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A member registered May 09, 2018

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"Added scenes for other requests you can make of the Brothel Madame for the first bounty reward (facesitting)"


I just tried it and got nothing. Not even the scene that used to happen.

Hah, I was just coming to ask about the chair thing. I just tried it again to see if it was changed yet. I haven't even found any acknowledgement of it by searching

(1 edit)

So I haven't played the game a whole lot, all of my time playing has been a couple versions ago, and I've always tried (and mostly managed) to defeat my opponents without actually taking down their HP.

I just started a new game for the latest version, and decided to try actually fighting the Unicorn, and beat her easily. I was pleasantly surprised at the option to inspect her cock afterward, which I of course chose. And that led to me having the best experience with this game yet.

Just wow. The writing for sucking the unicorn centaur's giant horsecock was phenomenal. I especially loved that it stayed true to the fact that I chose to do it. Even when talking about the difficulties and potentially negative aspects, it always managed to bring it back around to the fact that it was what I wanted. A very welcome contrast to the (sometimes understandable) attitude of regret and abhorrence I'm used to seeing.

Is this the type of thing that winning battles usually entails?  Have I been playing the game woefully wrong?

(I can't comment on the "Ride 'em Cowgirl" option because I liked the blowjob scene so much, I didn't want to ruin the moment by reloading to try it, and then having to reload again to retain the canon of willingly losing my oral virginity to a unicorn's cock)

TL;DR: Great job on the unicorn victory fellatio, Majalis!

Yessssss facesitting and analingus

I would like to add specifically the possibility of penetrating the ogre's urethra.

This is Ramza from Final Fantasy Tactics, from pixiv. That artist has a lot of great art of him

(2 edits)

1. I'd like to know this as well. The main character makes vague references at different times to goals and aspirations of which I'm otherwise unaware. If the main character isn't just a blank slate for me to fill in as I please, I need to know where I can expect the boundaries to be.

2. It depends on what you mean by win. I'm considering anything that ends the battle without triggering a game over as a win (you still get experience). By that definition, I have beaten the male goblin (both by getting fucked and sucking him off), the female goblin (if you get fucked by her enough, the battle ends and she leaves "eggs" inside you that allow you to get impregnated), the harpy (hand jobs and blowjobs, no penetration), the wereslut (sucking her off, fucking her, and being fucked by her all end the battle without triggering a game over, the latter is the only one that really tries to make it seem like a bad thing), and I forget exactly how the ogre goes, but I've been onaholed by a couple and I'm still kicking. I've mostly gotten through battles without using a single damaging attack. I want to clarify here that what I put in the parentheses are things I've done, not necessarily all that's possible. Edit: I just found out that you can get orally "knotted" by the wereslut, and that does result in a game over, but I've definitely won the battle before by sucking her off, she just came before progressing to the "knot" stage

3. I was going to ask this as well, and I sure do hope so. Especially with all the gigantic cocks around. If you could somehow enlarge your own dick, just to have another hole to get fucked in, that'd be swell.

4. In response to a related question, Majalis has said this:
"In regards to animating every position with every enemy, or having static art thereof - we'll try to do as much as we can, but we don't plan to have everyone fully animated for all the things you can do with them (although there may be generic animations to cover the gaps).  There'll definitely be more dialogue coverage as well."

It would be really nice if you got to keep the filled condoms from working at the brothel as items. You could drink them at any time to replenish a little bit of hunger (and heal if you have the perk for it). You could also use them in battle to arouse both you and your opponent by drinking them, pouring them on yourself, or emptying them into your ass, possibly even being able to bulge out your stomach on demand. Whatever you could do with them, I definitely want to keep them.

It could maybe even be a general thing that you could use condoms in order to save cum for later. I'm not sure it could ever make sense to be able to slip one on your opponent and prevent them from taking it off long enough to have them fill it, but you could certainly wear them yourself, and then your cum wouldn't have to be shot "uselessly" into the dirt all the time. I guess there would also be the downside of not burdening your opponent with your semen when you cum in them too. On using it on your opponents, you could make them use one whenever you're in control: when you jerk them off, blow them, or sit on their dick. Making them wear a condom before you ride them would give you the bonus of not being filled up, though I guess you would have to use a turn to peel their condom off if you wanted to keep it.

If they're in control, maybe if you've seduced them enough they won't bother taking the time to take it off before fucking you.

I didn't have all this in mind at first, but now I'm thinking condoms could be a legit game mechanic. I feel like a "Condom Collector" perk would be appropriate. I'm imagining an NPC that sells condoms, both empty and full, with her scant clothing having tied-off semen balloons in place of fabric