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A member registered Jun 13, 2024 · View creator page →

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So sweet! Love it!

A good hit, definitely, yes. Powerful, emotional. Also a bit of a bittersweet hit. 

No worries about getting lost in cemeteries, though ;D I had my "you belong" moment by the ocean (and I am not intending to become one with it any time soon) <3

"Employee #427's job was simple: he sat at his desk in Room 427 and he pushed buttons on a keyboard.

Orders came to him through a monitor on his desk telling him what buttons to push, how long to push them, and in what order.

This is what Employee #427 did every day of every month of every year, and although others may have considered it soul rending,

Stanley relished every moment that the orders came in, as though he had been made exactly for this job.

And Stanley was happy."

- The Stanley Parable

Couldn't stop thinking of this quote while playing xD

But honestly, I love this little game.

could be biased, but I adore the matrix-esque look!

Really smooth and pleasent to play. Good exercise to practice typing fast / blindly :D

This is super cool! I love point and click adventures, and I love pixel art, and this is really charming! Great work, thank you for sharing it !! <3


I was not prepared for how hard this hit

I'm just gonna comment now because I can't stop playing! xD It's super addictive.

Sooo, I really love this game! The art is charming, the references are fun, and as I said, I super enjoy it! Hits the theme of the jam aswell, and is something I would pay money to play on an arcade machine or something. A Lot of fun!!

One thing: This doesn't affect me personally. But there are folks who find it hard to keep a mouse button pressed. If you want to improve the accessibility, I suggest making it possible to "pick up" an item with one click and "drop" it with another. 

Again though, I overall love the game and will definitely show it to my friends! xD 

Thank you for sharing your work <3

Brought a smile to my face! Thank you for making this :D

Only thing I would like to ask is, if you play a very loud sound very suddenly, even if it's the *point* of a joke to not be expected, please give some sort of warning for the folks that are particularly sensitive to this kind of stuff - e.g. people with auditory processing issues, people with certain kinds of trauma, people with auditory triggerable disorders. My partner has a heart disease that genuinely causes her to faint from strong jumpscares/shock moments, which, as you might imagine, can be dangerous dependent on which environment you're in.

Still though, the game itself is to-the-point, easy to figure out and I like the humour! So overall, thumbs up :)

(1 edit)

Okay, after some playing: The game is very fun! Especially as an entry on a short jam like this, I'm super impressed *insert sparkly anime eyes*

If you decide to continue working on this game, I have two ideas how to make the experience a bit smoother yet.

1. A restart button - Especially in the first few rounds where I only started to learn the core mechanics, I would have loved to just end the attempt and start new xD

2. I found myself confused several times about which card I had equipped and was placing, since the sprite on the mouse doesn't change. Apparently it wasn't always the last card I had clicked? It might be cool to add a visual aid for which germ I'm about to plant.
Edit: Playing some more, I can see that I can rightclick to discard what is on my mouse, and pick up something else XD My bad, but maybe something to add in the tutorial?

Overall, I am obsessed with this! Very outside-the-box design and it makes me feel like a microbiologist, which I adore! I'm going to check out some more projects you uploaded later because dang, I love your style.

Also the art is super inspiring!!

Hi! I just started this game, I'll likely come back to comment more elaborately after playing for a while.

First impression: I *love* the idea. Very curious, educative (which makes me personally extremely excited) and great art, too! Fun and inviting <3

Only major downside I can see: The text of the cards is both very small (playing on desktop) and moves! It looks fun but is extremely hard to read. This makes the game hardly accessible for people with dyslexia and/or vision disabilities. If you decide to make your text move, please include an option to toggle it off.

Again, I'm super excited about this game, and am hyped about getting into playing it now! Thank you for sharing your work!! <3