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A member registered Aug 09, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks alot for your feedback. MIght need to get into games using similiar mechanics and maybe be diffrent to those by adding some interesting level mechanics if i want to improve this small project.

Loved the color theme and how everything was put together visually. Some animations for the palyer character would've been a nice addition though.

Thanks a ton!

Tank you!

Thanks alot!

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I fired up your game not knowing what to expect after i saw the splash art. then i got the little introduction about this guy who's a little overweight and getting bullied deciding to stand up against his foe and the art style threw me right into a space which reminded my kinda of Crayon Shin-Chan. It is awesome how much love was put into the little images. Only Problem for me was that you had to restart your progress (on a gameplay side) after every arc. This was probably to fit into the theme but it made it alittle bit tedious even though it still goes well with the narrative of the game, since in life also you often have to repeat tasks often and redo them to grow and get better at stuff.

I didn't finish the game yet since your task gameplay wise was the same in each arc and it took away some fun but nontheless a great game and i will finish it another time.

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i liked how you need to think about which shots to use since you have to dodge them later. Pretty nice concept overall. I just thought the shooting was a bit unprecise and unforgiving for how precise you need to shoot and plan your shots since you have limited shots.

Audio-visually it's a neat game!