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A member registered Aug 23, 2018 · View creator page →

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Lovely and great game! Impressive concept and cool game play! XD

one thing I wish is slightly more animation frame for Decline(she is Decline, right?) : )

I love her move and want to see in more detail!

Lovely Graphic and great game play!

I wish to see full version someday.  : )

star system is fascinating but In my think risk and reward is so high.

with high star, game play is superly easy compare to starting but even only one hit lost all star and this make me sad.

but others all good! most of all, heroes are so cute!

did you feel the mouse control is hard? then how about using the keyboard?!

(1 edit)

Finally, first playable Demo of A.R.M is released!

play in your browser!

New tutorials for combat moves!
I thought it'd be easy, but it proved harder to make than I thought!
And I noticed it has bugs just now! X{

with Slow Motion and the Focus function, the moments are more intense!

let's learn the control system of A.R.M!

I add a tutorial system for the game. and also apply a new font!
Now most of the core system is completed and It's time to add contents! next week will be pixel art week! XD

Finally ARM has sound! recently I found perfect BGM for ARM!

and plus powerful punch sound! But still, I need to find various Sound Effect...

what sound needs on warp?

And Plus

Now ARM have Steam store page!

Upgrade Panel for A.R.M!

All machines need to be upgraded and A.R.M also be.

cool and fun game!

Ready Room in-game!

Even though I need to add some functions for here, It is good to see in-game finally!

Improved AI! Now Monster can attack with various combo and

 react against the player's attack!

watch for an unguarded moment!

With applying UI, ARM looks much like a game!

even still I need to fix for some resolution problem, My game steps one more!

I really want to make enemy ai logic ASAP!

My Plan for Character Select screen!

in truth, I want to post Real in-game video.

but Making in Unity UI System is a bit complicated work! X{

Wow! Thank you for playing ARM! : O

I saw your gameplay and in truely, you did very well!
(that crystal golem is final monster in that version XD

ARM is originally created for 2-buttons Jam and I made it in almost 5days.

I also understand the defect of gameplay. and also a possibility.

So I decided to remake ARM and currently work in progress!

I plan to complete the remake version before February. (I hope so...)

I keep upload devlog on Twitterand Reddit and also Facebook!

And like Jam version, remake version also be Free!

Thank you for your interest in ARM and cool Game Play and Feedback! :D

Effects in game! It looks like applied well : )
But where is UI?

let's keep Unity weeks  X(

draw some effects for motion!
Now I need to apply it to real game X(

In truely, there are many resource I need to apply on real game.

my next week will be  unity week.

see you late aseprite!

Don't underestimate your standard fighting skills.

But SOMEDAY, you maybe have to use RISKY ULTIMATE SKILL for save the world!

It is first video of in game view! Still I need a lot of thing to do, but Adding new feature is interesing work.

New Background, New Enemies, Then Surely, I need to remake new UI!

new monsters for ARM!

Giant Snake is not a easy monster and Giant Cobra is even more tough!

Background Upgrade!!

Jam versions Background is too simple and poor!

Background need to be Upgrade!

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ARM is simple action game I made for 2-buttons-jam in itch.

And Now, I decide to remake ARM with more interesting system and contents!

I plan to make ARM for various platform like mobile, web, PC!

It will be simple project around one month.

And sure like previously, It will be free!

You can play 2-buttons-jam version on here!

Thank you for your good review!

Thank you for great review! It is amazing and your words make me cheer up!

Thank you! This was my first Unity game and all work is very fun and challengable things. Thank you for your advice and I'll search to find way to make game playable in the browser!

it looks interesting! : )

Simple but Cool!

Impressive game play! If I can move up to push asteroids, It will be much easy, but Only I can move left and right, I need to think strategically! It is cool!

Charging Arnold is so cute XD! and also great voice acting. it is cool game!

Oh It is amazingly impressive and have cool game play!

; )

Thank you! XD

Thank you for good words!

Interesting Idea! I also thought about enemies reaction to player attack(but I can't make this on time  haha) If then, Maybe player also do feint to enemies!

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Thank you! : D

Thank you for playing my game! Recently I start studing unity and I see this game jam. And I think 2-button limit is simple and challengable to making my first Unity Game! It was good experiance : )

Thank you! I love drawing pixel art XD

ARM up for saving the world! I made simple game for 2-buttons jam!

Fight against fearful monsters with ARM!

You know, ARM mean "Absolutely Reliable Machine(for saving the world)"

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