 explore αλλα δινουν 2 explore οταν τις παιζει και σιγα σιγα να αποκτα νεες ισχυρες καρτες που του δινουν οι exploration cards στο πανω μερος (νεες exploration cards εμφανιζονται οταν κανεις explore το ιδιο το location - πανω δεξια).
Ολες οι καρτες που αποκτα ο παικτης πανε στο discard pile και ανακατευονται στο deck οταν χρειαστει να τραβηκτουν νεες καρτες και το deck ειναι αδειο.
- Add the game's version to the zip filename (you can optionally also add it to the game filename or even in the game itself, for ex. in the game's main menu)
- Make a post each time you make an update which include the new version and what changes/fixes that version contains. You can use the devlog posts for these posts to avoid putting everything in the game's main description. itself ask you if you want to make a new devlog when you upload a new file.
- Add a text file in the zip files that contains a text listing of all the versions & their changes/fixes.
There are plenty of example on alone but if you want an example of the first 2 points check a previous game of mine
Also it's best to keep the previous version up, at least for a couple of weeks, in case the new version introduce bugs.
no problem.
In the original but very basic engine (which was use in my Books of Power game) you had to click on the action after selecting the dice and then click on the enemy. Players complained that about too many clicks so in this game I made the selection of the action automatic after selecting the necessary dice which worked quite well.
I will check in any case the page/ingame help for possible text improvements. Thanks for the feedback.
Hi, the action graphics just show what action will be activated when you click on an enemy. you don't have to click it (in fact if I remember correctly they are just images not buttons).
You have to click on an enemy to activated the attack after you selected the necessary dice.
In my tests the crippling strike works correctly. I select the dice, the icon light up and when I click on the enemy the attack is performed.
I will check further. Do you happen to remember the room that this softlock happened?
Thank you! Glad you like it!
The game is under development with plan to add all the original regions that were cut! 2 are in the current jam version with further 3 regions to be added in the next post jam update next month.
I think the mountains region was made a little too difficult in the jam version so maybe decrease a little the difficulty in that region.
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed our game!
Thank you for the the feedback.
Based on player's feedback we are already testing a couple of methods to allow better handling of the player's vehicle at higher speed.
As for the blending of player's vehicle and buildings using a 1px black border around the player's vehicle seems to works quite well to prevent the effect.
Both changes will be added in a small post jam update when the uploads are unlocked.
Very nice game. Mowing grass is quite fun. Good controls.
Funny thing is that at first I thought that the main menu was a actual level and I was wondering why there wasn't a timer or a score label even as I was mowing the grass there.
Then I realized that I had to step on the level areas in order to start the actual levels.
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed our game!
I really like the "simplicity" of the CGA era visuals not to mention some of my favorites non adventure games (Sopwith, Alley cat) were using this visual style.
Another jammer suggested using interpolation for speed something that could help with the higher speeds.
This along a few small other fixes can easily be added to the game post jam.
Very nice game. Interesting use of the phasing mechanic not only to go through platforms but to avoid obstacles that will kill you provided you time it right and don't phase into the void below ;-)
Great work!
ALWAYS assign both WASD and Arrow keys to movement actions not just one of them! It's very simple to do and allow the player to use the controls scheme he prefer.
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed our game!
The black outline was indeed on the ideas we were testing but run out of time to implement.
The idea was for the engineering building to allow many more upgrades not only to your vehicle (similar to your ideas) but to also allow upgrades to buildings.
The initial idea was similar to the one you suggest with meteorites spawning all the time. Unfortunately this made the initial version of the game far more difficult and without time to tinker the difficulty we preferred for a simpler wave style of gameplay (at least for the jam version).
Thanks you for the suggestions about the meteorites.
Maybe some of those can be included (along with the necessary visual fixes that are definitively will be included) in a small post jam update after the rating period.
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed our game!
There was a plan to fix the visual overlap between player's vehicle, buildings but unfortunately we run out of time.
It wouldn't be a jam game after all ;-)
One of the ideas was for a small 1px black border around the player's vehicle and if it worked use it on the meteorite as well while also adding the missing explode animation to it (another visual dropped due to time).
Don't give up! You can do it!
Which part did you find difficult? Shooting down the meteorites? Collecting resources and creating buildings?
You don't have to shoot down all the meteorites especially if shooting one down move you out of place and prevent you from shooting down other incoming meteorites.