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A member registered Dec 23, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you for your word!

huh... how can I get to the bus?

Creativity: Very good

Fun: Yessssss

Follow Theme: I don't know mann

Presentation: Keep crashing :/

You can rebuild the game, then edit your game page on and replace the .rar fil

Unfortunately I don't have python :P

Pretty like it, the only issue is that there is no music and sounds

(2 edits)

Creativity: Fair, pretty good

Fun: Yessssssss

Follow Theme: Great


(Wth is this?)

(2 edits)

ATTENTION: I found out there are some issues after building the WebGL file, for some reason the WebGL created so many bugs that I didn't create like: Messed up music looping; Messed up SFX; etc.

So I added a downloadable version of this game with better quality, I recommend you play the downloadable one.

Edit: OK, to be honest, I don't want to get low ratings just because of some stupid Unity bugs so I decided to remove the WebGL version of the game, sorry for this inconvenience.

(3 edits)

ATTENTION: I found out there are some issues after building the WebGL file, for some reason the WebGL created so many bugs that I didn't create like: Messed up music looping; Messed up SFX; etc.

So I added a downloadable version of this game with better quality, I recommend you play the downloadable one.

Edit: OK, to be honest, I don't want to get low ratings just because of some stupid Unity bugs so I decided to remove the WebGL version of the game, sorry for this inconvenience.

I didn't create any jump cooldown, I don't know why but the game's jump button only works like 95% of the time, I don't know how to fix it

For the second issue, well, the jam ends sooner than I think and I only have time to make some sounds, and I also don't know how to change the background colour to gradient or any decoration :)

thank you for that, but unfortunately, when I read this it was too late :/ I don't think I can make it in time, I just want to attend a short 1-day jam and I only find this on, if you intend to have another 1-day jam soon, please let me know, I'll join Discord btw

Summer Dev Jam community · Created a new topic Confusion
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What is the theme of this jam? I enter this a bit slow so I couldn't attend the chat in Discord, sorry for the inconvenience.

(Btw, I hopped into this jam while finding a 1-day jam on, not on Discord so I didn't really know what happened)

My game for this jam is also the 1st game I make, and now I'm trying to continues my personal project :)

Wait so if the reward was $5 then each of them would have $1?

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Well it's the end of jam and I got 3rd! I'm very happy of that for 2 reasons

1/It's my very first game made by unity that is puhlished

2/I have to stay up to midnight to finish it

Good job, I think you must be the winner cuz the one on the 1st first place probably made by many people :))

Is that only the 1st place is the winner?

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Thanks a lot

Tip: You can actually wall jump


Use the tips, run into walls to controls your position according to the platform

No sounds and too simple, but I know it's very hard to make so good job

I don't have MacOS :(

Quite simple and there are no sounds, there is no bug though

unfortunately, I can't seems to run it, so I won't rate

the only problem is too many bugs in the game

I won't rate this cuz I've rated the web version

The most theme related but the visual hurts my eyes


Yeah this game even exists in the jam, good animation though

dude, it was really short

(like this comment)

Also your game is very great, the 2nd best game I've rated

like I've said, the audio is very very fine but for some reason, it broke when got uploaded to the web

I'll soon add a downloadable version with better sounds

(1 edit)

hope you add audios and improve graphics, the game is quite simple and short, you can add the jump and some kind of ability to it, however I know that unity 3D is quite hard so it's amazing that you've done one (actually this is the first 3D game made by unity I've played)

Not very theme-related but everything else is really good, 1 of my 3 best-rated games so far, keep it up!

Personally, I'm quite picky about rating games because I have played many good games before and I'm quite analytic, so sorry if you guys receive not very good rating from me

the gameplay is great! I like the acceleration of the player, although it's not really theme-related cuz not everyone can find the easter egg, the art is great but it's quite annoying when the game doesn't restart right away after death and it lacks the uniqueness of a game, appreciated though

ok, good job though

This is the first game that on I've play doesn't reset the music when you start over and it's quite nostalgic, I wish it could be longer, the visual is cute but it's not very fun cuz what you do is only moving, one of my highest rating so far, good job!