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A member registered Apr 12, 2020 · View creator page →

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I would definitely say I was getting new ships a little fast so that when a couple crashed more had come in. 

Love how simple it is, as well as how polished it is. So far, this has been the most fun I've had in my queue. Well done on your idea theme, "scorekeeper" wasn't even a role I was anticipating to see!

Hope you don't find my ratings harsh, but I think the lack of music and sound as well as visual feedback made the already chaotic nature of being a healer to a dysfunctional party even more difficult and unsatisfying. I think the idea was brilliant though! As a healer who has tab targeted for MMOs I thought this was pretty funny and well thought out. Bug wise when saving a party member the two of you kinda shake around and the healer always turning to the left even after walking right felt a little off.  

I think the idea for the theme is done pretty well! I get to rush as Lakitu in an NES style racing game. The most fun I had was definitely slinging in between the track using the tires. Played twice and went from 300 points to over 1000. Well done, I think you nailed the aesthetic you were going for.

I really dig the music! And I think the idea fits the theme pretty well, unfortunately I had a hard time figuring out exactly how the buttons would influence the race. I ended up getting over 10,000 points just hitting random buttons.

Out of all of the jams I've played so far this is one nailed the visuals the most, Nice Job! I just wish the story wasn't so short! I was getting so into the story and ready to dodge a killer or something!(I actually had to check to make sure the game didn't crash by playing the game a second time lmao). Even still love this and hope you continue it even a little bit. 

I really liked the environment! and the game play was nice and engaging. The vehicles were a little confusing and buggy though, with the first car I somehow broke it and ended up in a wall. With the tank I had shot before getting in having the tank break instantly. Still fun and interesting nonetheless. (Never thought of a grand theft auto binding of isaac Cross!)

Great game! defiantly got me to play the game for a bit through difficulty alone lol. I think the difficulty might be a little too much for a game Jam but that's just my opinion. The sound was a little too loud for me, but the ambiance worked well and the controls felt nice and snappy.  Adding a background would help keep my eyes interested, and the enemies felt weird to jump on at times(also have them kill the player from both sides instead of just the one their facing). Overall good game just too guess-worky and difficult. (I nearly gave up on the jump before the last spike jump!)

Really Nice game and idea, couple of things I recommend. The player feels super sluggish and the ability to hold M1 enabled me to just sit in the bottom right corner and rapid fire at incoming enemies. I died both times because of an enemy spawning on top of me. Having got that out the way I love the music and environment, there was a lot of good looking environment to look at. My highscore was 101 =).

Really Nice game and idea, couple of things I recommend. The player feels super sluggish and the ability to hold M1 enabled me to just sit in the bottom right corner and rapid fire at incoming enemies. I died both times because of an enemy spawning on top of me. Having got that out the way I love the music and environment, there was a lot of good looking environment to look at. My highscore was 101 =). 

Lmao, so this is my first finished project I made as minimalistic as possible to encourage myself to expand. The camera and game design is questionable at best, so that jump in the second level isn't really supposed to be made as much as it is for you to fall and see the goal was below it. (Huge thanks for checking out though!)

Surprisingly fun! While I enjoyed the gameplay the noise for the gun was too loud and got a little irritating. Meanwhile the music felt a little too quiet when I genuinely enjoyed the track. Also when my player got teleported to the start it felt off-putting as if I died when I'm really just getting ready to fight more baddies! That being said, the sound for the death SFX for the enemies was responsive and nice. I'd add recoil to the gun for even more response but other than that gameplay was engaging and I really enjoyed my time just shooting at the graveyard Crawlies. My highscore was 87 =).

This was nice! Wouldn't call it too difficult or easy (though I swear the spinning cubes have it out for me...). The music was a little much at first but I actually started to like it the more I listened to it. I'm no composer but maybe the start of the track was a little too strong? The gameplay is engaging(I needed to keep Mr. Skelly warm!) and the story fun. I respect making a third person platformer, but sometimes the character sprite arguing with the platforms got distracting. Good Job! you got me to smile at the ending screen =).

This was awesome! I feel to give it more of a horror vibe, there could be weird sounds or ambient foot steps, also eerie music. (Though I'll be honest the music of the bad guy made me laugh =) I thought the fall off of the music to judge where he was was great. As for bugs I played the game a couple of times to see what happens when I get caught, and on the second time the enemy got stuck on a wall.  Overall pretty short but sweet, nice work.

Nice Job on the jump scare sound effect, That really got me... Twice

Awesome mechanic! I love the whole idea of using a death as a way to progress, and the graphics are on par. The music started off really loud and I didn't see the controls till I scrolled down after beating it. The combat felt weird though this defiantly feels more like a plat-former altogether.  Overall Nice work.