This is a fun concept! The different orders were really fun and quirky, though I kept running into a bug. At certain points it wouldn't register me clicking any of the locations or tabs at the bottom.
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I figured out why I couldn't see the dogs at the beginning! My screen boundaries were a bit off, so when godot opened it cliped a little bit of the left side. I just didn't realize it until I started messing with the game window :) Also, personally I think the sprites are a pretty good size right now. I'm afraid that making them too big would overwhelm the player at the beginning.
I have so much new found respect towards sheep dogs now! This game definitely embodied the feeling of being out of control. Some constructive criticism though, I would love it if the dog was on the screen at the beginning of each level. I was a bit confused at first about where my character was until I ended up holding right and they showed up. Overall great job though!