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A member registered Jun 11, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks glad you enjoy it. I am actively working on the BETA now, so stay tuned for updates!

Yes, sorry.

I plan to re-release this in January 2024 with the fix plus added content.

Hi and thanks for playing!

Yes that does seem to be a bug, one of quite a few in this game I am afraid and I am awaiting an update in the engine it was made in before I can fix things on my end.

Thanks ;)

So yeah I may look at doing it this weekend or something. I have to find an old USB storage device with my old stuff on it. It has undergone like 3 address moves so the first job is to find that. Once I do I'll upload stuff on itch in a haphazard way I guess but it will work. You'll just have to check my page every now and then. I won't be charging for stuff so might as well, right?

Now that you mention it, I was toying with the idea of just re-upping all my giantess half finished stuff as free to play on itch. I have no plans to work on or finish projects I made like 4 years ago or whatever, but if people still want to check out half finished stuff then I guess it's fine. Leave it with me, I'll see what i can do.

Additional to the above comment just now, I don't have the game file kicking around so if you don't mind giving me some info on the actual puzzle something may jog my memory. No promises though. Sorry, very unpro I know ;)

Thanks. I am submitting a free to play game very soon. The quality won't be great because the engine I am working in is still in 0.99 yet, but I plan on submitting to a game jam in the next few days.

TL;DR at the bottom:)

This is going to sound terrible, but I wouldn't know the solution. I am too disorganised to keep devlogs or anything of the sort and have bad memory so I am afraid I can't help you LOL.

What I do know is I playtest stuff and have playtesters too. I think my lead playtester did say that the hints for that puzzle you are talking about are a bit vague... but I must have ignored him LOL sorry not much help.

Unfortunately not enough people play my games to make walkthroughs and I am too lazy to make them myself. 


Sorry, I forgot LOL.

Temporary workaround whilst I fix:

Just unzip and use this folder to replace the existing layers folder within the Wretch > img folders.

Thanks and sorry for the belly up ;)

I see a few people are having the same issue. Unable to replicate the issue on my side, but I will attempt to fix this problem. 

Meanwhile, the game has been taken down until it is fixed. Thank you for raising this issue.

Redownload and try using a different unzipping tool. Thanks.

Thanks for playing!

The text is the first thing I will fix up in the next update, especially the scrolling text at the beginning.

In general, the whole thing does need a tidy-up, since I ran short of time submitting the game to the jam before I was away from my PC for a week or so, it was quite nerve-wracking!

I am glad you like the story, it will be more developed and fleshed out in the next episodic update.

Thanks for playing and commenting!

Also love your profile picture, Gryz from PS4 - that is like in my top 5 games of all time (and I am an old fart who has played lots of games!)

Very much appreciate the feedback - no there is not alternate ending but you can choose a different route at the start of the game and you will have a slightly different scene at the beginning.

 It is only a short game made for a 1-hour GameJam so the story is not very fleshed out at all but it is what it is I guess :)

Thank you for playing!

For sure the scrolling text will be improved in the next update, since it is the main bugbear people have and I can see why :)

Yes, the world map making is something that comes with practice but I have a good tip for you:

Have an existing JRPG world map open in your browser and overlay your editor screen so they sit side by side. 

The trick is not to copy exactly of course, but it will give you a nice idea where to plonk the grass and where best to have forested/mountainous areas etc. Remember, geologically speaking, coastlines are more mountainous than inland areas but of course you have to mix it up.

Thanks for commenting and good luck with your projects!

Thank you very much for playing!

Since the meat of the battle mechanics revolve around a 'use resource to strengthen it rather than getting umbrella XP', my main difficulty was trying to keep things balanced and I know for sure I can and will make improvements on those. I don't know if you tried it, but each character can equip any weapon or learn any spell, giving it a feel of Dark Souls where you can experiment with different builds.

I am glad you enjoyed it, I very much had fun making it and the jam gave me motivation to get it done to a playable point but for sure it does need some tidy-up and revision in future updates. 

Thanks very much for playing the game and I am glad you enjoyed it!

You are right about the ease of games to make it accessible for all but I strive to cater for people who like  a challenge too.

Before I ever played Dark Souls, I used to play every game on easy mode but that game has changed my perception of what inspires me to game and now if I find a game easy I will self-impose a challenge like kill of all but the protagonist in easy jRPGs just to make it harder.

Thank you for playing!

Yes, the difficulty likely comes from players not knowing how best to utilise the Strategy system and wasting HP taking longer to kill the enemies, but once you know this it is still rather tame difficulty wise even on the high setting.

My goal was to make the game accessible for everyone though and avoid ragequits xD

Thanks for playing!

I take your point of the fights being easy, but that is why I introduced the difficulty system since I cannot really win, if I made it so you mainly had to run and avoid enemies, I would have people on my back saying the game was too hard.

Thank you for pointing out the bug using the mouse, I will try and address that in a future update.

Thank you for playing!

This is just the first chapter but hopefully I can pick this game back up soon and balance it, sort bugs and expand on it.

I forgot how awesome the RM2003 enemy sprites looked!

Thank you for the comment!

I will try to enhance and balance the progression mechanics in later installments.

Thanks! All the best for your projects too.

Thanks, glad you noticed!

I wanted to make a progression system that allowed attackers only to get stronger in attack and mages level up magic through usage.

I haven't decided yet and don't worry, my plan is to switch to another party on the other side of the world anyway, so nothing will carry over.

Thanks for sharing the link!

Thanks for playing!

There are some bugs that need fixing in this game yes, but largely this first chapter is now complete.

My plan is to see how the game is received and make some further chapters.

I never tried haha...

It will likely just give you the error sound effect and do nothing, or just waste the item so I don't recommend trying :)

If you wish to level up your spells, just use them in battle or even Healing magic can be beefed up from the menu.

Usually around 30 castings of a spell will level it up.

Hi, yes saving can only be done at Save points in dungeons (the save point also heals you fully.)

In towns and on the world map you can save anywhere.

Thanks very much for trying my game!

I watched a little of your video and I noticed you mentioned the lack of the levelling up system?

Well, rest assured just by winning battles you ARE becoming stronger but not in the traditional sense of gaining EXP after the fights.

It will take too long for me to explain it here, but the bearded soldier outside the first house where you start the quest can enlighten you. (Everyone misses him out so maybe I should just put tutorials in there instead :P)

Anyway thanks again and I enjoyed your video!

Thanks for the heads up. 

I have some minor screen flashing in one of my games but have put up a warning screen about it on game start up.

Hope it doesn't wreck my chances :O

I am a Game Jam virgin too!  My first one!

Although we will be competitors I would like to wish you good luck with your game and for sure I will be checking it out when it's done.

Thank you very much for playing my game and I am glad you enjoyed it!

I appreciate the feedback you have given me, especially regarding the text since this has been raised by a number of players now and I will be glad to fix this for everyone in the near future.

Just so you know, weapons work exactly like the spell scrolls you mentioned in that any character can equip any weapon (i.e the hero is not limited to swords and the girl the bow) and the weapons themselves are designed to augment the playstyle of the player themselves.

For instance, a character with a big spell arsenal will have the spells boosted by equipping Staves.

There are a lot of intricacies with the progression system since it is far from traditional (the bearded soldier at the first village expands on this) but I am working on balancing things.

I will for sure keep up with this and other projects. Since this game was submitted to a game jam, I have another dropping soon which will have a very different feel to it and would appreciate any play time and feedback.

Thanks again for playing and take care!


I wish I was this talented to make pixel art, but it is a new resource pack that I purchased to replicate the feel of the NES era.

I do design and format my own art and include them in most of my projects but not in this one.

I am releasing another short game for a game jam very soon whereby I have created my own characters, enemies etc. It will have a very different feel to this game though, so please check it out later.

You made your own music and not many people can say that.

Well done mate!

Thank you!

I am also a fan of your work too.

Thank you!

Been waiting a long time to play this, so I'm super excited!

I am on holiday the week after next, so that will be when I apportion that time to start it up with a few beers and go on a little nostalgia trip!

Of course I am also looking forward to the new features and additions you have implemented.

I will be sure to add a donation (when I get some cash LOL -  payday not too far off) and some feedback after I've played it a bit.

Cheers from NinthNei

This game is now ready for sale. Find the game page here:  Click to view the game page
About the game
Detention Club is a traditional turn based RPG that relies heavily on visual novel elements to play out the story. You wake up in a seemingly abandoned college building with no recollection of your past.
To your horror you soon find yourself trapped here where all students and even the teachers seem hell bent on making your life a living nightmare with seemingly no reason.
There is no exploration and the story must be observed through questioning your enemies in the heat of battle and calling what few friends you make from the solace of a safe hiding place in between fights.
You start the game under powered and must build up your skills and repertoire of moves to at first just survive against the myriad of vicious and aggressive predominantly female foes you encounter throughout the school.
Gameplay Images