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A member registered Mar 28, 2022 · View creator page →

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Is this like... normal? Why does everyone have a crush on Alice?

I don't know where else to post this but uh, maybe have some way of making weaponry even without buying it first? I think I just got soft locked and IDK how to get out of it. I don't have enough money to buy weaponry, so I can't delve deeper. But I need to delve deeper to get money to buy weaponry to delve deeper? I hope that sentence makes sense. If anyone has a solution, please share. I don't have enough treasure to sell anymore :') Thanks in advance! 

Oh my goodness, you have a gif and a PFP and everything! 

(1 edit)

a post eleven seconds ago just as I click this for the first time 

Marvelous. Let's see what this game has to offer. It is very rare to still find an active IF on Itch, so I'm very excited about this! 

I have tried quite a long time a few times ( just keep coming back to this lol) but I have to ask... 

Is there any way to escape or get a 'good' ending WITHOUT romancing the cultist? 

I don't care what anyone says. MY Bun-Bun is the cutest! 

Well, I know that I am impressed! You say this is rushed and all, but it's a *beautiful* game that looks really neat and detailed, with nice systems in place :) 

I really enjoyed taking care of the tree particularly. It's also after that that I realized you could click with your soldiers to fight, and by doing so it gave me some leeway to win more battles and protect my tree for longer! I realized this after I actually managed to quickly read what the cannon did LOL. 

After that, I managed to get some other upgrades and I managed to get everything under control again. I was sad to read there's no 'good' ending, but I enjoyed the game either way and it does properly show off going too far and greed! 

Overall, I can't even draw a tree or properly do any technical stuff so there is no critique at all here! I loved this game ^^

I would love to play this game, but I think I'm doing something wrong or having the worst luck. As soon as I get the guards, I can't even play because I get spammed with attacks until I die. 
I'm talking 'oh an attack' 
It ends....
And immediately another one starts. 

...I just want to water my fruit tree, man ;w; 

Is there something I am doing wrong? I've bought walls, I desperately tried to refill my guards in between attacks, but they just won't let up! 

UPDATE: I have done it. After nearly a year, I have done it. 

That was VERY fun! (SPOILERS!!) 

The incredible detail of this game is impeccable. Even though I do still stand by my original 'darn it, green eyed cook', I do admit that when I played this again, his green text made me laugh out loud. He's got a great sense of humour, that's for sure! 
The way your choices, the smallest to the biggest, affect the game, as is explained, is incredible. The details of the little differences, the plothooks you can pick up and the incredible size of this seemingly at first small game is amazing. 

The writing is incredible and you can really get to know every character and connect with them, and, on top of that, it actually matters to the plot!! You have to really look closely and inspect and analyze, break apart every single word and letter, pick everything apart and remember it, and it'll all matter in the end! 

I really, really love the way this game was put together. I can tell a lot of thought and care was put into it. Thank you for posting this incredible story for me to play through :) 

If there's any updates, I'll be sure to want to play them! I need to save all of these adorable little cuties, I need to protect them! ;w; 

Aaah! This is so cute, the robots are ADORABLE!! 


I so want to know what happens next, gaaah!! 

I've barely even begun, I'm just setting up my character but allow me to share a little reaction of mine 

Me: Mmmm sister. No, you know what, sibling. yes, they/them. Awesome. Lesgo. 

Leo: that one is (insert pronouns) 
Me: Wait... 
Me: (cautiously clicks through pronouns) 
Me: Oh my gosh... you can be a sister AND have they/them pronouns?! 

BRB, going to set up the nonbinary sister and save their sibling. Thank you so much for including this :) 

Take the gift in the glovebox. Don't forget to hug dad! (IDK what this actually does but I did do it because I felt bad for him lol) 

So after you get the flashlight, which you find by following the light in the beginning of the game (when you first enter the house), you should go downstairs. There, without spoilers, something will happen and a closet will reveal itself. The broom is in the closet.

Ok after my last comment I have confirmed it. Buying back my stuff (Soil, Rocks, ETC) that I have sold in the shop eats all my money and does NOT give me back my stuff that I paid for... 

(2 edits)

Hmm, so every time I rebuy all my stuff, it doesn't seem to actually give me anything back >.< I might be missing something, I just don't notice anything changing. The button turns grey, but that's it. 

EDIT: Ok, so my money goes down, I have it on 100 percent, maybe I'm just an idiot because I think I don't 'notice anything' because... I can't afford to buy a lot. So sorry. 

EDIT 2: Yeah no, I'm a little sure that it's still not doing anything at times.... except taking my money. Not sure, but it *SEEMS* like it which is a bummer. 

I followed this and won with like, four days over and on my first playthrough ^^ Thank you :D 

Ugh, I saw that. I had Roblox before I had Itch Io and now I'm slowly starting to reconsider where all of those 'awesome games' come from. specially where they are, ah, inspired from so to speak :/

Very fun game, I really like it and I'm going to keep it on my laptop eagerly awaiting upgrades :D I am really invested in this and it's a shame it had to end so soon, but it's very fun already :) 

Ah, alright thanks for the answer :) I hope they're having fun at least LOL 

Is there anything I can do to stop looping in the shop or will my character continue to browse and find nothing until their next option? No hate, just genuinely curious :D 

IDK how to set stuff down, so I was just casually holding a rubix cube the whole time. Even as I was swept away, I still clung onto my COMFORT. 

Great job at making me uneasy, that was great. Fun fact: I didn't recognize the picture of my digital pet. I was like 'Aww that's so cute :) Wait.... that looks familiar... OH SHOOT IT'S MY DIGITAL PET-'

But the way you sorta manipulate people into doing stuff and getting uncomfortable? Certain aspects of the surroundings? Amazing. 

I loved it!! My favorite was Morgan's art ^^ 

Wait, what is it supposed to do? I just played the game entirely with the options, no voice recognition needed ^^' I don't talk in mics though, so that could just be me djdjdjd

Ah, I see! I thought I was doing something wrong, LOL. Also I just got the jumpscare of my LIFE ghghg. Good job! Someone was actually near me when I played, didn't even see the jumpscare but heard it and also got jumpscared LOL, especially when I showed them what had jumped out. 

(Slight spoiler!) 

Also the plushie is so interesting. Right before the jumpscare, I noticed it was missing and I was like ''Wait- ... well this isn't good!'' Turned around and BOOM.

If there are updates, I'll definitely play again :D Short game, but very very well done ^^ 

My game keeps getting stuck at the third day, showing how much followers I have and I can't move on >.< Am I doing something wrong? 

Is it possible to click the incident reports or the messages on your inbox? I'm all for lore! 

I can't open the game. Here's a copy of what it says. 


I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

  File "game/script.rpy", line 54, in script

    init python:

  File "game/script.rpy", line 81, in <module>

    usergeoip = aimlbot.fetch_geolocation()

ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "game/script.rpy", line 54, in script

    init python:

  File "C:\Users\Nina\OneDrive\Bureaublad\Schwatz-0.5-pc\renpy\", line 881, in execute

    renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide,

  File "C:\Users\Nina\OneDrive\Bureaublad\Schwatz-0.5-pc\renpy\", line 1913, in py_exec_bytecode

    exec bytecode in globals, locals

  File "game/script.rpy", line 81, in <module>

    usergeoip = aimlbot.fetch_geolocation()

  File "python-packages/", line 704, in fetch_geolocation

  File "python-packages/", line 144, in get_zci

  File "python-packages/", line 55, in query

  File "/home/tom/ab/x64lucid-deps/install/lib/python2.7/json/", line 338, in loads

  File "/home/tom/ab/x64lucid-deps/install/lib/python2.7/json/", line 366, in decode

  File "/home/tom/ab/x64lucid-deps/install/lib/python2.7/json/", line 384, in raw_decode

ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded



Schwatz 0.5

Sat Apr 15 10:40:29 2023


Ah, I'm kind of glad I didn't do anything then because I could not have handled him dying.... that being said will it change the time on my computer too? I'll have no idea how to turn it back LOL 
Thank you so, so much tho ^^ It really means a lot. I just can't 'time travel' if it actually changes the time on my device because if I do then my Disney Dreamlight Valley breaks and I'll have to start over :') 

Hi! So sorry for the bother :') This game, believe it or not, is one of my special interests LOL 

~Gotcha, I thought either something went wrong, my laptop was being stupid or I did something wrong (I thought the last one was the most likely since I'm absolutely terrible with technology LOL) but it's good to know that that is indeed the downloaded version! I only mentioned the saves to convince myself 'yup this is totally the downloaded version, otherwise my saves would still be there!' haha! 
~The choice panel is only when I play via the downloaded version, but I'll see what I can do! (Cuz again, terrible with technology!) I will first try to see if I can access Chrome and if the choice panel is fixed, if it is then I'll leave a little comment that it's all good and if it isn't I'll follow your instructions ^^ hope that is okay!! 
~That does help, thank you! My player character stepped out of the Progenitor and I heard a click and I was like  '....wait just that? Where's the woosh? Where's the dramatic sloshing of liquid vanishing?' LOL. I thought 'there must've been an update to edit sounds' but turns out there isn't ^^ I have noticed that if I go to another area, the music fixes itself usually. Thing is, when I go inside with the first Quartz Chip, and I 'Trudge along the ruins' then go inside, the ruin music still plays with wind and all, so that's why it stood out to me. But there are indeed little ways to fix this, so thank you for telling me those :D 
~Huh, that's good to know. I guess it's just a coincidence then, because I've never, ever had bioregenaration before I had the update. It only triggered and healed me in exploration and combat after I got the update for 40 Microchips and I didn't get that one yet, so I was like 'woah, what is happening here?! Since when do I heal-' but it's good to know it's the plant bits ^^ I genuinely think the forms and different reactions/benefits are so cool tho :D 

Thank you for taking the time to respond to my rambles, and terribly sorry for my rambles at the same time!! I still have to find the time to sit down and play through all the new scenes, but one day... one day I will! 
I swear, you could put this game down for money and I'd buy it, I love it so much. I genuinely can't wait to see more IF there's gonna be more ^^ I hope you have a wonderful awesome day!! 

(2 edits)

Hi! I downloaded the game. Is it meant to take me to an internet explorer page with the game? I don't personally see how it's different from the web version since it's still on the web, but none of my saves are there anymore so I'm pretty sure that it is different ^^ sorry for the silly question!!

EDIT: Seems the art is also covered by the choice panel thingy (a lot of it is just black and then hovering in it are the choice buttons, so a big black bar is at the bottom of the screen) and the only way to get it out is to zoom fully out but then I can't read the text anymore. I'm so sorry for all the messages gaaaah I'm genuinely loving the game I hope this does not come across as some complaining saga cuz it's NOT. Just me trying to figure out if my laptop is broken or if I'm doing something wrong but if I'm not then this is really cool :D - so sorry tho. I love this game ^^ 

(1 edit)


I feel like the sounds have changed since the last time I played. And I played after the lastest update. The Progenitor door feels a little... off, lacking of sound. Base camp doesn't have the lighthearted music either, but idk... Just remember it not being like that the first time I played after the update. 

Now that I think of it, I've restarted the game multiple times due to experiencing sound glitches. Sounds play wrong, or snippets of songs play. Such as the crashing sound, it's like someone spamming pause and play on a movie. The music from one place carries over to another place and if I try to fix it, there's no music anymore at all. 

HOWEVER... And I want to make this clear... It could just be the fact that my laptop is falling apart, which is what I suspect, to be honest. 

EDIT: Okay I feel like there's definitely something going on. I have just begun a new playthrough, not a SINGLE upgrade. Yet, I heal in the midst of battle... I don't think that should be possible, right? I have NOT had the Bioregenaration update yet, so I should NOT be regenerating...? I'm .. very confused :') 
I hope my message doesn't sound rude! 

I wish I had the time and energy for a full playthrough with all the new scenes added again but I have not gotten there yet :') Someday I am going to see all of these scenes. 

I honestly can't wait for the next update(s) if they're coming. Chain events, that you mentioned, if you're still working on that, sound awesome. I just can't wait to see what becomes of this game. Whatever becomes of it, I know I'll be playing it for as long as it goes :D 

Ah no worries sorry again for all the comments. Unfortunately, my laptop is falling apart and I had to work on making some space >.< Terribly sorry >.< All in all tho, it's a very interesting game and I'm still curious where the story is going. 
One day, maybe one day.... ... But for now I gotta take care of my laptop :'D so that it doesn't die on me :'D 

Terribly sorry again but thank you for taking the time to respond! 

I would love to, unfortunately my laptop is falling apart and I can't play the game anymore >.< I will for sure try to remember tho :D thank you so much ^^ I'm just finishing up Liyue to go to Inazuma now. Well, I was, before my laptop decided to not have the game work anymore...
But I've been thinking about starting over because I can barely remember stuff. I didn't know what I was doing, so I accidentally skipped some stuff and now that I actually know what I'm doing I think I could do better ^^ 

I'm the WORST at puzzles and difficult games. This was easy enough for me, whilst still holding that challenge but in a fun way :D Most of the time, I get frustrated and refuse to look stuff up online or ask for help because that makes me feel dumb, only to get stuck and look it up online anyways (ahem Genshin Impact cough cough) and then feel frustrated with myself that I couldn't figure *that* out because it's so logic! 

This time, though I indeed DID look closer and I loved it ^^ Thank you for making this :D It was very fun. I had to play through twice before I realised 'wait... (SPOILER ALERT!!!) The princess is with me now... so that's different than all the times before... Hmmm...' And then I fought them and I thought 'Wait... If *I* can't make it in time to the eggs... Maybe two people can?' (intense breath holding) (Intense breath release) 

Nonetheless thank you for making this, I really love it ^^ 

I'm back to say you all that I started semi-crying at xyx route. My mental health hasn't been okay for a long time, but it's particularly bad lately. It's plummeted down to probably zero/one but like... seeing that representation just really hit me :') 

That idea has my full support!!! 

Poor Salo :') I love him so much LOL. I wish there was like, a (platonic, obviously because I am guessing he's a lil grandpa and the rest is all in their twenties except for two2 who's a highschool student/applying to college, plus he literally says he has a family he loves) route where the main character just gets close to him and they gain a wise, kind grandpa figure. And help him a lot with the laptop. EITHER THAT or they don't know anything about laptops either so that's what gets them close. Just. Getting closer to Salo seems awesome to me :') 

Though thank you. So much. I was stressing over this. I was like 'LOL has he ever unplugged the wrong thing. Okay let's say this and hope that it does  not refer to life support, because that seems like something xyx would say and this is the Nightowl route sooo -- wait.... ??? WHY IS EVERYONE REACTING SO EXTREMELY? WHAT DID I SAY??? WHAT DOES IT MEAAAANNNN???' 

Everyone just reacted... very extremely but that may have just been in my head lol. I thought it was  a little TOO extreme to just mean unplugging something in the literal sense. But thank you so much ^^ 

I love Salo so much tho LOL 

Hi, I'm autistic and not good socially/at hints and I was hoping someone could explain this situation to me; 

When Salo for the first time logged off, you get the option of saying teaching him to be technical could make him too powerful, ask if he's not tech savvy OR to say 'does he ever... unplug the wrong thing?' 

And I didn't know what that meant, so I chose that anyways (Nightowl's route lol) and the responses were... confusing to me. 

Nightowl just keyboard smashed and said that he DID do that, and Quest went 'OH come on he hasn't done that recently!'


I even googled it. NO results. Please, my autistic brain can't handle this I need help lol. WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN ~~