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A member registered Jul 30, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much for leaving me feedback! It means so much to me. This is my first time releasing something that I consider ""playable and working"" on public. I didn't expect getting this much feedback and play counts, to be honest...

I released the source code on my github (link is on the 'side note' section). There are not much stuff to salvage in the repo, but feel free to use my arts and scripts. Don't use the code, it's awful.

I'm planning to remake and expend the concept further using feedback you lovely people left. Not sure when, though.

Second and third level looked easy, but not having much time left made it difficult to go through! I guess anxiety really is only enemy in this game. Enjoyed playing it!

Not sure if it was intended or not, but you can beat second level by leaving the screen. I think you forgot to place wall there?

Took so many tries to save the pilot, aw.

Voice acting is nicely done and I really like the unique dialog selector!