Changing timeToReachMaxSpeed and timeToReachZeroSpeed makes the velocity flutuate between low negative and positive values and animations behave weirdly.
Just setting each of them to 0.3 (independently) and moving around, it is noticeable.
For some reason the opengl3 version gets stuck for some time, showing "Not Responding" in the windows. After about 1 min 45 sec, the game started... Kind of weird. This was the third time i tried to run it, but since I got to work on a different issue and left the window opened, just realized the game had started... 😅
Original fun game!
When quitting also got these errors on Windows CMD:
windowkill-vulkan.exe --rendering-driver opengl3
Godot Engine -
OpenGL API 3.3.0 - Build - Compatibility - Using Device: Intel - Intel(R) Iris(R) Xe Graphics
ERROR: 7 shaders of type CanvasShaderGLES3 were never freed
at: ShaderGLES3::~ShaderGLES3 (drivers\gles3\shader_gles3.cpp:802)
ERROR: 14 RID allocations of type 'struct GLES3::Material' were leaked at exit.
ERROR: 7 RID allocations of type 'struct GLES3::Shader' were leaked at exit.
ERROR: 2 RID allocations of type 'struct GLES3::Texture' were leaked at exit.
ERROR: Texture with GL ID of 157: leaked 84 bytes.
at: GLES3::Utilities::~Utilities (drivers\gles3\storage\utilities.cpp:77)
ERROR: Texture with GL ID of 155: leaked 84 bytes.
at: GLES3::Utilities::~Utilities (drivers\gles3\storage\utilities.cpp:77)
ERROR: 14 RID allocations of type 'struct RendererCanvasCull::Item' were leaked at exit.
WARNING: ObjectDB instances leaked at exit (run with --verbose for details).
at: ObjectDB::cleanup (core\object\object.cpp:2049)
ERROR: Resources still in use at exit (run with --verbose for details).
at: ResourceCache::clear (core\io\resource.cpp:483)
Hi @sonictk.
Your question was asked in 4coder handmade network forum some time ago:
People usually tend to change the default Emacs key bindings to fit their needs. So I don't think that is even useful, as I dislike Emacs default key bindings.
May be you and Allen have a different opinion.
Anyway, back in summer I tried to fit 4coder custom layer with some Emacs default bindings I am used to, and some with my own key customization.
These are the Emacs default ones I use:
Movement: C-p C-n C-f C-b C-a C-e
Deletion: C-d M-d C-k
Search: C-s
And these ones of my own taste:
(In parenthesis, the original Emacs binding)
Movement: M-p M-n M-f M-b M-g (M-g g)
Save: C-S-s (C-x C-s)
Font size: C-= & C-- (like C-x C-= and +/-)
Buffers & windows:
C-w (C-x k)
C-<tab> (C-x o)
M-2 (C-x 2)
M-3 (C-x 3)
M-0 (C-x 0)
The custom layer is in a github repo, though not sure if it would be worthy for you. It is also based on 4coder beta 4.0.30 super.