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A member registered Oct 04, 2018 · View creator page →

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Hello! Thank you so much for asking! Unfortunately, we haven't been able to update the game as of late and given current circumstances with the global pandemic, it is difficult to ascertain whether the project can still continue. For now, it is on an indefinite hiatus.

Yes! Despite the full game release being pushed back by a few days, I'm definitely looking forward to it! <3

I'm so glad you found it enjoyable! Thank you so much! I hope you'll still be around when the extended demo releases! <3

Hi there! Replying to you here to let you know that a Mac option is now available. Hope you look forward to it! :--)

Thank you for being so kind! We admit that the demo definitely could be improved, but I'm very glad you think it has potential to be better. I hope that when we release the extended demo, a lot of the story background will be explained and hopefully, things will make more sense and will have better writing, too!

We hope you'll be around when the extended demo releases! <3

"One more question: Is Reina actually a magical girl whose powers unknowingly manifested in bringing her plushies to life and granting them human forms since she was small?"

That's a super cute idea but I'm afraid she's just a simple girl! <3 More info on what exactly the world setting is and what the plushies actually are in the extended demo! I hope you'll still be around when that gets released! :--) And thank you again for another suggestion! We'll try to make it work out!

Hi there, and thank you for the really long comment (seriously, I appreciate the time and effort you've spent on giving feedback!) :--)

I'm glad you like Leo's design! And yes, I envisioned Bear to be such a big brother type so I'm also happy he seems that way to you (props to aehtrv for capturing them so nicely). We'll take your suggestions into consideration! Honestly, a lot of the planned features and expectations have been reduced (I explained it in the post-mortem post I shared awhile ago), so I understand that the demo looks really rough. I'm thankful for your insights (especially the new ones like having some point-and-click interface and custom UI for dream vs real world) because they give ideas we could possibly work on throughout the year.

Re: additional tags, yes, I'll add them! Thanks so much! That'll help with the reach of the game, though I'm already content with a small audience. (of course, more is better) :--)

About your questions, I'm finished with Lion's route, and halfway with Bear's and Penguin's. For now, I'm thinking of keeping InTWON as the game title since I've used it so often already (and it would take a whole lot of thinking effort to come up with a catchier name). Lastly, the full game will be free of charge. ^^

Thanks for playing!

Hi! Thank you so much for your interest in the demo! I'll work on a mac option and post an update as soon as I can. :--)

This is pretty nifty! I didn't know there were more free dedicated VN engines. I'll definitely take the time to browse through these resources. Thanks!

Thank you so much for the reply, I really appreciate it! I'm gonna try to work my way around this bug; it seems to work well for my friends that I've linked it to but not for me. But I will definitely try your suggestions. I've also looked into mosi, it seems pretty neat!

Hi! I think this is such a great tool... except that it doesn't seem to work for me. In the paint & room box, all it is showing me is a black screen within the window, with no options to edit or make samples of pixel art for the room, sprite, etc. Even animation button won't dropdown or show frames. I even downloaded the offline editor but it seems to not work for me either. Hope you can help? Thank you!

Hello! I finally finished the demo! I really enjoyed the game! I made a more detailed review and answering of your questions of PBS on the Lemmasoft Forum post you have. The demo was very fun to play, and I'm looking forward to the future release!

Everything about this was such a nice experience. The art is beautiful and the music and sound effects really matched the scenes that were playing out.  The story is fantastic.

I wish you and your team the best of luck! You now have a loyal fan! ^^

I love the game! I wish it would get more features in the future but right now I am so satisfied with the demo because it's so relaxing and all the chooks are so adorable. I especially love their flying animations!

They are so cute. Keep it up!