Extra information for songs with hidden BPMs:
LAMBORGHiNI Revolution - 360 bpm
Mangos - 111.12 bpm
Jackie's Box - 140 bpm
Was a bit confusing at first but I managed to understand the loop pretty quickly.
I liked the concept of being limited with your evasion but found it hard to pay attention to how many evasion points I had left without taking my eyes off the main action. If it was a more traditional bullet hell with free movement but still kept the limited evasion somehow, this would be a sick base for a full shmup game (especially with the 3D perspective). Aesthetic was really well put together especially the UI, good job getting all the important info on display with how much there was of it. Some more sound effects would be great so you can tell what's going on without looking (like for running out of evasion).
Tbh I think of all the games in this jam this is the one with the most potential like I'm going to 100% wait for you to flesh this out someday.
This is a really sick fan battle! I love the creativity of the different copy ability attacks, they're all really fun to dodge.
Also, the replicated battle system is super solid, so good job on that (would be interested in knowing what engine you used, btw)
I think this mod would definitely benefit a lot from having the slowdown-soul feature, especially for the trickier to dodge attacks. (if you don't know, in deltarune you can hold down X to move the soul at 50% speed. I only found out that feature really recently lmao). It also feels a bit like diagonal movement is faster than moving on just one axis, so if you haven't normalised the movement velocity it might be worth doing so to get a smoother movement feel.
Overall though, I really like this fangame. Looking forward to see what else you make dude.