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A member registered Feb 26, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hello, thank you for your interest, and I apologize for the late reply, as I don't visit this platform often.
I've been working on a new game for over a year now, and it takes place within the same universe.

The combat system is ready and a lot more advanced and polished than Soulstopia -Phi-, but as a result there's a lot more animation work to be done.

If things go smoothly, I may have a presentable product by the end of the year.

Thank you for playing and recording a video !

Thank you for playing! I'm really glad to hear that you like how the combat and effects feel.

The reason there are no defensive mechanics yet is because I haven't decided whether I want to have blocking or dodging in the game, or both.
I will most definitely have a burst mechanic, though.  If I implement dodging I will probably also add a stamina gauge, or a guard gauge if I go with blocking.
It's gonna be a 2D action game/roguelike so experience will be earned by defeating enemies.
I'm also thinking of adding items that can be found in chests or purchased from a shop at the start and other certain points of a run, with the currency carrying over between playthroughs.
Originally I also wanted special moves to be upgraded through leveling, but it would've been way too much work to have 3+ variations of every special move and It would've limited how many moves a character could have.  So I opted for upgradeable stats, gauges, and mobility.

Great job on the visuals, the main character is very cute. The characters and environment work well together, though it was a little jarring seeing the castle(?) floating up in the air when I looked out of a window.
Mashing a single, slow attack over and over got boring really quickly though, maybe you could implement a 3 hit combo? Or increase the amount of damage the player deals. Maybe spraying enemies before attacking them could grant a significant damage buff. If it already functions like that, I honestly didn't notice a difference.

Thank you for the feedback!
I usually add sound effects and music at the very end of development, since I usually buy sound packs and commission  music.

Never played a snowboarding game before but this feels decent.
The controls feel very responsive, in part due to the left/right leaning animations.
The speed line effect looks great. I think the camera changes a little as well? Great feel of impact regardless.
I really like Sophia's design.
I assume the visuals aren't final? The trees and the track look alright, could use some snow trails and particles. Some white atmospheric fog would look good as well I think.
The trick animations feel kind of weak. I remember the skateboard tricks in Sonic Generation's City Escape looking  pretty good, so maybe you could draw some inspiration from that. Your character is pretty small, too, so I feel like SG would make for a good point of reference.
Great work so far! 

(1 edit)

It's already been a while since I've read this. I expressed my appraisal to my friend who had recommended this to me, but not to you directly. The way you've managed to match the 'feeling' of Ryukishi's works and delivered a strikingly similar atmosphere is very impressive.  What I was most impressed by was the prose; it's simple, yet very strong in description. It might seem silly to fawn over something like that, but still. The characters also seemed very consistent: the very first scene where Battler and Beatrice are playing togethere felt very authentic, as if it were straight out of the original games.
Very much looking forward to the final release.