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Neon Night Time

A member registered Nov 24, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thanks, buddy!

Thank you! We will definitely check these points.

You need to search not only in the house but also outside the house.


The game is designed in a caricature/parody style. Therefore, I draw "down there" based on:

1. Not all people monitor the neatness of their "down there". Moreover, the game takes place around the 50s-70s (a mix, but with a strong bias towards the 50s).

2. This is only the beginning of the game and in fact the player has only seen a few characters, but I am a supporter of diversity and therefore over time the game will of course have different options, including neat ones (as it happens in real life - some people change their underwear every half day, while others once a week. It depends on the circumstances and personal preference of each).

3. When I released the first demo, I carefully listened to people's feedback (I still do this) and in most cases it was this moment (my version of "down there" that the players liked). I decided that they were right and continued in this style.

I've never really thought about whether people "down there" are ugly or not, I just try to follow logic (50s? - hair in most cases. Old-fashioned and very busy housewife without a relationship? - neatness doesn't really bother her, etc.).

There are people and anthropomorphs in the game. For example, a fox, a cow - anthropomorph. They have always been like this and will not change. Only people can change (in any direction), it will mainly depend on the player.

Rocky starts copying Buzz, because Rocky is a simpleton and when Buzz pompously imposes his worldview on him, Rocky thinks about it, because it's new to him. He decides to try and when Stacey starts showing sympathy for him, he decides that Buzz was right.

Saves have been working since version 0.5.1. We, our assistants, use saves when developing the game.

Each character has a personal inventory, but regular money is added up. Royal coins are a special currency and are listed in the inventory as a thing. In the game's progress, you can earn such coins, so it doesn't matter who found them in the location at the moment. Also, when changing a player, there will be a "things exchange" function and the Rocky player (for example) will be able to ask Martha (for example) for something from her inventory. I'm a fan of logic and it's strange for me if when changing a character, he gets the entire inventory. Martha will get her panties that Rocky found and won't pay attention to it? Then the player will select her panties in the inventory to look at the image and Rocky (who is not in the group at the moment) will say a phrase? Logic, buddy).

All controls in the game, including "Shift", are shown in great detail at the beginning of the game. When you press "Shift", the dialogue box disappears and the game pauses automatically. When you press "Shift" again, the game continues.

Yes, we need an artist, a person with whom I will discuss some aspects of the plot and a programmer. But mostly an artist, because I draw alone but I don't always have free time for it. If you want to take part in our project, then feel free to let us know.
(It's best if you contact us on our Discord).

Futa is there too, buddy :D. One of them can be found in the game 0.5.1, moreover, she has her own very important quest and in 0.6.0 her plot line will continue a little.

There's actually a bit of work left on the locations and finishing the gallery. But now (finally) we have a great native English speaker who is currently proofreading the text and there will still be time for testing. Also, new versions only appear here after the end of early access on Patreon. I can't say the exact release date for 0.6.0.

This scene is for future updates. The screenshot is from the very first demo and we decided not to delete it.

Ai ai guys). The clothes fell from a high hill and therefore some items of clothing can be in locations nearby, not only around Kaise's house. Marta will fall asleep when you find 3 items of clothing.

No, the Android version is just a test, we wanted to see if players would have problems launching, etc. so the error with the image after the cave will be corrected later. At the moment, only the Windows version works correctly.

I don’t know how to answer the second question, because it’s not clear exactly what you want to know.

Thank you buddy!

We are trying to speed up the release of new versions, but we do not know the exact date. At the moment, development of 0.6.0 is in full swing.

If you mean saves of version 0.0.4 or earlier, then the saves will not work. Working saves start with version 0.5.0.

Yeah buddy, the problem is only in the Android version. Well.. it's just a test. We'll fix it anyway of course.
Portuguese is one of the official languages that will be in the game. Here is the full list:

English (we are looking for a native speaker)

(1 edit)

Kaise gives you a spray in the morning and you can use it yourself before taking wild honey. But if you accidentally use the spray too early (time is up) - then you will have no spray. What to do? There is an exit. You can again buy the spray from Kaise in the store for free, but only once. This spray will be automatically used when collecting honey.

Hello buddy!
The version for Android is still at the test stage. We didn't plan to release it so early, but a lot of requests from players did the trick . To be honest, I don’t have Android, so I can’t tell you how it works, but people are playing, so everything is fine. In any case, most likely there is a serious bug in the Android version after the orc's cave (only one person reported this to us, but we have to check), so you shouldn't pay attention to this version for now.

Ok buddy, thanks, we will check this and if there is a bug, we will update the link.

Thank you buddy!
In fact, we are simply adding to the game various idiotic situations that can happen in ordinary life). Of course, within the law and without terrible or very rude and strange things. Hairy women are part of the game world and they were, are and will be throughout the game. Of course, there will be not only hairy ones, we try not to deviate too much from reality, so the characters will be quite diverse. It’s just that at the moment the player is only familiar with some of the characters who, according to the plot, should be hairy, so the player may think that this is one of the main fetishes of the game). But this is not so, although we place some emphasis on it.

We are trying to speed up the release of new updates, but we do not know the exact date). In any case, public access opens almost a month later than on Patreon.

Thank you for message.
Which version is the error, PC or Android? It’s strange that no one else wrote about such a bug, but they asked questions after going much further than the farm. In any case, we will check this soon and if this is a bug, we will re-upload the corrected version. Android or PC?

Thank you buddy!

Yes, hairy women are part of the world of the Kingdom (50s-70s). It will be possible to shave it off in the future, but the hair will grow back over time. This is still at the idea stage, but it is possible.

Well, if it worked before (I didn’t check it because I haven’t made a version for Android yet), then it should work now, we haven’t changed anything in this regard.

Sooorry, your comment was pending moderator approval and I didn’t see it right away.

Now, of course, it’s too late, but in version 0.5.0 all the graphics have been improved and in general the game has now become a real game).

Thanks for your interest in our project, buddy.

What do you mean?

Both options. The plot is supplemented, but not continued, the story ends in the same place as in 0.4.0. The continuation of the plot will begin with version 0.6.0. And the gameplay/mechanics have been greatly improved, the graphics have been improved and new sprites/portraits/images have been added (where they were not there before). The plot lines have been slightly changed. Added and improved menu items. There are many, many changes.

Thank you buddy! Update 0.5.0 is ready and will soon be released on Patreon, tests are currently underway.

Yes, before I wanted to make a game with a system as similar as possible to very old school RPGs, but to my surprise this turned out to be difficult for some people, so I remade the game into an easier version and now there will be no problems, but the risk of getting a sudden “Game Over” is all - remains the same, so almost every player’s choice is similar to “Russian roulette”). So save often.

In your case, you can find coins in the diner in front of the postcard stand and on the beach to the left of the cactus in the grass. In version 0.5.0, major hidden items/coins will be visible.

Thanks a lot buddy! The new version should have been released by now, but the work has been delayed, so 0.5.0 will be released soon, but the exact date is unknown. There are quite a few changes and the game has become more understandable).

(1 edit)

Hello buddy! I don't hate this question, it just doesn't make any sense). A release can only be a release when it is ready, otherwise it will not be a release but quackery. Therefore, there will be many questions and 100% more bugs. The question “When is the release” was asked very often before and it is difficult for us to answer every person, but if you don’t answer, the players will say “The developer does not want to communicate with the players,” so we informed in advance that such questions will remain unanswered. This will not speed up the release. I don't want to offend anyone, buddy, but the release will come when I personally finish working on it and conduct testing. In fact, this release is the longest of all that have come before, but it is also the last long release. We have finished the most difficult things at the moment and now releases will come out more often (I am a developer, so this is 100% information). But this release will have to wait a little longer.

Buddy, you asked this question on our Patreon. I answered you there (a large post specifically for your question and more). Please, check it.

Thanks buddy :D

Soon, we wanted around March 1, but we still need to work. The update is ready, just a lot of little things.

There is a lot of money to be found in the locations, you need to explore them. A "?" appears above your head. - it means you found something. There are no deadlocks in the game. In your case, go to the beach and look to the left of the cactus and in the snack bar in front of the postcard stand next to the door.

In the next update (0.05), the entire game system has been redone and everything has been greatly improved, from graphics to gameplay. And this point has also been taken into account.

Wow! Thank you buddy)

In fact, updates here come out much later than the release. In any case, most likely after the update (v0.05) I will change some things on this page.

Thank you buddy!
Our Discord currently only works for patrons. When it was open to everyone, sometimes people came who were interested in writing various nonsense, etc. Therefore, now this is available only to those who are really interested in our game. For free subscribers on our Patreon there is always information about new releases and sometimes something else. In short, all the information is on Patreon. But in any case, we always try to answer questions in any place.

Thank you buddy)

As far as I understand what NTR means, no, I’m not sure it’s in the plot.

Thank you buddy). Yes, I am very serious about the project because I want to give the players a fairy tale that will give them an old school feeling and (something else lol). My game is a little unconventional and some players don't like it but...

Yes, I understand that waiting is difficult buddy, I really understand, believe me. Previously, I planned to release updates every month, but now I see that for this I need another artist. I only have two hands and I simply don’t have time to do everything alone, so updates don’t come out as often as I would like. I can only change the speed of updates and add more content if I can find another artist. If you know such a person, let me know and then the updates will be much more frequent.